
Bell System Technical Journal, v30: i4 October 1951

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
779-785Dr. C. J. DavissonKelly, M.J.
786-797The Scientific Work of C. J. DavissonDarrow, Karl K.
798-824Inorganic Replication in Electron MicroscopyCalbick, C.J.
825-829A Gun for Starting Electrons Straight in a Magnetic FieldPierce, J.R.
830-854Electron Streams in a DiodeGray, Frank
855-866The Davisson Cathode Ray Television Tube Using Deflection ModulationJensen, A.G.
867-887Electron Transmission Through Thin Metal Sections with Application to Self-Recovery in Cold Worked AluminumHeidenreich, R.D.
888-906On the Reflection of Electrons by Metallic CrystalsMacColl, L.A.
907-932The Use of the Field Emission Electron Microscope in Absorption Studies of W on W and Ba on WBecker, J.A.
933-944Heat Dissipation at the Electrodes of a Short Electric ArcGermer, L.H.
945-955Detwinning Ferroelectric CrystalsWood, Elizabeth A.
956-969Longitudinal Modes of Elastic Waves in Isotropic Cylinders and SlabsHolden, A.N.
970-989Frequency Dependence of Elastic Constants and Losses in NickelBozorth, R.M.; Mason, W.P.; McSkimin, H.J.
990-1034Hot Electrons in Germanium and Ohm's LawShockley, W.
1035-1037Published Writings of C. J. Davisson 
1038-1040Contributors to this Issue 
1041-1077The TD-2 Microwave Radio Relay SystemRoetken, A.A.; Smith, K.D.; Friis, R.W.
1078-1102Deterioration of Organic PolymersBiggs, B.S.
1103-1128The Development of Electron Tubes for a New Coaxial Transmission SystemFord, G.T.; Walsh, E.J.
1129-1144Telephone Traffic Time AverageRiordan, John
1145-1173The Reproduction of Magnetically Recorded SignalsWallace, R.L., Jr.
1174-1213Some Results Concerning the Partial Differential Equations Describing the Flow of Holes and Electrons in SemiconductorsPrim, R.C. III
1214-1220Instantaneous Compandors on Narrow Band Speech ChannelsLozier, J.C.
1221-1243The Evolution of Inductive Loading for Bell System Telephone FacilitiesShaw, Thomas
1244-1253Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Published in This Journal 
1254-1255Contributors to this Issue 
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