
Bell System Technical Journal, v45: i5 May-June 1966

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
661-687Electron Beam Heating of a Thin Film on a Highly Conducting SubstrateMorrison, J.A.; Morgan, S.P.
689-721Predictive Quantizing Systems (Differential Pulse Code Modulation) for the Transmission of Television SignalsO'Neal, J.B. Jr.
723-732Observed 50 to 60 Gc/s Attenuation for the Circular Electric Wave in Dielectric-Coated Cylindrical Waveguide BendsConklin, Glenn E.
733-741Estimation of the Mean of a Stationary Random Process by Periodic SamplingBalch, H.T.; Dale, J.C.; Eddy, T.W.; Lauver, R.M.
743-751Physical Limitations on Ray Oscillation SuppressorsMarcuse, D.
753-754Contributors to This Issue 
755-758B.S.T.J. Briefs: A New Signal Format for Efficient Data TransmissionBecker, F.K.; Kretzmer, E.R.; Sheehan, J.R.
759-761B.S.T.J. Briefs: Performance of a Forward-Acting Error-Control System on the Switched Telephone NetworkWeldon, E.J. Jr.
761-764B.S.T.J. Briefs: A Note on a Type of Optimization Problem that Arises in Communication TheorySandberg, I.W.
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