
Bell System Technical Journal, v9: i4 October 1930

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
603-621Chemistry in the Telephone IndustryWilliams, Robert R.
622-627The Trend in the Design of Telephone Transmitters and ReceiversMartin, W.H.; Davidson, W.F.
628-651Mutual Impedances of Ground-Return CircuitsBowen, A.E.; Gilkeson, G.L.
652-667A Survey of Room Noise in Telephone LocationsWilliams, W.J.; McCurdy, Ralph G.
668-696Contemporary Advances in Physics, XXI, Interception and Scattering of Electrons and IonsDarrow, Karl K.
697-729A Study of Telephone Line InsulatorsWilson, L.T.
730-759The Transmission Characteristics of Open-Wire Telephone LinesGreen, E.I.
760-769Transients in Parallel Grounded Circuits, One of Which is of Infinite LengthPeterson, Liss C.
770-793Impedance Correction of Wave FiltersPayne, E.B.
794-835A Method of Impedance CorrectionBode, H.W.
836-839Abstracts of Technical Articles from Bell System Sources 
840-842Contributors to this Issue 
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