
Bell System Technical Journal, v48: i3 March 1969

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
501-510Frequency Sampling Filters - Hilbert Transformers and ResonatorsBogner, R.E.
511-526Scattering from Dielectric MirrorsGloge, D.; Chinnock, E.L.; Earl, H.E.
527-539Apparent Increase in Noise Level When Television Pictures are Frame-RepeatedMounts, F.W.; Pearson, D.E.
541-613The Generation and Accumulation of Timing Noise in PCM Systems - An Experimental and Theoretical StudyManley, J.M.
615-636Synchronizing Digital NetworksPierce, J.R.
637-657Extension of Bode's Constant Resistance Lattice Synthesis of Transfer Impedance FunctionLee, S.Y.
659-674Recirculating Ultrasonic Stores: An Economical Approach To Sequential Storage with Bit Rates Beyond 100 MHzSittig, E.K.; Smits, F.M.
675-689Queues Served in Cyclic OrderCooper, R.B.; Murray, G.
691-728A Hybrid Coding Scheme for Discrete Memoryless ChannelsFalconer, D.D.
729-742Convolutional Reed-Solomon CodesEbert, P.M.; Tong, S.Y.
743-767Error Rate Considerations for Coherent Phase-Shift Keyed Systems with Co-Channel InterferencePrabhu, V.K.
769-811Spectral Density Bounds of a PM WavePrabhu, V.K.; Rowe, H.E.
813-816Contributors to this Issue 
817B.S.T.J. Briefs: Correction Concerning Reflecting Objects in Coherent IlluminationEnloe, L.H.
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