Bell System Technical Journal, v46: i8 October 1967
Table of Contents
Page(s) | Article Title | Author(s) |
1659-1678 | Convection and Conduction Cooling of Substrates Containing Multiple Heat Sources | Hein, V.L. |
1679-1697 | Characteristics of Superconductor Strip Transmission Lines with Periodic Load | Hsiao, J.K. |
1699-1731 | Scattering Relations in Lossless Varactor Frequency Multipliers | Dragone, C.; Prabhu, V.K. |
1733-1752 | Effect of Redirectors, Refocusers, and Mode Filters on Light Transmission Through Aberrated and Misaligned Lenses | Marcatili, E.A.J. |
1753-1773 | Communications and Radar Receiver Gains for Minimum Average Cost of Excluding Randomly Fluctuating Signals in Random Noise | Rappaport, Stephen S. |
1775-1791 | Floating-Point-Roundoff Accumulation in Digital-Filter Realizations | Sandberg, I.W. |
1793-1829 | An Approach to a Unified Theory of Automata | Hopcroft, J.E.; Ullman, J.D. |
1831-1851 | Extensions to the Analysis of Regenerative Repeaters with Quantized Feedback | Simon, M.K. |
1853-1859 | Factoring Polynomials Over Finite Fields | Berlekamp, E.R. |
1861-1880 | The Enumeration of Information Symbols in BCH Codes | Berlekamp, E.R. |
1881-1900 | Equations Governing the Electrical Behavior of an Arbitrary Piezoelectric Resonator Having N Electrodes | Lloyd, P. |
1901-1925 | Properties and Device Applications of Magnetic Domains in Orthoferrites | Bobeck, A.H. |
1927-1929 | Contributors to this Issue | |
1931-1933 | B.S.T.J. Briefs: Interpolation of Data With Continuous Speech Signals | Schroeder, M.R.; Hanauer, S.L. |