MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL FIELD INFORMATION BULLETIN SERVICE GROUP(S): MINI MFG: BASIC FOUR NACS TYPE(S): N020 MFG. MODEL(S): MAI BUSINESS CATEGORY: SOFTWARE DESC: GRAPH *** TABLE OF CONTENTS AS OF 07/31/91 *** FIB 00001.Business GRAPH 3.1A on the MPx Software Announcement........05/04/87 FIB 00002.MAI Business GRAPH 3.1A on the 2000 Software Announcement...05/04/87 FIB 00003.MAI 2000 System Business Graphics Software..................05/04/87 FIB 00004.Business Graph 3.1A PT-4215 printer support clarification...10/30/87 FIB 00005.Level 3.1A on Release 7.3 OS will not graph to printers.....12/02/87 FIB 00006.Supported Devices/Configurations [ WPSF 478A ].............12/19/88 FIB 00007.Pies and Stack Bars don't Print on 8/9.6C [ WPSF 482 ].....12/19/88 FIB 00008.PT-4215 on MPx unable to draw graph [ WPSF 700 ]...........04/25/91 SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------Table Of Contents Pg01 of 01 FIB 00001 05/04/87 *** Business GRAPH 3.1A on the MPx Software Announcement *** MAI Business GRAPH~ 3.1A on the MPx is now available for distribution. It can be ordered on 1/4 inch Magnetic Tape Cartridge or 1/2 inch Magnetic Tape Streamer with the following Market Codes: Domestic - WR104AA International - WR113AA TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 OVERVIEW 2.0 REQUIREMENTS 3.0 GRAPH DEVICES 4.0 INSTALLATION 5.0 GETTING STARTED 6.0 DEVICE CONFIGURATIONS 6.1 DT-4310 Eagle Display Terminal 6.2 HP 7475A Pen Plotter 6.3 PT-4214 Dual Mode Printer 6.4 PT-4201 150/300 LPM Printer 7.0 MPx/2000 DIFFERENCES 8.0 HELPFUL HINTS 9.0 WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS [ MAI Business GRAPH~ Version 3.1A Software Announcement] 1.0 Overview [ ] MAI Business GRAPH~ on the MPx functions virtually the same as Business GRAPH~ on the 2000. The primary difference between the two is that the MPx version is written in PASCAL while the 2000 version is written in "C." Additional differences are listed in the MPx/2000 Differences section. 2.0 Requirements o An Operating system at level 8.5C or greater. o Approximately 600 sectors of disk space. 3.0 Graph Devices o DT-4310 EDT with Graphics interface board. o HP 7475A Pen Plotter o DT-4214 Dual Mode Printer o DT-4201 150/300 LPM Printer 4.0 Installation SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB001 Pg001 1. Install Business GRAPH on the MPx using the SAVERESTORE utility. The following files will be copied onto the system: .GRAF.GRAPH .GRAF.GRAPHMAKER .GRAF.PGM.& .GRAF.ETC.PLOTTERS.T .GRAF.ETC.GKS.FONT& .GRAF.ETC.GKS.DEVICES .GRAF.ETC.GRF.PROMPTS .GRAPHICS.& .ETC.LEVEL.GRF.T 2. Copy files "GRAF.GRAPH" and ".GRAF.GRAPHMAKER" into your system directory. Example: !COPY .GRAF.GRAPH,(primary disk).SYS.R5Cxx.GRAPH !COPY .GRAF.GRAPHMAKER,(primary disk).SYS.R5Cxx.GRAPHMAKER 3. If this is a new installation, you must rename the ".GRAF.ETC.PLOTTERS.T" file to ".GRAF.ETC.PLOTTERS"and the ".ETC.LEVEL.GRF.T" file to ".ETC.LEVEL.GRF". NOTE: The "ETC.LEVEL.GRF" file must reside on your primary disk. 4. MPx Business GRAPH requires a security key that must be installed using the following command. !.GRAF.PGM.INSTALLKEY GRF You can obtain your 8 character key from Software Distribution. 5. The ".GRAF.ETC.PLOTTERS.T" file on tape contains examples of device entries. You mad add and/or delete devices from this file to match the plotter devices on your system. Afer copying this file onto your primary disk, you may modify this file using the BOSS/VS EDITOR utility. (For more information on this utility refer to the BOSS/VS Utilities Users Guide - M5102C - Section 6). !EDIT .GRAF.ETC.PLOTTERS The following is a sample ".GRAF.ETC.PLOTTERS" file. DEFAULT:T21:edt:: PRINT:LP:dmp:SUBMIT PRINT=P1,CLASS=G,DELETE=TRUE : LP:LP:dmp:SUBMIT PRINTER=LP,CLASS=G,DELETE=TRUE : T5:T5:edt:: NOTE: One entry in the ".GRAF.EDT.PLOTTERS" file must be named "DEFAULT". You must also have a space before the last colon ":" if you are passing a parameter. (Ex: the space after "TRUE") Supported Devices With Their Types: Device Type Parameters DT-4310 EDT :edt:: HP 7475A Pen Plotter :spe.hpplot:: DT-4214 Dual Mode Printer :dmp:SUBMIT PRINT=xx, CLASS=x, DELETE=TRUE DT-4201 150/300 LPM Printer :dmp:SUBMIT PRINT=xx, CLASS=x, DELETE=TRUE SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB001 Pg002 Sample '.GRAF.ETC.PLOTTERS' file: DEFAULT:T21:edt:: PRINT:LP:dmp:SUBMIT PRINTER=P1, CLASS=G, DELETE=TRUE : LP:LP:dmp:SUBMIT PRINTER=LP, CLASS=G, DELETE=TRUE : T5:T5:edt:: NOTE: You must have a space before the last colon ":" if you enter a parameter. 6. Create CLASS "G" with the following attributes if you wish to output to the DMP or the 150/300 LPM Printer. PRINTING CLASS :G CHARACTERS PER LINE :132 LINES PER PAGE :66 NUMBER OF SEPARATOR PAGES :0 AUTOMATIC PAGING :NO INCLUDE PAGE NUMBERS :NO PLOT MODE ONLY :NO EIGHT LINES PER INCH :NO PRINTER BAND TYPE :0 FORM MOUNTING MESSAGE :MOUNT GRAPHIC FORMS 5.0 Getting Started After proper installation, the GRAPH command and GRAPHMAKER utility can be executed from any directory, no special prefix is required. To verify that you have installed MAI Business GRAPH properly: Set your prefix to "(family).GRAPHICS". This directory contains GRAPH demo parameter test files that can be printed to any of the plotter devices set up on your system. !PREFIX (family).GRAPHICS. Testing the GRAPH Command: From command mode, enter "GRAPH" + parameter text file name + additional parameters. The GRAPH command assumes that the test file name has an extension of ".DATA" therefore, the extension should not be given. The following is an example of printing the "DATA07.DATA" file: !GRAPH DEMO07 TYPE=PIE PLOTTER=PRINT If MAI Business GRAPH~ was installed properly, the exmple above will print the "DEMO07" graph to the device specified as "PRINT" in your ".ETC.PLOTTERS" file. If no TYPE or PLOTTER is specified, the TYPE will default to the type specified in the parameter text file and the PLOTTER will default to the DEFAULT that is specified in you ".ETC.PLOTTERS" file. Replacing the "TYPE=PIE" with "TYPE=BAR" will print the "DEMO07" graph as a BAR instead of a PIE. (For additional information on GRAPH refer to the MAI Business GRAPH User Guide and Reference Manual). Testing the GRAPHMAKER Utility: GRAPHMAKER is the front end interface to the GRAPH command. It aids you in creating, modifying and printing the parameter text files that are required by GRAPH. SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB001 Pg003 Like GRAPH, GRAPHMAKER can be executed from any directory. GRAPHMAKER is initiated by passing a parameter text file to it. Example: !GRAPHMAKER DEMO07 GRAPHMAKER will load the parameter test file "DEMO07.DATA" if it exists or will create the file it does not. This text file can then be modified or printed through GRAPHMAKER. GRAPHMAKER will automatically ad the extension of ".DATA" when it creates files. Cursor Control in GRAPHMAKER The cursor contol keys can be viewed by pressing the HELP key on your EDT or by pressing CTL-Z. The following are the cursor control keys for GRAPHMAKER. CTL - L Next cell to the right. CTL - H Backspace and next cell to the left. CTL - K Kick Up one cell. CTL - J Jump down one cell. CTL - W Return to the Menu Window. CTL - D Delete character. CTL - F Forward 1 character. Backspace Non-destructive Backspace. (For additional informaiton on GRAPHMAKER refer to the MAI Business GRAPH User Guide and Reference Manual - M7551, M7555) PT-4312 EDT Graphics Demo: If the "DEFAULT" device in your ".ETC.PLOTTERS" file is set up to be your DT-4310 EDT with a graphics interface board, you can execute the MAI Business GRAPH terminal demo by entering "DEMO" from command mode. !DEMO This program will print a wide range of graphs, that were created through MAI Business GRAPH, to your PT-4310 EDT. 6.0 Device Configurations 6.1 DT-4310 EDT with graphics interface board: No special requirements. 6.2 HP 7475A Pen Plotter: The HP Plotter must be configured on the ISDC as a TERMINAL, SPE/VDT, 7 BIT, ODD PARITY, 1 STOP BIT, 9600 BAUD, LINE LENGTH 80, X-ON/X-OFF and BANNER NO. The plotter uses a standard VDT cable (907116). The dip switches on the plotter should be set as follows: S2 - ON, S1 - ON, Y - OFF, US - ON, A3 - OFF, B4 - ON, B3 - OFF, B2 - ON, B1 - OFF 6.3 PT-4214 Dual Mode Printer: The DMP is configured as it normally would be for standard data SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB001 Pg004 processing, however, the configuration on the printer itself must be switched to mode 1 (Word Processing) if the user wants to graph his output onto 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. 6.4 PT-4201 50/300 LPM Printer: The 150/300 LPM Printer is configured as it normally would be for standard data processing. Its graph output requires 132 column paper. 7.0 MPx/2000 Differences o Location of files: File Type 2000 MPx plotters file /etc/plotters .GRAF.ETC.PLOTTERS font files /etc/gks/font* .GRAF.ETC.GKS.FONT& device file /etc/gks/devices .GRAF.ETC.GKS.DEVICES help file /etc/grf/help .GRAF.ETC.GRF.HELP prompt file /etc/grf/prompts .GRAF.EDT.GRF.PROMPTS demo files /graphics/* .GRAF.& executable files /bin/graph .Rxxx.SYS.GRAPH /bin/graphmaker .Rxxx.SYS.GRAPHMAKER security file /etc/level/GRF .ETC.LEVEL.GRF o Configure Support: The MPx configure utility will not maintain the plotters file as done in the 3.1A version on 7.2A on the 2000. The user must use the text editor to add, modify, or delete entries. o Data File Names The MPx GRAPHMAKER~ will convert text to upper case. The 2000 graphmaker will accept both lower and upper case. o Plotting on the PT-4214 Dual Mode Printer. The MPx requires that you manually switch the DMP to mode 1 before printing your graph to it. The 2000 will automatically switch the DMP to mode 1 when printing a graph and then back to mode 2 when it is finished. The MPx will not accept the escape sequences that MAI Business GRAPH~ sends to the DMP to switch it to mode 1; therefore, these escape sequences were left out of the MPx version of Business GRAPH. o The DT-4201 150/300 LPM printer is not supported on the 2000 version of MAI Business GRAPH~ because this version assumes that you have a DMP attached. Therefore, it sends out the escape sequences to change a DMP to mode 1 thus, causing the 150/300 LPM printer to print garbage. 8.0 Helpful Hints o The column headings across the top of your data screen in GRAPHMAKER should be looked upon as sets of like data. The row headings going down the left column of the data screen should be view upon as parts of a set. o Data for individual pie graphs should be entered in one column. o Data for individual line graphs should be entered in one row. o The following will clear a graphics screen from BASIC: SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB001 Pg005 PRINT 'BO',$1B5A471B0C1B5A67$,'EO' o Pressing the ESC key and then DEL key on the EDT will clear a graphics screen. 9.0 Warning and Cautions o The DT-4214 (DMP) going through the parallel to serial converter box (SPPC) will not support MAI Business GRAPH~. ORIGINATOR: MBF SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB001 Pg006 FIB 00002 05/04/87 *** MAI Business GRAPH 3.1A on the 2000 Software Announcement *** MAI Business GRAPH 3.1A on the 2000 is now available for distribution. It can be ordered with the following Market Codes: WC065AA - 1/4 inch Magnetic Tape Cartridge WC067AA - 1/2 inch Magnetic Tape Streamer WC060AA - Floppy TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 OVERVIEW 2.0 REQUIREMENTS 3.0 SUPPORTED GRAPH DEVICES 4.0 INSTALLATION / CONFIGURATIONS 5.0 CURSOR CONTROL IN GRAPHMAKER 6.0 HELPFUL HINTS 7.0 WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS The primary differences between MAI Business GRAPH and its predecessor MAI Business Graphics are the name changes and the installation procedure. MAI Business GRAPH is also the module that is supported by MAI OFFICE, our integrated office automation system. The product name has been changed from MAI Business Graphics to MAI Business GRAPH. The program names have been changed from 'chart' and 'chartmaker' to 'graph' and 'graphmaker'. This release also corrects most bugs found in 7.1 version of MAI Business Graphics. 2.0 Requirements o An Operating system at level 7.2A or higher. o Approximately 600 sectors of disk space. 3.0 Supported Graph Devices o DT-4310 EDT with Graphics interface board. o HP 7475A Pen Plotter o PT-4314 Dual Mode Printer 4.0 Installation / Configuration 1. Restore Business GRAPH on the 2000 using the install command. If you are installing from floppy use 'fd0' as the device name. If you are installing from 1/2 inch MTS use 'ts' as the device name. If you are installing from 1/4 inch MCS use 'cs' as the device name. Example of installing from MCS: SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB002 Pg001 admin>install cs GRF The following files will be copied onto the system: /bin/graph /bin/graphmaker /etc/level/GRF /etc/gks/font21 to font26, font99 /etc/grf/help /etc/grf/prompts /etc/plotters /graphics/ to /graphics/bdemo /graphics/demo /graphics/CHART /graphics/clock /graphics/loop 2. Install your GRF public key by entering the following from command mode: admin>install key/etc/level/GRF You will then be prompt: Current Public Key: 12345678 Input 8-character public key (cr=no change): Enter your public key obtained from Software Distribution. 3. If you are updating from a graphics package prior to MAI Business GRAPH 3.1A, delete your existing '/etc/plotters' file using the following command: ADMIN>delete /etc/plotters 4. Configure your plotter devices using the configure utility. ADMIN>configure The plotters file will automatically be created through this utility. Configure your plotter devices using the following options. Leave all remaining options at their defaults. One of your plotter device names MUST be called 'default'. Note - If you are modifying a printer device to add or remove spooling, you must remove the device and then add the device with the appropriate answer for spooling. The option 'plotter parameters': in the configure menu is used only as a comment field in the plotters file. However, if an entry is made to this field, it must have 4 colons preceeding the comment. (No spaces are accepted in this field when entering a comment from the configure utility.) e.g. Plotter parameters:::::this,is,a,comment o DT-4310 EDT with a Graphics Interface Board Device Type : graphics terminal Terminal Type : edt Plotter Name : default (user selected name) SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB002 Pg002 o HP 7475A Pen Plotter Device Type : printer Printer Type : hpplot Read/Status Timeout : 100 Write Timeout : 100 Plotter Name : plot (user selected name) The plotter uses a standard VDT cable (907116). The dip switches on the plotter should be set as follows: S2 - ON, S1 - ON, Y - OFF, US - ON, A3 - OFF, B4 - ON, B3 - OFF, B2 - ON, B1 - OFF. o PT-4314 Dual Mode Printer Device Type : printer Printer Type : dmp The graph output size is 8 1/2 x 11 inches. The plotters file uses the following format: user specified name:device:type:parameter :::::comment Sample '/etc/plotters'file: default:/dev/tty0:edt:::::: tty2:/dev/tty2:edt:::::: plot:/dev/tty1:spe.hpplot::::: print:/dev/1p0:dmp:/bin/lpr list=lp -raw -delete ::::: Note - The parameter field MUST have 1 blank space before the colon ":". 5.0 Cursor Control in GRAPHMAKER The cursor control keys can be viewed by pressing the HELP key on your EDT or by pressing CTL-Z. The following are the cursor control keys for GRAPHMAKER CTL - L Next cell to the RIGHT. CTL - H Backspace and next cell to the LEFT. CTL - K Kick UP one cell. CTL - J Jump DOWN one cell. MENU - Return to the Menu Window. CTL - W Return to the Menu Window. CTL - D Delete character. CTL - F Forward 1 character. CTL - A Start of cell. CTL - E End of cell. DEL - Destructive Backspace. Backspace Non-destructive Backspace. 6.0 Helpful Hints o The column headings across the top of your data screen in GRAPHMAKER should be looked upon as sets of like data. The row headings going down the left column of the data screen should be viewed upon as parts of a set. o Data for individual pie graphs should be entered in one column. SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB002 Pg003 o Data for individual line charts should be entered in one row. o The following will clear a graphics screen from BASIC: PRINT 'BO',$1B5A471B0C1B5A67$,'EO' o Pressing the ESC key and then DEL key on the EDT will clear a graphics screen. 7.0 Warnings and Cautions o The DT-4214 (DMP) going through the parallel serial converter box will not work with BUSINESS GRAPH. ORIGINATOR: MBF SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB002 Pg004 FIB 00003 05/04/87 *** MAI 2000 System Business Graphics Software *** 1.0 Introduction The MAI 2000 Business Graphics product (GRF) is now released and is available for license. It can be ordered on either MCS tape media using market code WC020AA or on floppy media with market code WC026AA. GRF level 7113, requires BOSS/IX~ Operating System level 7.1B*09 or greater. GRF is a set of flexible graphics tools and programs used to construct and generate six basic types of charts and graphs: barcharts, linecharts, scattercharts, stockcharts, piecharts and signs. The generated charts can be displayed on a Basic Four EDT with Graphics Option, a multi color open plotter or a DMP printer. This document contains a brief description of the components of the MAI 2000 Business Graphics Product, an Installation procedure, and a "For Your Information" section outlining any known problems or special information of which the user should be aware. For in depth information and operational instructions please see the MAI 2000 Business Graphics User and Reference Manual, publication number M6357. 2.0 MAI 2000 Business Graphics Product (GRF) GRF consists of an Interactive Chart Designer (ICD), a Business Chart Generator (BCG), a variety of example demo graph parameter files, a set of font files and several graphics system files. 2.1 Interactive Chart Designer (ICD) ICD is an interactive program called 'chartmaker'. 'chartmaker' is an easy to learn program that can be used to construct graphics text parameter files. Parameter files contain the information needed by BCG to plot a desired chart or graph. 'chartmaker' is written in the 'C' programming language and is executed from the command interpreter. To run 'chartmaker', at the command mode prompt type: "chartmaker parameter file name" . Or from BASIC console mode type "!chartmaker parameter file name" . If the parameter file does not exist 'chartmaker' will define the file. If the file exists 'chartmaker' will load the parameters from the existing file. All parameter file names end with '.data'. If the '.data' portion of the file name is omitted 'chartmaker' will add it to the end of the entered file name. Once the program is started, a set of three windows will appear on the screen. The windows are labeled Titles, Data and Menu. The cursor will be in the window titled SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB003 Pg001 Menu. From here you are able to select any of 18 different options, i.e. edit any of the parameter windows, load another text file, graph the current parameters etc. (See the MAI 2000 Business Graphics User and Reference Manual, M6357, for a list of the options and a complete description.) The 'chartmaker' program, as installed, resides in the '/bin' directory of the root filesystem. 2.2 Business Chart Generator (BCG) BCG consists of a program called 'chart'. 'chart' is a text oriented program which is driven by data and parameters from a text parameter file. The parameter file is a sequential string file whose name ends with the suffix '.data'. It can be created by the system text editor ('ved'), a BASIC program (or any other program) or by 'chartmaker'. The possible parameters of the text parameter file are too numerous to mention in this document, please refer to the MAI 2000 Business Graphics User and Reference Manual number M6357. 'chart' is written in the 'C' programming language and is executed from the command interpreter. To run 'chart' at the command mode prompt type: "chart parameter file name" . Or from BASIC console mode type "!chart parameter file name" . The 'chart' program, as installed, resides in the '/bin' directory of the root filesystem. 2.3 Example Text Parameter Files Part of the GRF package is a set of examples of different types of graphs that can be displayed or printed. These examples, as installed, reside in the '/graphics' directory. The examples are named '/graphics/' through '/graphics/'. Once GRF has been properly installed you can view these graphs by using either the 'chart' program or the 'chartmaker' program. In addition to the '' files, there are: o '/graphics/demo'- this command file repeatedly executes the '/graphics/loop' file. o '/graphics/loop'- this command file charts all the example demos one after the other. o '/graphics/clock'- this is a program file that uses the system time to display the face of a clock on your graphics terminal. o '/graphics/CHART'- this is an example of a BASIC program that constructs a text parameter file. 2.4 Character Display Font Files MAI 2000 Business Graphics provides seven different character fonts that can be used in any of the generated SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB003 Pg002 graphs or charts. The font files, as installed, reside in the '/etc/gks' directory. The font files are named '/etc/gks/font21' through '/etc/gks/font26' and '/etc/gks/font99'. An example of the various fonts can be found in the MAI 2000 Business Graphics user and reference manual #M6357. 2.5 GRF System Files In order to properly operate GRF requires the following GRF system files is required: o '/etc/plotters' - this file is used in conjunction with both 'chart' and 'chartmaker' to identify the output device. '/etc/plotters' contains a description of the available graphics devices. When adding a new graphics output device, this file must be edited to reflect that new device. Use 'ved', the system text editor to make the needed changes. Each line in the file has four fields separated by colons: device name:file name:device type: comment 'device name' - can be any string of up to 10 characters and is used by 'chart' and 'chartmaker' to specify the plotting device. 'file name' - is a name of one of the drivers (typically either '/dev/tty1' or '/dev/lp0' etc ). 'type' - is an integer which specifies the type of device on which the graphs will be displayed. The currently supported device types are: Device Type number EDT Graphics terminal 0 HP 7475A Pen Plotter 1 DMP Printer 2 To spool printed graphs add another entry in the '/etc/plotters' file for the printer that is to be spooled and negate the type number. Example: 'print:/dev/lp:2:lp without spooling' 'sprint:/lp:-2:lp with spooling' '/etc/grf/help' - this file contains the help messages for 'chartmaker'. '/etc/grf/prompts' - this file contains the 'chartmaker' prompts and headings. Note: Both the 'help' and 'prompts' files can be translated into other languages. Please refer to the Graphics Users manual for details on translating these files. 3.0 Installation To install GRF level 7113, first make sure the MAI 2000 SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB003 Pg003 BOSS/IX base system software was installed. After the operating system has been installed or upgraded proceed with the following steps: 1) From the 'ADMIN>' prompt, type "install cs GRF" for MCS tape or "install fd0 GRF" for diskette. Once all the files have been copied to disk the installation procedure will prompt the operator to enter a public key. After the public key has been entered correctly, twice, the installation procedure will be terminated. 2) If necessary use the 'configure' utility to add any additional graphics plotter devices or new graphics terminals. 3) Edit via 'ved' the '/etc/plotters' file if any of the file name entries do not correspond to the location of the devices. 4.0 For Your Information There are a few conditions which will not allow 'chartmaker' to run. o A security violation, this means that the security key for the GRF product is incorrect. o There are too many data points. 'chartmaker' can handle a maximum of 16 rows and a total of 256 data points. o The parameter file you are using is of the type sign. Although the data file format for 'chartmaker' and 'chart' are the same, 'chartmaker' is designed to only edit bar, line, pie, scatter and stock charts. o The data file is a multiple plot file. Although the data file format for chartmaker and chart are the same, 'chartmaker' is designed to only edit files with a single chart in it. ORIGINATOR: MBF SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB003 Pg004 FIB 00004 10/30/87 *** Business Graph 3.1A PT-4215 printer support clarification *** PROBLEM MAI Business GRAPH 3.1A does not support the PT-4215 on the 2000/3000. However, it does support it on the MPx. MPx Port Configuration : ___________________________________________________________________ | | | LINE TYPE : SPE/VDT LINE LENGTH : 255 | | LINE SPEED : 9600 NO TRANSLATE : YES | | LINE PARITY : Odd NO MESSAGE : YES | | BITS/CHARACTER : 7 INPUT TRANSPARENCY : YES | | STOP BITS : 1 OUTPUT TRANSPARENCY : YES | |___________________________________________________________________| FUTURE MAI Business GRAPH 3.2A will support the 4215 on the 2000/3000. ORIGINATOR: Tony Tianca SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB004 Pg001 FIB 00005 12/02/87 *** Level 3.1A on Release 7.3 OS will not graph to printers *** PROBLEM : MAI Business GRAPH 3.1A, contained on the 7.3A OS tape, will not graph to printers. CAUSE : The /etc/gks/devices file does not use the new printer names in the 7.3 OS. SOLUTION : Update the /etc/gks/devices file with the new printer names using the ved command. admin>ved /etc/gks/devices o Modify your file to look like this : 0:0: 1:1: 2:2: 3:3: edt:0:eagle terminal hpplot:1:hp plotter PT-4214:2:150/300 lpm DMP PT-4215:3:fujitsu dl2400 printer o Control-C and answer "Y" to put edits when complete. o Re-configure your graph devices. (Refer to the MAI Business GRAPH Software Announcement #137A for instructions on how to configure your graph devices.) FUTURE : MAI Business GRAPH 3.2A will contain this change. ORIGINATOR: Tony Tianco SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB005 Pg001 FIB 00006 12/19/88 *** Supported Devices/Configurations [ WPSF 478A ] *** SUPPORTED DEVICES The following grids show what graph devices are supported on each level of MAI Business GRAPH and on what system. MAI Business GRAPH 3.1A __________________________________________________________________ | DEVICE | MPx | 2000/3000/4000 | COMMENTS | |----------|-----|-----------------|-------------------------------| | PT-4201 | YES | NO | Prints in 14 1/2 x 11" format | |----------|-----|-----------------|-------------------------------| | PT-4214 | YES | YES | Prints in 8 1/2 x 11" format | |----------|-----|-----------------|-------------------------------| | PT-4215 | NO | NO | Configure as an SPE/VDT | |----------|-----|-----------------|-------------------------------| | DT-4310 | YES | YES | Requires a Graphics Interface | | | | | board. | |----------|-----|-----------------|-------------------------------| | DT-4314 | NO | NO | Not Supported | |----------|-----|-----------------|-------------------------------| | HP 7475A | YES | YES | HP 7475A Pen Plotter | |__________|_____|_________________|_______________________________| MAI Business GRAPH 3.2A (Not released on the MPx.) __________________________________________________________________ | DEVICE | 2000/3000/4000 | COMMENTS | |----------|-----------------|------------------------------------| | PT-4201 | NO | Prints in 14 1/2 x 11" format | |----------|-----------------|------------------------------------| | PT-4214 | YES | Prints in 8 1/2 x 11" format | |----------|-----------------|------------------------------------| | PT-4215 | YES | Configure as SPE/VDT on MPx | |----------|-----------------|------------------------------------| | DT-4310 | YES | Requires a Graphics Interface | | | | board. | |----------|-----------------|------------------------------------| | DT-4314 | YES | Requires Rev. C Firmware | |----------|-----------------|------------------------------------| | HP 7475A | YES | HP 7475A Pen Plotter | |__________|_________________|____________________________________| MAI Business GRAPH 3.2B ___________________________________________________________________ | DEVICE | MPx | 2000/3000/4000 | COMMENTS | |----------|-----|-----------------|-------------------------------| | PT-4201 | YES | NO | Prints in 14 1/2 x 11" format | |----------|-----|-----------------|-------------------------------| | PT-4214 | YES | YES | Prints in 8 1/2 x 11" format | |----------|-----|-----------------|-------------------------------| | PT-4215 | YES | YES | Configure as SPE/VDT on MPx | |----------|-----|-----------------|-------------------------------| | DT-4310 | YES | YES | Requires a Graphics Interface | | | | | board. | |----------|-----|-----------------|-------------------------------| | DT-4314 | YES | YES | Requires Rev. C Firmware | |----------|-----|-----------------|-------------------------------| SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB006 Pg001 | HP 7475A | YES | YES | HP 7475A Pen Plotter | |__________|_____|_________________|_______________________________| CONFIGURATIONS The plotter names used in this document are example names. A plotter name may be any name you choose; however, YOU MUST HAVE ONE DEVICE NAMED 'default'. Here is the format of the plotters file: Eg: default:/dev/lp:dmp:/bin/lpr list=lp -raw -delete :::::: | | | | | | | parameters | | | | | graph driver - these drivers are listed in the | | /etc/gks/devices file and in the | system device .GRAF.ETC.GKS.DEVICES file. | user defined name PT-4201 - 150/300 LPM LINE PRINTER PLOTTERS FILE o MPx : 3.1A - NAME:LP:dmp:SUBMIT PRINTER=LP, CLASS=G, DELETE=TRUE ::::: 3.2B - NAME:LP:PT-4214:SUBMIT PRINTER=LP, CLASS=G, DELETE=TRUE ::::: PORT CONFIGURATION o MPx : Configure as a PT-4201 PT-4214 - DUAL MODE PRINTER PLOTTERS FILE o MPx : 3.1A - NAME:LP:dmp:SUBMIT PRINTER=LP, CLASS=G, DELETE=TRUE ::::: 3.2B - NAME:LP:PT-4214:SUBMIT PRINTER=LP, CLASS=G, DELETE=TRUE ::::: o 2000/3000/4000 : 3.1A - NAME:/dev/lp:dmp:/bin/lpr list=lp -raw -delete :::::: 3.2A - NAME:/dev/lp:PT-4214:/bin/lpr list=lp -raw -delete :::::: 3.2B - NAME:/dev/lp:PT-4214:/bin/lpr list=lp -raw -delete :::::: PORT CONFIGURATION o MPx/2000/3000/4000 : Configure as a PT-4214 PT-4215 - 60/180 CPS HIGH RESOLUTION PRINTER PLOTTERS FILE o MPx : 3.1A - NAME:T1:fujitsu:::::: SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB006 Pg002 (on 9.6A/B) 3.1A - NAME:P1:fujitsu:SUBMIT PRINTER=P1, CLASS=G, RAWMODE=Y, DELETE=TRUE ::::: 3.2B - NAME:P1:PT-4215:SUBMIT PRINTER=P1, CLASS=G, RAWMODE=Y, DELETE=TRUE ::::: NOTE: If you are using the special version of GRAPH 3.1A that comes on the MAI OFFICE 3.2A*07 patch tape, configure your PT-4215 as you would on 3.2B. o 2000/3000/4000 : 3.1A - NAME:/dev/p1:fujitsu:/bin/lpr list=p1 -raw -delete ::::: 3.2A - NAME /dev/p1:PT-4215:/bin/lpr list=p1 -raw -delete ::::: 3.2B - NAME:/dev/p1:PT-4215:/bin/lpr list=p1 -raw -delete ::::: PORT CONFIGURATION o MPx : 8/9.5C _________________________________________________________________ | LINE TYPE : SPE/VDT LINE LENGTH : 255 | | LINE SPEED : 9600 I/O TRANSLATE : NO | | LINE PARITY : Odd PRINT MESSAGES : NO | | BITS/CHARACTER : 7 INPUT TRANSPARENCY : YES | | STOP BITS : 1 OUTPUT TRANSPARENCY : YES | |_________________________________________________________________| 8/9.6A/B/C _________________________________________________________________ | LINE TYPE : LQP BITS/CHARACTER : 7 | | LINE SPEED : 9600 STOP BITS : 1 | | LINE PARITY : Odd | |_________________________________________________________________| NOTE: If you are using this printer with MAI OFFICE, configure it as a LSR in MAI WORD and under SS.MAIN configure it as follows: INITIAL PROGRAM: PSPD11 CLASS CODE: H DRIVER: PSPD10 FEATURE CODES: 8ECL CAUTION: When going from MAI Business GRAPH to MAI OFFICE or Data processing, the user must initiatize the printer using following command: PRINT (1)'BO',$1B1A49$,'EO' o 2000/3000/4000 : Configure as a PT-4215. DT-4310 - EDT WITH GRAPHICS BOARD PLOTTERS FILE o MPx : 3.1A - NAME:T1:edt:::::: 3.2B - NAME:T1:edt:::::: SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB006 Pg003 o 2000/3000/4000 : 3.1A - NAME:/dev/tty1:edt:::::: 3.2A - NAME:/dev/tty1:edt:::::: 3.2B - NAME:/dev/tty1:edt:::::: PORT CONFIGURATION o MPx/2000/3000/4000 : Configure as a DT-4310. DT-4314 - VIRTUAL TERMINAL PLOTTERS FILE o MPx : 3.2B - NAME:T1:4314:::::: o 2000/3000/4000 : 3.2A - NAME:/dev/tty1:4314:::::: 3.2B - NAME:/dev/tty1:4314:::::: PORT CONFIGURATION o MPx : Configure as a DT-4314. o 2000/3000/4000 : Configure as a DT-4314. HP 7475A - HP 7475A PEN PLOTTER PLOTTERS FILE o MPx : 3.1A - NAME:T1:hpplot:::::: 3.2B - NAME:T1:hpplot:::::: o 2000/3000/4000 : 3.1A - NAME:/dev/p1:hpplot:::::: 3.2A - NAME:/dev/p1:hpplot:::::: 3.2B - NAME:/dev/p1:hpplot:::::: PORT CONFIGURATION o MPx : 9.6A _______________________________________________________________ | | . | LINE TYPE : SPE/VDT LINE LENGTH : 255 | | LINE SPEED : 9600 I/O TRANSLATE : NO | | LINE PARITY : Odd PRINT MESSAGES : NO | | BITS/CHARACTER : 7 INPUT TRANSPARENCY : YES | | STOP BITS : 1 OUTPUT TRANSPARENCY : YES | SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB006 Pg004 |_______________________________________________________________| 9.6C _______________________________________________________________ | | . | LINE TYPE : SPE/VDT LINE LENGTH : 255 | | LINE SPEED : 9600 NO TRANSLATE : YES | | LINE PARITY : Odd NO MESSAGE : YES | | BITS/CHARACTER : 7 INPUT TRANSPARENCY : YES | | STOP BITS : 1 OUTPUT TRANSPARENCY : YES | |_______________________________________________________________| o 2000/3000/4000 : _______________________________________________________________ | | . | Device type : printer Printer type : hpplot | | Input baud rate : 9600 Output baud rate : 9600 | | Read status timeout : 100 Write timeout : 100 | | Spooling : NO | |_______________________________________________________________| ORIGINATOR: Tony Tiangco SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB006 Pg005 FIB 00007 12/19/88 *** Pies and Stack Bars don't Print on 8/9.6C [ WPSF 482 ] *** PROBLEM: A Range Violation (1,228,0,11) will occur when you print a pie or some stack bar graphs on 8/9.6C. CAUSE: Pascal has changed on 8/9.6C and therefore, MAI Business GRAPH must to be re-compiled. FUTURE: This problem will be corrected in MAI Business GRAPH 3.2B. A recompiled version of MAI Business GRAPH will also be included on the MAI OFFICE 3.2A*04 patch tape. You can obtain this patch tape from your local RTM/RTC, or from Enschede in Europe, Asrubal Monge in Costa Rica, Alberto Pomar in Venezuela, or William (Bucky) Tervo in Puerto Rico. ORIGINATOR: T. Tiangco SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB007 Pg001 FIB 00008 04/25/91 *** PT-4215 on MPx unable to draw graph [ WPSF 700 ] *** MAI OFFICE MAI GRAPH 3.2B, PT-4215, MPx MONIEREH ANVARI 4/91 700 TYPE: Problem PURPOSE: PT-4215 configured as a Printer Device on MPx systems is not able to draw Graph. SOLUTION: Create the following BASIC Program in the system node: Program: (SYSDISK).Rxxxx.SYS.XMTGRF ---------------------------------------------- 0005 REM "GRAPHIC FILE--> PRINTER 4215 0010 ENTER GRFILE$, OUTPUT$ 0020 U1=UNT; OPEN(U1)GRFILE$ 0030 U2=UNT; OPEN(U2)OUTPUT$ 0040 READ RECORD(U1,END=1000)D$ 0050 PRINT (U2) 'BO',D$,'EO', 0060 GOTO 40 1000 PRINT (U2) 'BO',$1B0D50$,'EO' 1010 CLOSE(U1);CLOSE(U2);ERASE GRFILE$,ERR=1020 1020 END ----------------------------------------------- then, enter the following line in the ().GRAF.ETC.PLOTTERS file: User defined name:P#:PT-4215:XMTGRF "P#" :::::comments NOTE: The # sign stands for device number for the printer ORIGINATOR: Moniereh Anvari SOFTWARE-BASIC FOUR-MAI BUSINESS--------------------FIB008 Pg001