
Bell System Technical Journal, v5: i4 October 1926

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
529-538Radio Signaling System for the New York Police DepartmentAnderson, S.E.
539-554Wave Propagation in Overhead Wires with Ground ReturnCarson, John R.
555-572cElectrode Effects in the Measurement of Power Factor and Dielectric Constant of Sheet Insulating MaterialsHoch, E.T.
573-592Load Carrying Capacity of AmplifiersWillis, F.C.; Melhuish, L.E.
593-603Quality Control ChartsShewhart, W.A.
604-624Applications of Poisson's Probability SummationThorndike, Frances
625-635Line Current Regulation in Bridge Polar Duplex Telegraph CircuitsWilburn, S.D.
636-651Carrier-Current Communication on Submarine CablesHitchcock, H.W.
652-659Abstracts of Recent Technical Books And Papers From Bell System Sources 
660-661Contributors to this Issue 
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