
Bell System Technical Journal, v50: i10 December 1971

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
3075-3095Statistics of a General Class of Avalanche Detectors With Applications to Optical CommunicationPersonick, S.D.
3097-3115Design of Digital Filter Banks for Speech AnalysisSchafer, R.W.; Rabiner, L.R.
3117-3125The Preference of Slope Overload to Granularity in the Delta Modulation of SpeechJayant, N.S.; Rosenberg, A.E.
3127-3151Some Considerations of Error Bounds in Digital SystemsPrabhu, V.K.
3153-3158Optical Fiber Joining TechniqueBisbee, D.L.
3159-3168Measurements of Loss Due to Offsets and End Separations of Optical FibersBisbee, D.L.
3169-3175Zero Loss Transfer Across Gaps in a CCDKrambeck, R.H.
3177-3194A General Class of Rate-Change CircuitsAhamed, S.V.
3195-3210The Overflow Distribution for Constant Holding TimeBurke, P.J.
3211-3270Statistical Behavior of a Fading SignalLin, S.H.
3271-3273Contributors to this Issue 
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