Bell System Technical Journal, v10: i4 October 1931
Table of Contents
Page(s) | Article Title | Author(s) |
iii-vii | The Faraday Centenary | |
531-564 | The Interconnection of Telephone Systems - Graded Multiples | Wilkinson, R.I. |
565-576 | Moving-Coil Telephone Receivers and Microphones | Wente, E.C.; Thuras, A.L. |
577-600 | Some Developments in Common Frequency Broadcasting | Gillett, G.D. |
601-615 | Application of Printing Telegraph to Long-Wave Radio Circuits | Bailey, Austin; McCann, T.A. |
616-627 | Audible Frequency Ranges of Music, Speech and Noise | Snow, W.B. |
628-655 | Contemporary Advances in Physics, XXII - Transmutation | Darrow, Karl K. |
656-683 | Developments in Short-Wave Directive Antennas | Bruce, E. |
684-690 | Abstracts of Technical Articles From Bell System Sources | |
691-692 | Contributors to this Issue | |