
Bell System Technical Journal, v53: i4 April 1974

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
557-580Statistical Properties of a Sum of Sinusoids and Gaussian Noise and its Generalization to Higher DimensionsGoldman, Joel
581-610Experimental Investigation of a Linear 500-Element 3-Phase Charge-Coupled DeviceSequin, C.H.
611-627Sampled-Data System Approach to Model Time-Division SwitchesLiu, C.K.; Wang, T.L.
629-643An Optical Repeater with High-Impedance Input AmplifierGoell, J.E.
645-674Slab-Coupled WaveguidesMarcatili, E.A.J.
675-696Transverse Coupling in Fiber Optics Part II: Coupling to Mode SinksArnaud, J.A.
697-704Strip-Loaded Film WaveguideRamaswamy, V.
705-715Rayleigh Scattering and the Impulse Response of Optical FibersMarcuse, D.
717-739Coupling of Nearly Degenerate Modes in Parallel Asymmetric Dielectric WaveguidesReinhart, F.K.; Wilson, L.O.
741-743Contributors to this Issue 
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