Bell System Technical Journal, v47: i2 February 1968
Table of Contents
Page(s) | Article Title | Author(s) |
161-178 | Optical Heterodyne Experiments with Enclosed Transmission Paths | DeLange, O.E.; Dietrich, A.F. |
179-194 | Measured Beam Deformations in a Guide Made of Tubular Gas Lenses | Daiser, P. |
195-208 | Silicon Schottky Barrier Diode with Near-Ideal I-V Characteristics | Lepselter, M.P.; Sze, S.M. |
209-226 | Design of a Simulator for Investigating Organic Synchronization Systems | Bosworth, R.H.; Kammerer, F.W.; Rowlinson, D.E.; Scattaglia, J.V. |
227-259 | Organic Synchronization: Design of the Controls and Some Simulation Results | Candy, J.C.; Karnaugh, M. |
261-263 | Contributors to this Issue | |
265-268 | B.S.T.J. Briefs: AC Focusing of an Electron Microscope Objective Lens | Heidenreich, R.D. |
269-271 | B.S.T.J. Briefs: Air-Insulated Beam-Lead Crossovers for Integrated Circuits | Lepselter, M.P. |