
Bell System Technical Journal, v58: i2 February 1979

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
279-300A Queuing Model for a Hybrid Data MultiplexerAnderson, R.R.; Foschini, G.J.; Gopinath, B.
301-321On the Required Tap-Weight Precision for Digitally Implemented, Adaptive, Mean-Squared EqualizersGitlin, R.D.; Weinstein, S.B.
323-349Wear of Gold Electrodeposits: Effect of Substrate and of Nickel UnderplateAntler, M.; Drozdowicz, M.H.
351-377A Model Relating Measurement and Forecast Errors to the Provisioning of Direct Final Trunk GroupsFranks, R.L.; Heffes, H.; Holtzman, J.M.; Horing, S.; Messerli, E.J.
379-408A New and Interesting Class of Limit Cycles in Recursive Digital FiltersLawrence, V.B.; Mina, K.V.
409-425Integral Equations for Electromagnetic Scattering by Perfect Conductors with Two-Dimensional GeometryMorrison, J.A.
427-466The Evolution and Special Features of Bell System Telephone Equipment BuildingsPferd, W.
467-489Monolithic Electronic Devises Based on Domain Wall Motion in a Ferroelectric CrystalGeary, J.M.
491-500Combining Echo Cancellation and Decision Feedback EqualizationMueller, K.H.
501-515Imaging Reflector Arrangements to Form a Scanning Beam Using a Small ArrayDragone, C.; Gans, M.J.
517-538Properties of Kruithof's Projection MethodKrupp, R.S.
539-543Contributors to this Issue 
545-547Papers by Bell Laboratories Authors 
549-555B.S.T.J. Briefs: Effects of Sandstorms on Microwave PropagationChu, T.S.
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