
Bell System Technical Journal, v56: i3 March 1977

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
329-353Thick Dielectric Grating on Asymmetric Slab WaveguideMarcuse, D.
355-366Photon Tube - An Optical-Fiber Time-Domain ReflectometerPersonick, S.D.
367-383Computer Displays Optically Superimposed on Input DevicesKnowlton, K.C.
385-398100-GHz Measurements on a Multiple-Beam Offset AntennaSemplak, R.A.
399-409Detection and Selective Smoothing of Transmission Errors in Linear PCMSteele, R.; Goodman, D.J.
411-426On the Angle Between Two Fourier SubspacesMazo, J.E.
427-437Rate vs. Fidelity for the Binary SourceLloyd, S.P.
439-454Pitch-Adaptive DPCM Coding of Speech With Two-Bit Quantization and Fixed Spectrum PredictionJayant, N.S.
455-482Evaluation of a Statistical Approach to Voiced-Unvoiced-Silence Analysis for Telephone-Quality SpeechRabiner, L.R.; Schmidt, C.E.; Atal, B.S.
483-485Contributors to this Issue 
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