
Bell System Technical Journal, v55: i6 July-August 1976

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
691-721Automated Network Analyzers for the 0.9- to 12.4-GHz RangeEvans, J.G.; Kerfoot, F.W.; Nichols, R.L.
723-744Evaluation of an Automatic Speaker-Verification System Over Telephone LinesRosenberg, A.E.
745-766Statistical Evaluation of the Error Rate of the Fiberguide Repeater Using Importance SamplingBalaban, P.
767-775A Phased, Optical, Coupler-Pair SwitchRamaswamy, V.; Standley, R.D.
777-802Mode Mixing With Reduced Losses in Parabolic-Index FibersMarcuse, D.
803-824The Boundary Layer in a Concentrated, Multicomponent ElectrolyteLewis, J.A.
825-826Contributors to this Issue 
827-830Abstracts of Papers by Bell System Authors Published in Other Journals 
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