
Bell System Technical Journal, v59: i5 May-June 1980

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
669-722Current Directions in GaAs Laser Device DevelopmentDixon, R.W.
723-730Series- and Shunt-Tuned Lumped-Element Microwave CirculatorsKnerr, R.H.
731-744Measuring the Utilization of a Synchronous Data Link: An Application of Busy-Period AnalysisYum, T.
745-762The EL2 Electret Transmitter: Technology DevelopmentKhanna, S.P.; Remke, R.L.
763-796Time- and Frequency-Domain Representation of Multipath Fading on Line-of- Sight Microwave PathsRummler, W.D.
797-798Contributors to this Issue 
799-803Papers by Bell Laboratories Authors 
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