
Bell System Technical Journal, v12: i4 October 1933

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
377-430Loudness, Its Definition, Measurement and CalculationFletcher, Harvey; Munson, W.A.
431-451Effect of Atmospheric Humidity and Temperature on the Relation Between Moisture Content and Electrical Conductivity of CottonWalker, Albert C.
452-468Classification of Bridge Methods of Measuring ImpedancesFerguson, John G.
469-497Some Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Noise InductionDavis, R.F.; Huntley, H.R.
498-516Audio Frequency AtmosphericsBurton, E.T.; Boardman, E.M.
517-532Certain Factors Limiting the Volume Efficiency of Repeatered Telephone CircuitsAbraham, Leonard Gladstone
533-537Abstracts of Technical Articles from Bell System Sources 
538-539Contributors to this Issue 
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