
Bell System Technical Journal, v44: i5 May-June 1965

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
731-759The N2 Carrier Terminal -- Objectives and AnalysisBoyd, R.C.; Herr, F.J.
761-785The N2 Carrier Terminal -- Circuit DesignLundry, W.R.; Willey, L.F.
787-822Equipment Aspects of Packaged N2 Carrier System TerminalsBell, D.T.; Steiff, L.H.; Taylor, E.R.
823-870Miniaturized RC Filters Using Phase-Locked LoopMoschytz, G.S.
871-898Some Results on the Theory of Physical Systems Governed by Nonlinear Functional EquationsSandberg, I.W.
899-906The Attenuation of the Holmdel Helix Waveguide in the 100-125-Kmc BandSteier, William H.
907-916The Optical Ring ResonatorRigrod, W.W.
917-932Diffraction Loss and Selection of Modes in Maser Resonators with Circular MirrorsLi, Tingye
933-935Contributors to this Issue 
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