
Bell System Technical Journal, v61: i2 February 1982

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
123-135Effects of Day-to-Day Load Variation on Trunk Group BlockingKashper, A.; Rocklin, S.M.; Szelag, C.R.
137-157The Continuing Evolution of the Military Standard 105D Sampling SystemLiebesman, B.S.
159-199Expansions for Nonlinear SystemsSandberg, I.W.
201-225Volterra Expansions for Time-Varying Nonlinear SystemsSandberg, I.W.
227-246An Approximate Thermal Model for Outdoor Electronics CabinetsCoyne, J.C.
247-256Fail-Safe Nodes for Lightguide Digital NetworksAlbanese, A.
257-258Contributors to this Issue 
259-260Papers by Bell Laboratories Authors 
262-266B.S.T.J. Briefs: Fabrication and Properties of Single-Mode Optical Fiber Exhibiting Low Dispersion, Low Loss, and Tight Mode Confinement SimultaneouslyPearson, A.D.; Lazay, P.D.; Reed, W.A.
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