
Bell System Technical Journal, v50: i7 September 1971

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
2085-2116TH-3 Microwave Radio System: System ConsiderationsJansen, R.M.; Prime, R.C.
2117-2135TH-3 Microwave Radio System: Microwave Transmitter and ReceiverHamori, A.; Jensen, R.M.
2137-2153TH-3 Microwave Radio System: NetworksDrazy, E.J.; Sheehey, R.E.; Wang, H.C.
2155-2173TH-3 Microwave Radio System: ModulatorsGiust, O.
2175-2194TH-3 Microwave Radio System: Microwave Integrated CircuitsDietrich, N.R.
2195-2204TH-3 Microwave Radio System: The IF Main AmplifierFenderson, G.L.
2205-2221TH-3 Microwave Radio System: Microwave GeneratorBedell, H.R.; Judkins, R.W.; Lahlum, R.L.
2223-2234TH-3 Microwave Radio System: The Traveling-Wave Tube AmplifierBradford, C.E.; Waldron, C.J.
2235-2248TH-3 Microwave Radio System: Power SystemBalicki, J.F.; Chun, P.S.; Salvo, F.J.
2249-2269TH-3 Microwave Radio System: 4A FM Transmitter and ReceiverAndroski, F.J.; Lentz, N.E.; Salvage, R.C.
2271-2285TH-3 Medium-Haul Application: System ConsiderationsSeastrand, K.L.; Williams, D.S.
2287-2313TH-3 Medium-Haul Application: Frequency-Diplexed Auxiliary ChannelKnapp, J.W.; Seastrand, K.L.
2315-2343TH-3 Medium-Haul Application: Protection SwitchingCooney, R.T.; Griffiths, H.D.; Lanigan, F.H.
2345-2353TH-3 Medium-Haul Application: Equipment and Building ConsiderationsSwift, R.A.; Word, J.A.
2355-2363On the Intersymbol Interference Problem for the Gaussian ChannelWyner, A.D.
2365-2374Time-Varying Spectra and Linear TransformationLiu, S.C.
2375-2398Multiple-Path Fading on Line-of-Sight Microwave Radio Systems as a Function of Path Length and FrequencyRuthroff, C.L.
2399-2419Data Transmission by Combined AM and PMSalz, J.; Sheehan, J.R.; Paris, D.J.
2421-2448Crosstalk in Outside Plant Cable SystemsFoschini, G.J.
2449-2464Performance of a System of Mutually Synchronized ClocksMoreland, J.P.
2465-2484A Combinatorial Analysis of the Main Distributing Frame: Spare Requirements for Conversion to Preferential Assignment from Random AssignmentSchumer, M.A.
2485-2493Contributors to this Issue 
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