MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL FIELD INFORMATION BULLETIN SERVICE GROUP(S): MICRO,MINI,LARGE MFG: IBM NACS TYPE(S): N134 MFG. MODEL(S): AIX Operating System CATEGORY: SOFTWARE DESC: Software & Utilities *** TABLE OF CONTENTS AS OF 11/10/95 *** FIB 00001.smit.log and smit.script files may grow and use up disk spac12/04/93 FIB 00002.RPx7000 AIX notes and special considerations................08/15/94 FIB 00003./var filesystem may fill, files should be purged............03/25/94 FIB 00004.Disk space requirements for software products...............03/28/94 FIB 00005.Enabling sar................................................03/25/94 FIB 00006.Message "All Available Login Sessions Used" update user lice09/25/95 FIB 00007.Potential security exposure.................................03/30/94 FIB 00008.AIX optional software products installation.................09/27/94 FIB 00009.Tips for using a 4313 terminal in smit......................01/25/95 FIB 00010.'No Available Logins' message on new install......(Text Inco08/26/95 SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------Table Of Contents Pg01 of 01 FIB 00001 MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 12/04/93 *** smit.log and smit.script files may grow and use up disk space *** SYMPTOM: Running out of disk space in root or other partitions. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Check for files named "smit.log" and "smit.script" in root (may be here from root login) and in the home directory of any operator using "smit". ls -lR / | grep smit | pg FIX: Delete large smit.log and smit.script files (may want to back them up first if the customer wants to keep audit trails). NOTE: The administrative utility smit creates a smit.log and smit.script file in the user's home directory, appends to it if it exists, which keeps a history of all commands used by smit by this operator. ORIGINATOR: Norm Jones SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB001 Pg001 FIB 00002 MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 08/15/94 *** RPx7000 AIX notes and special considerations *** Subject : RPx 7000 "AIX Notes and Special Considerations" Type : Informational Purpose : Provide information to the field about the RPx 7000 AIX unix system. This field bulletin is intended to help the first time user to install OpenBASIC, Configure MAI terminals & printers using the AIX smit (Main Utility menu (like sysadmsh (SCO) and sam (HP-UX)). It is not intended as a substitute for an AIX operating system class. A. Installation of OpenBASIC. Installation of OpenBASIC is performed the same as on other UNIX systems. Please refer to the OpenBASIC Administration manual for detail information on OpenBASIC installation. The following are the device name to use to install OpenBASIC : 1. If the OpenBASIC media is on floppy diskettes use /dev/rfd0 as the device name. 2. If the OpenBASIC media is on 1/4 tape use /dev/rmt0 as the device name. B. TERMINAL information : The default values for the console terminal must be : 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and 9600 baud rate. All ports default to the above but you can change this (except for the console terminal) when you configure the ports in SMIT. We used a 4315A terminal as the console with VT100 emulation without any problems. Using the 4315A terminal with 4314 emulation we found two problems when using SMIT : a. You can not use the TAB key to change options in SMIT. b. The terminal hung when trying to select an option for VIRTUAL PRINTERS. Since a VT100 terminal does not support function keys (nor Slave printers) in order to select the SMIT function keys you will have to press the ESC key plus the option number to get that option. (Example : F4 is used to list multiple options, on a VT100 you will press ESC + number 4 key to perform this option). We tested the new DT-4360 terminal and we did not have any problems with the TAB nor the hang problem. Configuring TERMINAL (TTY) using SMIT : Note : If using a ASCII terminal you should use smitty (smit should be used with Xwindows terminals). smitty will bring up the main menu of the AIX System Manager. After typing smitty you will bring up the main menu. Select Devices and in Devices menu select TTY. Select Add TTY option, select tty rs232, select Parent Adapter (like controller number) and this will bring you to the actual port configuration menu. Cursor will be at Port number option (Notice a "*" next to this option, this indicates user must provide info) In addition to the port number there are two other options you should changed (if you have the terminal setup to the defaults 9600, 8n1) theses are TERMINAL type (will set your TERM environment at log-on, for example to set the console terminal (which is a 4315a with vt100 emulation) enter vt100 at this prompt and at log-in your TERM environment will be vt100), the other option will be Enable LOGIN (default is disable which will not SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB002 Pg001 allow user to LOGIN) changed this to enable (pressing tab key will display. possible options one at a time, pressing ESC +4 will display a list and you can select enable). Also notice that the stty options are also in this menu. AIX does not have a /etc/gettydefs file. NOTE : Use the arrow keys to move to the different options. Pressing the enter key will perform the configuration of the TTY port. This applies to all menus in smit. You can also use a 'fast path" to get to the TTY menu by typing at the # prompt: smitty tty (instead of just smitty) This "fast path" can be used to get to any menu directly in smit. NOTE : If configuring a TTY on the 128 adapter port you will see an option "Use Alternative RJ-45 Pinouts" If you are using the MAI 8 pin cable you should have this option Enabled. Please refer to the documentation that comes with the 128 port controller on how to setup the async Node (16 way breakout box). TTY commands : tty : will display your device name (/dev/tty1) lsdev -C |more : will display all devices on the system. You can find which tty is configured on what port/adapter. lsattr -E -l device name : will display all attributes of the port. pdisable port name : will disable port. penable port name : will enable port. C. Creating Users : Enter :smitty mkuser (smitty's fastpath name) or you can select the option via smitty's main menu (smitty). You will be prompted to enter the user name (notice "*" next to User name option). Some user defaults will be : /u/"username" as the HOME directory, /bin/ksh as the user shell. Notice that other options will be to allow user to LOGIN, allow user to RLOGIN, which TTY's can the user login from and a EXPIRATION date. It also set's up system resources but DO NOT modify these since we have not done any testing in this area yet (just take the defaults). Note : In order to allow a non-root user to use the OpenBASIC /usr/ob/bin/dedicate_p and /usr/ob/bin/free_p commands the non root user MUST have the option for ADMINISTRATION User changed to TRUE (default is false) and MUST also add to option Group SET a group called printq. After creating a user you must specify a password for the user (If you do not create a password the user will not be able to login). Type smitty passwd and enter the user name and password. The first time this user logs in, the system will prompt the user for a new password. (He can use his old password or choose a new one). Note : When creating a new user smit will create a .profile for this user. This user .profile is created from a master profile named : /etc/security.profile. You can modify this default profile so that all new user's created have the same information in their .profile (like modifying PATH to include /usr/ob/bin). D. Configuring Printers : Enter smitty printer (fastpath). Select Printer/Plotter Devices, select add printer. For MAI parallel printers choose option opp (Other parallel SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB002 Pg002 printer), for MAI serial printers choose option osp (Other serial printer). Select rs232 (for serial) or parallel (for parallel printers), select parent adapter (controller) and you will be in the main menu for printer configuration. Enter the port number for this controller. Notice that the defaults for a serial printer are 8 bits, Parity=none and baud rate is 9600 (these must match printer hardware setup, you can modify these if necessary (printer side or port side but they MUST match)). If this printer will only be used as a SPOOLed printer you will not have to change anything else but if this printer will be also used in non-spool mode please see the default options : attributes for printer that is not used with a Print queue and change these as necessary (for example a non-spool printer default will be 80 columns per page and you can change it 132 col.) After configuring a spooled printer you must create a Print queue. Enter smitty printer and select Manage Local Printer Subsystem option, Select Virtual Printers, select Add a Virtual Printer, select Option 1 (Printer attached to host), Enter device name (ex: lp0) and select ASCII printer option and answered the questions regarding, Header pages, Trailer pages and create a print queue name (ex: lp0). You can submit print jobs using the regular unix command lp -d or you can use the AIX unix command qprt (refer to man pages, ref manual or infoexplorer for more info on qprt). You can use most of the unix lp commands to control spooling and printing but AIX has also it's own set of commands to control spooling and printing and the user should reference the AIX manual for more info. Note : A form feed at the end of a print job is the default option when you first created the virtual printer. You can modify this so that the print job does not perform this form feed by doing : smitty printer, Manage Local Printer Subsystem, Virtual Printers, Change/Show Charac, Enter number for the printer you want to change and you will be in the EDIT the attribute file option (you can enter a "*" to see all attributes created for this printer) To view the Form Feed at end of job option enter: _Z and it will display :( !:no ; +:yes) and under value you will see "+" (which means yes), to modify type: _Z=! and it will display this new value. Press "enter" to save new value. If you do not want non-spool printer to print an automatic form feed at the end of the print job you must do the following : smitty printer, Change / Show Charac, select printer, and move cursor to the options for attributes when printer is not used with Print Queue and check value for : Send all characters to printer UNMODIFIED option, YES indicates it will not perform a form feed at the end of the print job. Note : You can also control some print options when you open the SPOOLED printer in OpenBASIC by using the "OPTS=" option. You can use options for the lp command or use the OpenBASIC UPDFILTER commands or a combination of both. Example : 100 Open(1,"OPTS="-n2 -m -w132 -uc12 -uL30 -ul8")"LP" The above will open the OpenBASIC SPOOLED printer (LP) and will submit 2 copies of the print job (-n2), send a mail message to the user at the end of the job (-m), print at 132 cols (-w), (the -n, -m and -w are unix lp commands (perform a man on lp for more info), it will print at 12 characters per inch (-uc12), with a page length of 30 lines per page (-uL30) and at 8 lines per inch (-ul8) (-uc, -uL and -ul are OpenBASIC UPDFILTER commands (OpenBASIC will know which commands to use since unix commands are without the -u option). For more info on UPDFILTER see the /usr/ob/docs/man/updfilter file). LP commands will only work on SPOOLED printers but UPDFILTER commands will work with SPOOLED and NON SPOOLED printers (see note about users who will work with NON-SPOOLED printers for important info). SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB002 Pg003 Note : We have tested most of our printers without problems (except for the ones documented is this bulletin). The only printer we had to change the default setups (except for baud rate, bits and parity) was for the PT-4224 INTERFACE PARAMETERS. The parameter for DATA SET READY and for REQUEST TO SEND were changed from the default value of FALSE to TRUE. E. Increase Filesystem space. In testing the first system to be installed at a cust. site we found that the /usr filesystem was using about 97% of it's assigned disk space and we . should increased the filesystem space so that we could install OpenBASIC without problems. Also the /home filesystem might be defined too small. Here are the steps we used to increase filesystem space for /usr (example to add 100 mbyt more to already defined filesystem space) : . smitty, select Physical & Logical Storage, select File Systems, select Add / Change ... File Systems, select Journaled File Systems, select Change / Show Charac. of a Journaled File System, select /usr, position cursor at : SIZE of file system (in 512-byte blocks) and enter +200,000 and press enter (200,000 *512byte = 100mbyt). After this is completed you can perform. df and you will see that this filesystem increased by 100 mbyt. Before performing the above you should have check to see how much disk was free (not assigned to any filesystem). You can do this by looking in smitty at the Physical & Logical Storage, select Logical Volume Manager, select Volume Groups, select List Contents of a Volume Group, enter Volume Group name (press ESC +4 to list all Volume Groups but when the system first comes installs you only have rootvg as the only Volume Group) and check the option FREE PPs (which will display total megabytes free for this volume group, you also must know that the filesystem you want to increase is also a part of this volume group, but with only rootvg as the only volume group we did not have this problem). You could avoid all the above steps to see how much free space the volume group had by just entering lspg rootvg at the # prompt. F. General Information 1. You can login as root on any terminal (not only on console). 2. shutdown +0 : performs a complete shutdown of system without a timeout. 3. shutdown -r +0 : shutdowns and reboots without a timeout. 4. You can perform a shutdown from any terminal as root. 5. shutdown -m : Single user mode m(maintenance mode). 6. command enq ; to control and handle AIX spooling (perform man enq for info) 7. /etc/qdaemon: Print daemon. Has to be running in order to print spooled job 8. lspv : displays disk drives and volume group assigned. (man lspv for info) 9. lsfs : displays all filesystems. (perform man for info) 10. lsvg : display all volume groups (man) 11. lslpp -l : list all software products installed with product name. 12. lsattr -E -l device name : list all attributes for device. 13. lsdev -C : list all devices (name, address and description) on system. 14. tty : will display device name. 15. pdisable portname : will disable port name. 16. penable portname : will enable port name. 17. cpio using the 4/8mm tape drives will not work at the command default block size of 512 bytes, gives message "Cannot write to specified output" or "Cannot read from specified input". use the -B flag for 1024 bytes or the -C and specify a size greater than 512. The default block size can be altered through smit to allow variable block size, "smit" - /devices/tape drive/ change - show characteristics option for the tape drive and change option "Block size from 1024 to 0 (variable length size). Most of the problems we found when trying to connect terminals and printers to SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB002 Pg004 the RPx 7000 system were caused by not having the proper cable pinouts, connectors or adapters. Engineering is working very hard to get this information documented ASAP. ORIGINATOR: Joe Melendez MODIFIED by: Norm Jones SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB002 Pg005 FIB 00003 MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 03/25/94 *** /var filesystem may fill, files should be purged *** Subject: /var FILESYSTEM GROWTH ON RPx7000 SYSTEMS Type: Informational WARNING Purpose: To inform the field of the files on the RPx7000 system which tend to grow very large at the expense of disk space The /var file system contains data files that tend to grow very large. The default size for the /var file system is 4Mbytes; if applications on your machine use the /var file system extensively, the size of the file system will need to be increased (smit chjfs). The applications which use subdirectories in the /var file system include accounting, mail, and the print spooler. Files which may need to be monitored periodically include: /var/adm/wtmp /var/adm/ras/errlog Other files to monitor are: /var/adm/ras/trcfile (if trace facility is turned on) /var/tmp/snmpd.log (if snmpd is running) /var/spool/mail Please advise the system administrator's at your customer sites to clean up these files periodically. **************************************************************************** The following two files grow extensively: /var/adm/wtmp /var/adm/ras/errlog Below is a method for automatically cleaning up the files on a daily basis, thus preventing disk space from being consumed unnecessarily. 1. Login as root. 2. Change to the /usr/local/bin directory and create a file called cleanvar. Follow the steps below. a. cd /usr/local/bin b. Edit cleanvar and make the following entries: -------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/ksh # # This script cleans up the files in the /var file system # which tends to grow uncontrollably # # Remove record of date changes rm /var/adm/wtmp # Delete entries in the errorlog that are 10days or older errorclear 10 --------------------------------------------------------- Press ESC to enter command mode. Enter "SHIFT ZZ" to save file and exit. 3. Make the file you just created executable. chmod +x clearvar SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB003 Pg001 4. Edit crontab and add an entry to clean up the /var file system at 1:15A.M. everyday. The steps to do this follow: a. crontab -e ( You are now in vi) Enter "SHIFT G" - this will take you to the end of the file Type "o" (lower case o) - to open up a new line (Input mode) Enter: "15 01 * * * /usr/local/bin/cleanvar 2>/dev/null" Type "ESC" - End Input mode and enter command mode Enter "SHIFT ZZ" - to save file and exit 5. You are done. ORIGINATOR: Eugene Okafor SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB003 Pg002 FIB 00004 MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 03/28/94 *** Disk space requirements for software products *** Subject: RPx7000 DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS Type: Informational Purpose: To inform the field of field about disk requirements for Software Products on RPx7000 Systems and those products normally installed. Normally Installed Option Name Product Description Disk Space Reqm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Y bos.obj BOS Runtime 108.0 Y Shareable Portion of BOS 1.0 Y bssiEn_US Base System Standard Info 48.4 Y bspiEn_US Base System Program Info 40.2 Y bsm Base System Messages (English) 4.6 Y bosadt.obj Application Dev. Toolkit 4.3 Y Application Dev Toolkit (Shareable) 0.2 Y bosadt.lib.obj Base Dev. Includes & Libraries 7.5 Y Base Profiling SUpport 2.1 Y bosadt.xde.obj X-Development Environment 0.3 Y bosext1.csh.obj C shell 1.0 Y bosext1.ecs.obj Remote Customer Servcies 1.3 Y bosext1.extcmds.obj Extended Commands 0.3 Y Shareable portion of Ext commands 0.4 Y Message handlerm 5.3 Y bosext1.uucp.obj UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program 1.3 Y bosext1.vdidd.obj CGI device drivers 2.3 Y bosext2.acct.obj Accounting System 1.0 Y bosext2.ate.obj Asynchronous terminal Emulation 0.2 Y bosext2.dlc80-23.obj IEEE EThernet (802.3) Data Link Cntr 0.6 Y bosext2.dlcether.obj Standard Ethernet Data Link Control 0.6 Y bosext2.dlcsdlc.obj Synchronous Data Lin Control 0.3 Y bosext2.dlcqllc.obj Qualified Logical Link Control 0.3 Y bosext2.dlctoken.obj Token-Ring Data Link Control 0.3 Y bosext2.dosutil.obj DOS Utilities 0.4 Y Games 0.8 Y bosext2.x24app.obj X.25 commands 0.5 Y Learn Commands Lessons 2.9 Y bosnet.ncs.obj Network Computing System 1.1 Y bosnet.nfs.obj Network File System/NIS/RPC Lib & Fac 1.9 Y bosnet.snmpd.obj Simple Network Mgmt Protocol Agent 3.7 Y bosnet.tcpip.obj TCP/IP Applications 3.8 N txtfmt.bib.obj Bibliography Support 0.2 N Shared data portion of Bibliography 0.1 N txtfmt.fmt.obj Base Graphics Commands 1.2 N txtfmt.spell.obj Writer's Tools 0.8 N Shared data portion of Writer' Tools 0.2 N txtfmt.txf.obj Text Formatting Services 3.4 N Shared data portion of Text Form Srv 0.7 N txtfmt.ts.obj Transcript Tools 2.3 N txtfmt.xpv.ov TROFF Xpreviewer 0.6 N txtfmt.hplj.fnt Fonts for Hewleth-Packard Laser Jet 3.6 N txtfmt.ibm3812.fnt Fonts for IBM 3812 Printer 3.3 N txtfmt.ibm3816.fnt Fonts for IBM 3816 Printer 3.01 Y hanfs.obj High Availability Network File Sys 0.5 Y des.obj Data encription standards library 0.1 Y infoxl.obj Extended license information package 0.1 Y pci.obj DOS Server 1.0 SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB004 Pg001 N xlccmp.obj XL C Compiler 3.9 N fddi.obj Fiber Distributed Data Interface 0.8 N pcsim.obj PC Simulator 3.7 N pcsimm.En_US.msg Messages/help Text (per Language) 0.1 N x_st_mgr.obj Support for 7010 Xstation 2.6 N x_st_mgrmEn_US.msg System Messages for Xstation Mgr 0.1 N X11rte.obj AIXwindows Runtime Environment 14.5 N X11rte.ext.obj AIXwindows RTE Extensions 20.8 N X11mEn_US.msg AIXwindows Messages/Help Text 0.5 N netware.fs.obj Netware filesystem Note (i) N netware.server.obj Netware Server Programs Note (i) Note: i) For Netware, the following disk space is required: / (root) 0.21 /usr 8.85 /var 0.29 /tmp 1.72 /opt 53.00 ii) The above list does not include all the optional software products that are available with AIX. ORIGINATOR: Eugene Okafor MODIFIED by: Norm Jones SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB004 Pg002 FIB 00005 MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 03/25/94 *** Enabling sar *** Subject: System Activity Reporting Facility on RPx7000 systems Type: Informational Purpose: To inform the field on the methodology for enabling the system activity reporting (sar) facility on RPx7000 systems The RPx7000 system maintains a series of system activity counters that record various activities and provide the data that "sar" reports. The system performance can be monitored using the values that are gathered from these counters. The RPx7000 system's operating system, AIX, is delivered with system activity reporting disabled, thus preventing chronological system performance information from being gathered. The procedure below allows the invocation of the crontab entries which. turn on the system activity reporting facility on AIX systems. 1. Change to the "/var/spool/cron/crontabs" directory. #cd /var/spool/cron/crontabs 2. Edit the "adm" file and uncomment the entries for system activity reports. #vi adm Delete the pound (#) sign at the beginning each of the four lines between the two horizontal lines in the SYSTEM ACTIVITY REPORTS section of the file. Here is what the entries should look like after modification: 0 * * * 0,6 /usr/lib/sa/sa1 & 0 18-7 * * 1-5 /usr/lib/sa/sa1 & 0 8-17 * * 1-5 /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1200 3 2>/dev/console & 5 18 * * 1-5 /usr/lib/sa/sa2 -s 8:00 -e 18:00 -A & ORIGINATOR: Eugene Okafor SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB005 Pg001 FIB 00006 MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 09/25/95 *** Message "All Available Login Sessions Used" update user license *** The message "All Available Login Sessions Used" will occur whan a login is attempted that exceeds the user license. The user license can be modified through smit, it should match the purchaced number. The path through smit is: smit > System Environment > Change number of licensed users After changing the Number of Licenced Users through SMIT, reboot the system and the problem is resolved. NOTE: On AIX 4.1 OS the license module is not installed, use the following procedure to install the license module: 1. wnter 'smit' - select software install/maintenance 2. select - software install/update 3. select - install update selectable software 4. select - install bundles of software 5. make sure the OS media is installed (CD or tape) and choose correct device 6. select - Apps/Dev 7. if not highlighted, highlight bundle contents to install, enter 'escape 4' to list packages to install 8. enter the "/" key to find the following: bos.sysmgt Note: the package is " boss.sysmgt" 9. select the package / then install 10. after install is complete exit smit and re-enter smit 11. select - system environments 12. select - change / show user license - enter number of user license You must reboot for this to take effect. ORIGINATOR: Fred Chiupi SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB006 Pg001 FIB 00007 MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 03/30/94 *** Potential security exposure *** Subject: Potential Security Exposure in RPx7000 and RS/6000 systems running AIX 3.2.5 Operating system Type: Informational Alert Purpose: Provide the field with the procedures for eliminating the security exposure which results after installing the Performance Tools on AIX 3.2.5 operating systems running on RPx7000 and RS/6000 systems Problem Statement: ----------------- RPx7000 and RS/6000 security is compromised after the performance tools, which comes as part of the bosext1.extcmds.obj Optional program Product, is installed on AIX 3.2.5 operating system. This security exposure could allow local users to gain unauthorized root access. Resolution: ---------- The procedure below elimnates the potential security exposure described above. 1. Login as root. 2. Execute the following command at the system prompt: chmod -R u-s,og= /usr/lpp/bosperf/* The above command will change the permissions of the performance tools so that, they can no longer be executed by users other than root. It does not change the permissions of any data or programs on your sysstem. Note: THIS PROCEDURE IS MANDATORY ON ALL RPx7000 SYSTEMS. ORIGINATOR: Eugene Okafor SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB007 Pg001 FIB 00008 MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 09/27/94 *** AIX optional software products installation *** Chapter six of the AIX installation manual seems to differ from the screens that appear during AIX version 3.2.5 optional software installation. The following procedure seems to work and it includes a suggested list of packages to install and they are shown as they appear on tape. First, put the AIX tape 1 of 2, marked "Bootable" in the tape unit. sign on as 'root' and at the # sign type in "smit". hi-light "Software Install" and hit return. Hi-light "Install/Update Software" and hit return. Hi-light "Install/ Update Selectable Software (Custom Install)" and hit return. Hi-light "Install at Latest Available Levels" and hit return. For the "Software to Install" parameter, hit "ESC + 4" for the list of packages. At this point it goes out to tape to read in the list. Once the list is displayed, you need to arrow down through it and as each of the following packages appear as the hi-lighted line, hit "ESC + 7" to select it. This puts a ">" to the left of the package. Don't. hit return until all packages have been selected with "ESC + 7". You only need to select the top line of each package that has the word "ALL" to the right of it. Once all packages are selected, hit return to get back to the parameters screen. For the input device, type in "/dev/rmt0" or "/dev/rmt1" dependant on if the tape unit is the first or second configured on the system. For the following list of packages, we were not prompted for the second tape but if you add other packages you may well need the second tape. HERE'S THE NINE PACKAGES THAT WE HI-LIGHTED AND SELECTED WITH ESC + 7 : Base Application Developement Toolkit ALL Base Operating System ALL Base Operating System Extensions 1 ALL Base Operating System Extensions 2 ALL Base Operating System Network Facilities ALL Base System Messages - U.S. English ALL Base System Programming Information ALL Base System Standard Information ALL DOS Server ALL It takes almost two hours to load these down from the first tape. If you select packages that you are unsure of or select all packages, it may not finish to the expected "ok" prompt. Some packages result in a "failed" prompt and the reasons are various. The problem is if you pick "ALL" the error code for the failure is over 11,000 lines down the list. So i suggest you install the packages that you know you want and then experiment with others separately. Good luck. ORIGINATOR: Jim Dobson SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB008 Pg001 FIB 00009 MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 01/25/95 *** Tips for using a 4313 terminal in smit *** A 4313 terminal (or PC running MAITERM/PCLINK) will function in smit, set your . TERM environment variable: # TERM=4313 # export TERM Use CTL+P for the up arrow fuction Use CTL+N for the down arrow function Use ESC followed by the number keys per the screen diplay for other functions ORIGINATOR: Norm Jones SOFTWARE-IBM-AIX Operating System-------------------FIB009 Pg001