
Bell System Technical Journal, v54: i4 April 1975

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
667-685Analysis of Field-Aided, Charge-Coupled Device TransferMcKenna, J.; Schryer, N.L.
687-719Aluminum Oxide/Silicon Dioxide, Double-Insulator, MOS StructureClemens, J.T.; Labuda, E.F.; Berglund, C.N.
721-733A 1-Watt, 6-Gigahertz IMPATT Amplifier for Short-Haul Radio ApplicationsMorris, J.E.; Gewartowski, J.W.
735-765Line-of-Sight Paths Over Random TerrainGilbert, E.N.
767-781Two Design Techniques for Digital Phase NetworksBrophy, F.J.; Salazar, A.C.
783-795The Effect of Small Phase Errors Upon Transmission Between Confocal AperturesAnderson, I.
797-805Toward a Group-Theoretic Proof of the Rearrangeability Theorem for Clos' NetworkBenes, V.E.
807-809Contributors to this Issue 
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