
Bell System Technical Journal, v44: i4 April 1965

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
547-588Automatic Equalization for Digital CommunicationLucky, R.W.
589-601Index Reduction of FM Waves by Feedback and Power-Law NonlinearitiesBenes, V.E.
603-673Generation of Orbital Elements for the TELSTAR Communications SatellitesThomas, L.C.
675-692Analysis of Varactor Frequency Multipliers for Arbitrary Capacitance Variation and Drive LevelBurckhardt, C.B.
693-721Acoustic Beam Probing Using Optical TechniquesCohen, M.G.; Gordon, E.I.
723-724Contributors to this Issue 
725-729B.S.T.J. Brief: On the Simultaneous Measurement of a Pair of Conjugate ObservablesArthurs, E.; Kelly, J. L. Jr.
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