
Bell System Technical Journal, v60: i1 January 1981

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
1-12An Overflow System in Which Queuing Takes PrecedenceMorrison, J.A.
13-38Absenteeism of Operators: A Statistical Study with Managerial ApplicationsVardi, Y.
39-55Resource Sharing For Efficiency in Traffic SystemsSmith, D.R.; Whitt, W.
57-87Transient Behavior of the Kendall Birth-Death Process - Applications to Capacity Expansion for Special ServicesNucho, R.N.
89-116High-Frequency Behavior of Waveguides with Finite Surface ImpedancesDragone, C.
117-118Contributors to this Issue 
119-120Papers by Bell Laboratories Authors 
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