
Bell System Technical Journal, v54: i1 January 1975

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
1-2Bell Laboratories Fiftieth AnniversaryDanielson, W.E.
3-15Mode Coupling in an Optical Fiber with Core DistortionsMarcuse, D.; Presby, H.M.
17-45Quasi-Ray Analysis of Crosstalk Between Multimode Optical FibersCherin, A.H.; Murphy, E.J.
47-52Two Derivations of the Time-Dependent Coupled-Power EquationsPersonick, S.D.
53-68Effect of Junction Capacitance on the Rise Time of LED's and on the Turn-on Delay of Injection LasersLee, T.P.
69-79A Depletion-Load, p-Channel, Bipolar-IGFET TechnologyMarr, G.; Mowery, G.L.
81-102A Speaker-Independent Digit-Recognition SystemSambur, M.R.; Rabiner, L.R.
103-142Space-Diversity EngineeringVigants, A.
143-153A New, Fast-Converging Mean-Square Algorithm for Adaptive Equalizers With Partial-Response SignalingMueller, K.H.
155-164Numerical Evaluation of Integrals With Infinite Limits and Oscillating IntegrandsRice, S.O.
165-176An Experiment on Propagation of 60-GHz Waves Through RainDeLange, O.E.; Dietrich, A.F.; Hogg, D.C.
177-187Rain-Scatter Interference in Terrestrial Microwave SystemsBullington, K.
189-201Optimum Timing Phase for an Infinite EqualizerMazo, J.E.
203-206Contributors to this Issue 
207Erratum: BSTJ v53n2, page 183 
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