
Bell System Technical Journal, v60: i4 April 1981

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
455-470Numerical Calculation of Optimum a for a Germania-Doped Silica LightguidePeterson, G.E.; Carnevale, A.; Paek, U.C.; Fleming, J.W.
471-483Multistage Decoding of Frequency-Hopped FSK SystemTimor, Uzi
485-500A Bubble Memory Differential DetectorWynn, W.D.
501-509Subsampling of a DPCM Speech Channel to Provide Two Self-Contained Half-Rate ChannelsJayant, N.S.
511-521Blocking States in Connecting Networks Made of Square Switches Arranged in StagesBenes, V.E.
523-534Optical Fibers for Scanning DigitizersPferd, W.; Stocker, G.C.
535-574Magnetic Localization of Buried Cable by the SCARAB SubmersibleFrancis, S.H.; Lunde, H.R.; Reinold, G.A.; Talpey, T.E.
575-578Contributors to this Issue 
579-581Papers by Bell Laboratories Authors 
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