Bell System Technical Journal, v46: i6 July-August 1967
Table of Contents
Page(s) | Article Title | Author(s) |
1055-1133 | The Si-SiO2 Interface - Electrical Properties as Determined by the Metal-Insulator-Silicon Conductance Technique | Nicollian, E.H.; Goetzberger, A. |
1135-1139 | The Nonlinearity of the Reverse Current-Voltage Characteristics of a p-n Junction Near Avalanche Breakdown | Sze, S.M.; Ryder, R.M. |
1141-1147 | Subjective Evaluation of Transmission Delay in Telephone Conversations | Klemmer, E.T. |
1149-1172 | The Effect of Intersymbol Interference on Error Rate in Binary Differentially-Coherent Phase-Shifted-Keyed Systems | Hubbard, W.M. |
1173-1202 | Experimental Verification of the Error-Rate Performance of Two Types of Regenerative Repeaters for Differentially Coherent Phase-Shift-Keyed Signals | Hubbard, W.M.; Mandeville, G.D. |
1203-1221 | The Suppression of Monocularly Perceivable Symmetry During Binocular Fusion | Julesz, Bela |
1223-1242 | Large-Signal Calculations for the Overdriven Varactor Upper-Sideband Upconverter Operating at Maximum Power Output | Gewartowski, J.W.; Minetti, R.H. |
1243-1266 | Two Theorems on the Accuracy of Numerical Solutions of Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations | Sandberg, I.W. |
1267-1278 | Design Considerations for a Semipermanent Optical Memory | Smits, F.M.; Gallaher, L.E. |
1279-1281 | Contributors to this Issue | |
1283-1287 | B.S.T.J. Briefs: Estimation of the Variance of a Stationary Gaussian Random Process by Periodic Sampling | Dale, J.C. |
1288-1295 | B.S.T.J. Briefs: A Floating Gate and its Application to Memory Devices | Kahng, D.; Sze, S.M. |
1296-1300 | B.S.T.J. Briefs: Semipermanent Memory Using Capacitor Charge Storage and IGFET Read-out | Kahng, D. |