
Bell System Technical Journal, v14: i4 October 1935

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
553-557Dr. George A. CampbellJewett, F.B.
558-572Dr. Campbell's Memoranda of 1907 and 1912 
573-599Some Aspects of Low-Frequency Induction Between Power and Telephone CircuitsHuntley, H. R.; O'Connell, E. J.
600-631Circulating Currents and Singing on Two-Wire Cable CircuitsAbraham, Leonard Gladstone
632-665Operation of Ultra-High-Frequency Vacuum TubesLlewellyn, F.B.
666-679Further Extensions of the Theory of Multi-Electrode Vacuum Tube CircuitsLevin, S.A.; Peterson, Liss C.
680-697Transatlantic Long-Wave Radio Telephone Transmission and Related Phenomena from 1923 to 1933Bailey, Austin; Thomson, Howard M.
698Technical Digests 
699-701Technical Digests: Superiorities of Lead-Calcium Alloys for Storage Battery ConstructionHaring, H.E.; Thomas, U.B.; Schumacher, E.E.; Phipps, G.S.
702-707Technical Digests: Marine Radio Telephone Service for Boston HarborGifford, F.A.; Meader, R.B.
708-712Technical Digests: Harbor Craft Ship-to-Shore Radio Telephone Service in Puget Sound AreaHansen, E.B.
713-717Technical Digests: Ship Sets for Harbor Ship-to-Shore ServiceWillets, H.N.
718-723Technical Digests: An Electromechanical Representation of a Piezoelectric Crystal Used As A TransducerMason, W.P.
724-727Abstracts of Technical Articles from Bell System Sources 
728-730Contributors to this Issue 
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