
Bell System Technical Journal, v15: i3 July 1936

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
355-362A Laplacian Expansion for Hermitian-Laplace Functions of High OrderMolina, E.C.
363-379The Relation Between Penetration and Decay in Creosoted Southern Pine PolesColley, R.H.; Amadon, C.H.
380-404Tandem Operation in the Bell SystemBronson, F.M.
405-423A Non-Directional MicrophoneMarshall, R.N.; Romanow, F.F.
424-440Oscillations in Systems with Non-linear ReactanceHartley, R.V.L.
441-445Oscillations in an Electromechanical SystemHussey, L.W.; Wrathall, L.R.
446-454A New Type of Underground Telephone WireQuarles, D.A.
455-468Technical Digests---Effect of Electric Shock on the HeartFerris, L.P.; King, B.G.; Spence, P.W.; Williams, H.B.
469-475Technical Digests---A New High-Efficiency Power Amplifier for Modulated WavesDoherty, W.H.
476-479Abstracts of Technical Articles from Bell System Sources 
480-482Contributors to this Issue 
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