
Bell System Technical Journal, v39: i4 July 1960

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
745-808The Theory and Design of Chirp RadarsKlauder, J.R.; Price, A.C.; Darlington, S.; Albersheim, W.J.
809-820The Design of Radar Signals Having Both High Range Resolution and High Velocity ResolutionKlauder, J.R.
821-877The TJ Radio Relay SystemGammie, J.; Hathaway, S.D.
879-909Evaluation of Message Circuit NoiseAikens, A.J.; Lewinski, D.A.
911-931A New Measuring Set for Message Circuit NoiseCochran, W.T.; Lewinski, D.A.
933-946Impurity Redistribution and Junction Formation in Silicon by Thermal OxidationAtalla, M.M.; Tannenbaum, E.
947-962Synthesis of Driving-Point Impedances with Active RC NetworksSandberg, I.W.
963-972Pressure at the Interface of Inner Conductor and Dielectric of Armorless Ocean CableBhuta, P.G.
973-994The Construction of Missile Guidance Codes Resistant to Random InterferenceEckler, A.R.
995-1012Human Factors Engineering Studies of the Design and Use of Pushbutton Telephone SetsDeininger, R.L.
1013-1112Passage Effects in Paramagnetic Resonance ExperimentsWeger, M.
1113-1120Recent Monographs of Bell System Technical Papers Not Published in This Journal 
1121-1124Contributors to this Issue 
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