
Bell System Technical Journal, v4: i3 July 1925

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
349-354Oliver HeavisideGill, F.
355-374The Loaded Submarine Telegraph CableBuckley, Oliver E.
375-386Useful Numerical Constants of Speech and HearingFletcher, Harvey
387-401Graphic Representation of the Impedance of Networks Containing Resistances and Two ReactancesCarter, Charles W., Jr.
402-406The Vibratory Characteristics and Impedance of Telephone Receivers At Low Power InputsCurtis, A.S.
407-458Some Contemporary Advances in Physics - VIII The Atom-Model, First PartDarrow, Karl K.
459-507Transatlantic Radio Telephone TransmissionEspenschied, LLoyd; Anderson, C.N.; Bailey, Austin
508-511Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Appearing in this Journal 
512-513Contributors to this Issue 
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