
Bell System Technical Journal, v1: i1 July 1922

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
4-17A New Type of High Power Vacuum TubeWilson, W.
18-38Direct Capacity MeasurementCampbell, George A.
39-59The Relation of the Petersen System of Grounding Power Networks to Inductive Effects in Neighboring Communication CircuitsTrueblood, H.M.
60-87Philadelphia-Pittsburgh Section of the New York-Chicago CablePilliod, James J.
88-115Transmission Characteristics of the Submarine CableCarson, John R.; Gilbert, J.J.
116-128Analysis of the Energy Distribution in SpeechCrandall, I.B.; MacKenzie, D.
129-144The Nature of Speech and Its InterpretationFletcher, Harvey
145-146Contributors to This Issue 
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