
Bell System Technical Journal, v56: i5 May-June 1977

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
645-674Impact of Microwave Depolarization During Multipath Fading on Digital Radio PerformanceLin, S.H.
675-701Dual-Polarized Channel Outages During Multipath FadingMottl, T.O.
703-718Loss Analysis of Single-Mode Fiber SplicesMarcuse, D.
719-728Minimum Impulse Response in Graded-Index FibersCook, J.S.
729-745Simplified Theory of the Multimode Fiber CouplerOgawa, K.
747-770On the Design of Sub-band Coders for Low-Bit-Rate Speech CommunicationCrochiere, R.E.
771-779A Variable-Band Coding Scheme or Speech Encoding at 4.8 kb/sCrochiere, R.E.; Sambur, M.R.
781-808On Speech Encryption Using Waveform ScramblingKak, S.C.; Jayant, N.S.
809-819Techniques for Coding Dithered Two-Level PicturesNetravali, A.N.; Mounts, F.W.; Beyer, J.D.
821-826A Probability Inequality and Its Application to Switching NetworksHwang, F.K.; Odlyzko, A.M.
827-829Contributors to this Issue 
831-833Abstracts of Papers by Bell System Authors Published in Other Journals 
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