
Bell System Technical Journal, v41: i3 May 1962

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
803-831Semiconductor Surface VaractorLindner, R.
833-855Reswitching of Connection NetworksPaull, M.C.
857-876The Realizability of Multiport Structures Obtained by Imbedding a Tunnel Diode in a Lossless Reciprocal NetworkSandberg, I.W.
877-884On Non-Computable FunctionsRado, T.
885-907On the Theory of Shrink Fits with Application to Waveguide Pressure SealsSchepis, A.J.
909-920Monte Carlo Solution of Bond Percolation Processes in Various Crystal LatticesFrisch, H.L.; Gordon, S.B.; Vyssotsky, V.A.; Hammersley, J.M.
921-943Interference between Satellite Communication Systems and Common Carrier Surface SystemsCurtis, Harold E.
945-958Long-Term Frequency Stability for a Reflex Klystron without the Use of External CavitiesGucker, George B.
959-1009Models for Approximating Basilar Membrane Displacement - Part II. Effects of Middle-Ear Transmission and Some Relations between Subjective and Physiological BehaviorFlanagan, James L.
1011-1029Approximate Solutions for the Coupled Line EquationsRowe, H.E.
1031-1170Transmission in Multimode Waveguide with Random ImperfectionsRowe, H.E.; Warters, W.D.
1171-1173Contributors to this Issue 
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