
Bell System Technical Journal, v33: i3 May 1954

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
517-533P-N-I-P and N-P-I-N Junction Transistor TriodesEarly, J.M.
535-558Arcing of Electrical Contacts in Telephone Switching Circuits: Part III - Discharge Phenomena on Break of Inductive CircuitsAtalla, M.M.
559-577Thickness Measurement and Control in the Manufacture of Polyethylene Cable SheathEppler, W.T.
579-659Topics in Guided-Wave Propagation Through Gyromagnetic Media: Part I - The Completely Filled Cylindrical GuideSuhl, H.; Walker, L.R.
661-719Coupled Wave Theory and Waveguide ApplicationsMiller, S.E.
721-788Theoretical Fundamentals of Pulse Transmission - ISunde, E.D.
789-796Bell System Technical Papers Not Published in this Journal 
797-798Contributors to this Issue 
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