
Bell System Technical Journal, v6: i4 October 1927

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
551-559TelevisionIves, Herbert E.
560-603The Production on Utilization of Television SignalsGray, Frank; Horton, J.W.; Mathes, R.C.
604-615Synchronization of TelevisionStoller, H.M.; Morton, E.R.
616-632Wire Transmission System for TelevisionGannett, D.K.; Green, E.I.
633-652Radio Transmission System for TelevisionNelson, Edward L.
653-701Contemporary Advances in Physics. XIV Introduction to Wave MechanicsDarrow, Karl K.
702-721Power Plants for Telephone OfficesYoung, R.L.
722-735Quality ControlShewhart, W.A.
736-749The New York-London Telephone CircuitWright, S.B.; Silent, H.C.
750-751Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Appearing in this Journal 
752-754Contributors to this Issue 
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