
Bell System Technical Journal, v33: i2 March 1954

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
277-302Traffic Engineering Techniques for Determining Trunk Requirements in Alternate Routing Trunk NetworksTruitt, C.J.
303-327Intertoll Trunk Concentrating EquipmentJohnston, D.F.
329-352The Transistor as a Network ElementBangert, J.T.
353-368Continuous Incremental Thickness Measurements of Non-Conductive Cable SheathWojciechowski, B.M.
369-398The Application of Designed Experiments to the Card TranslatorBrown, C.B.; Terry, M.E.
399-416Wave Propagation Along a Magnetically-Focused Cylindrical Electron BeamRigrod, W.W.; Lewis, J.A.
417-504Diffraction of Plane Radio Waves by a Parabolic CylinderRice, S.O.
505-513Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Published in this Journal 
514-516Contributors to this Issue 
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