
Bell System Technical Journal, v35: i6 November 1956

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
i-ivNobel Prize in Physics Awarded to Transistor Inventors 
1239-1284Theory of the Swept Intrinsic StructureRead, W.T., Jr.
1285-1346A Medium Power Traveling-Wave Tube for 6,000-Mc Radio RelayLaico, J.P.; McDowell, H.L.; Moster, C.R.
1347-1384Helix WaveguideMorgan, S.P.; Young, J.A.
1385-1402Wafer-Type Millimeter Wave RectifiersSharpless, W.M.
1403-1416Frequency Conversion by Means of a Nonlinear AdmittanceEdwards, C.F.
1417-1444Minimization of Boolean FunctionsMcCluskey, E.J., Jr.
1445-1453Detection of Group Invariance or Total Symmetry of a Boolean FunctionMcCluskey, E.J., Jr.
1454-1460Bell System Technical Papers Not Published in this Journal 
1461-1464Recent Monographs of Bell System Technical Papers Not Published in this Journal 
1465-1466Contributors to this Issue 
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