
Bell System Technical Journal, v55: i2 February 1976

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
143-155Spectral Moment Estimators: A New Approach to Tone DetectionDenenberg, J.N.
157-165A Simple Description of an Error-Correcting Code for High-Density Magnetic TapeSloane, N.J.A.
167-182A 10-W, 6-GHz, GaAs IMPATT Amplifier for Microwave Radio SystemsTatsuguchi, I.; Gewartowski, J.W.
183-232Design of a Microprogram Control for a Processor in an Electronic Switching SystemStorey, T.F.
233-269Temperature Rise at a Constriction in a Current-Carrying Printed ConductorRainal, A.J.
271-272Contributors to this Issue 
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