
Bell System Technical Journal, v55: i4 April 1976

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
373-393Step Response of an Adaptive Delta ModulatorBoyce, W.M.
395-407On The Design of All-Pass Signals With Peak Amplitude ConstraintsRabiner, L.R.; Crochiere, R.E.
409-428Analysis of a Gradient Algorithm for Simultaneous Passband Equalization and Carrier Phase RecoveryFalconer, D.D.
429-453Spectral Occupancy of Digital Angle-Modulation SignalsPrabhu, V.K.
455-467A Touch-Tone Receiver-Generator With Digital Channel FiltersGopinath, B.; Kurshan, R.P.
469-496Digital Single-Tone Generator-DetectorsKurshan, R.P.; Gopinath, B.
497-498Contributors to this Issue 
499-501Abstracts of Bell System Papers Appearing in Other Publications 
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