DPRG Events Shoptalk

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The Dallas Personal Robotics Group is one of the oldest special interest groups in the world devoted to personal and hobby robotics. This page exists as resource for those who are interested in the history of the DPRG. The founders and many of the original members of the group have moved or lost contact with us over the years so it's sometimes hard to discover the details of our past. Over time, we hope to fill in most of the names and dates. Stay tuned...

1984: The Beginning

The DPRG of the Past

In early 1984, Walter Bryant found himself with a Heath Kit Hero robot and some time on his hands. In his own words, here's what happened next.

"Let me tell you of the first days of the DPRG. Bev and I both worked at Texas Instruments. I was a Manufacturing Engineer and Bev was working as a Software Tech, going to college at night at NTSU. I asked Bev, 'what am I suppose to do in the evenings while you are in class?', (in addition to wash clothes, clean the house, etc., but that is another story)."

"Bev suggested I join a club that I was interested in. We had just purchased a kit from Heath Kit, which was a Hero I Robot and I was very interested in Robotics. Bev said, 'well join a club in Robotics'. I said, 'I have already looked, and there are none!' She said, 'well start one'."

"We put up a one sheet flier at both of the Heath Kit stores with our names on it and a short paragraph stating that we wanted to start a robot club. We had our phone number at the bottom. (I have looked for a copy of that sheet, but I have not found one yet.) We received at least two calls; Joe Rowe and Rob Winingham. After speaking with both of these people, (who had both just purchased a Hero I Robot also), we decided to meet at Joe's house because we lived way out in Lewisville."

"Joe fortunately knew the most about clubs because he had been in several, including president of some of them. Tentatively, we said Joe would be the acting president, Bob would be the vice president, and I would be the editor to the news letter."

"We created more fliers, (I have included a copy of this one, the meeting date was Saturday, June 16, 1984), and placed them at the Heath Kit stores, Texas Instruments, and a few other places. I forget the man's name, but he was the sales man at Heath Kit that sold us the robots, he became the treasurer at the first meeting. I can not find notes of the first meeting (yet), but I think there were five or six people present."

"We had a great time and I could see (I thought), that the club was going to have a great future. It did. For several years we grew constantly and did incredible things."

Charter Flier
Dallas Personal Robotics Group 


DATE:  Sat June 16 1984
TIME:  4:00 PM
PLACE:  Heathkit Electronic Center
	2715 Ross Ave. Dallas, Texas
	corner of Ross and I-75 overpass

This will be the first main meeting of the Dallas
Personal Robotics Society, any one interested in
any aspect of robotics is invited to attend.

One of the major topics of the meeting will be
the formation of a HERO Special Interest Group.
(HERO is the Heathkit Educational Robot)


Robert Winingham xxx-xxxx days
Joe Rowe xxx-xxxx nights
The Flyer For the First DPRG Meeting
Original Flyer, PDF

Historical Resources

Meeting Minutes Archive [1984 - Present] - the DPRG secretary keeps minutes of the monthly meetings. These are not available for 100% of past meetings but those that are available have been archived here.

Newsletter Archive [1984 - 1998] - for many years, the DPRG published a printed newsletter which was mailed to all members. The newsletter was eventually replaced by the web site and mailing list. We hope to provide a complete, online archive of these printed newsletters eventually. If you have any old newsletters that you don't see in the archive, please let us know!

Publication Archive [1984 - present] - this is small collection of articles that have appeared in local newspapers and other publications.

DPRG Mailing List Archive - Starting in January of 1997, the DPRG operated a Majordomo mailing list server. This ran through February of 2000 when it was replaced by a GNU Mailman list server. The old Majordomo digests were in ASCII text format but have been reformatted and combined with the newer Mailman emails into a single, searchable web-based archive.

Our historical tshirts

Copyright © 1984 - 2011 Dallas Personal Robotics Group. All rights reserved.