MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL FIELD INFORMATION BULLETIN SERVICE GROUP(S): MINI MFG: BASIC FOUR NACS TYPE(S): 4114,4125 MFG. MODEL(S): 2500,3000,4000,4114 CATEGORY: CPU DESC: 32 BIT MICROPROCESSOR *** TABLE OF CONTENTS AS OF 09/23/96 *** FIB 00001.2500/3000/4000 General Information ...(See FIB #52 for MAI 208/09/89 FIB 00002.Log on problems on ports configured as "vdt7270" - Rel 7.2 *08/05/87 FIB 00003.System serial number change information.....................01/25/95 FIB 00004.ERROR -32 during 'osinstall cs' after upgrade from 2000 to 302/19/87 FIB 00005.System hangs during power up................................02/27/87 FIB 00006.ERROR 17 or ERROR -262 on OPEN to a slave printer...........02/27/87 FIB 00007.How to run "dutil" on the 3rd and 4th Winchester disks......03/25/87 FIB 00008.1488 and 1489 Socket Locations For I/O Ports On CMB & 8-Way 09/30/93 FIB 00009.Power supply test points, TP 3 and TP 4 are labeled wrong...04/22/87 FIB 00010.Adding a fan is required for the Tandberg MCS drive.........09/03/87 FIB 00011.New firmware for MTCS controller required for Tandberg MCS d11/25/87 FIB 00012.New shipping material on MMB must be removed during installa04/27/87 FIB 00013.The TOPAZ UPS used on the 2000 is not to be used on the 300007/10/87 FIB 00014.Switch settings for 8-way and 4-way controllers.............05/20/87 FIB 00015.8-way "QUADPUS" cable - port identification information.....02/03/89 FIB 00016.CMB Board Switch and Jumper Settings........................09/01/88 FIB 00017.MMU PCBA has been replaced by the PMMU PCBA.................07/07/87 FIB 00018.System re-booting, incorrect start key operation, fails self07/29/87 FIB 00019.MMU errors in error log, system won't run BASIC programs....07/29/87 FIB 00020.Incorrect PCB thickness on some 8-ways......................10/16/87 FIB 00021.Connector J1 on some power supplies are too large causing br08/11/87 FIB 00022.Second and third disk drive installation information........04/24/89 FIB 00023.Command 'who' shows 'admin' logged onto unused terminal(s)..10/12/87 FIB 00024.Firmware correction for 4-way & 8-way self test problems....10/19/87 FIB 00025.Instructions for intermixing 4-Way and 8-Way controllers....12/01/87 FIB 00026.System with modem/mux attached hangs during boot............11/03/87 FIB 00027.ESCAPE key problem while in BASIC mode......................10/30/87 FIB 00028.3000/4000 power-on self test failures.......................11/11/87 FIB 00029.3000/4000 self-test fails, LED segment shows blinking '03'..11/11/87 FIB 00030.Cautions when changing CMB in BETA 4000 Systems.............11/16/87 FIB 00031.Exec won't accept "b4bus" password to install diags on disk.11/20/87 FIB 00032.Parity Errors During Boot...................................12/01/87 FIB 00033.UPS warning signal cable information........................03/16/90 FIB 00034.Terminal hang when opening R0 and LP [ WPS 407 ]............12/29/87 FIB 00035.Configuring unused ports on the MAI 3000/4000 [ WPS 412 ]...12/29/87 FIB 00036.Rear Panel Upgrade Kit for 3000 CCA, improves ESD and servic09/26/88 FIB 00037.New installation procedures for 2000/3000 [ WPS 422 ]......02/16/88 FIB 00038.New firmware CMBs 903631-001 & 903593-001 [ WPS 423 ]......03/18/88 FIB 00039.Paradyne Modem Configuration................................02/23/88 FIB 00040.Error 65....................................................03/07/88 FIB 00041.Diagnostics installation on hard disk.......................03/18/88 FIB 00042.Replacing 3rd artwork CMB with a 2nd artwork CMB............03/18/88 FIB 00043.Replacable battery on CMB...................................03/23/88 FIB 00044.Disk drive cable problems...................................03/23/88 FIB 00045.MAI 4000 Hardware Announcement [ WPSH 18A ].................10/17/88 FIB 00046.CMB shorting out on chassis standoffs [ WPSF 429A ].........06/01/88 FIB 00047.Terminal/System Hang on Release 7.2 O.S. [ WPSF 435 ].......03/28/88 FIB 00048.Crash Code 21 on Release 7.3 [ WPSF 436 ]...................03/28/88 FIB 00049.Slow running due to incorrect PMMU jumpering [ WPSF 442 ]..04/18/88 FIB 00050.4000 System Hangs with >12 Meg - EIA change/SW Change [ WPS11/02/88 FIB 00051.3000 System won't Run BASIC Programs........................06/23/88 FIB 00052.MAI 2500 General Information................................01/25/95 CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------Table Of Contents Pg01 of 02 FIB 00053.System Hangs during Boot/Port Hangs due to Modem Configurati08/06/88 FIB 00054.2000/3000/4000 LARL History [ WPSF 475R2 ]..................11/22/89 FIB 00055.Ports Lost when Removing 8/4 Ways and Rebooting the System..08/30/88 FIB 00056.EIA Transmission Parity Errs During Boot - 4000 at 7.4A.....08/30/88 FIB 00057.Phantom ERROR 3's...........................................11/21/88 FIB 00058.Crashes with codes 0, 30 & 45 and System Hangs..............11/30/88 FIB 00059.Error in 2500/3000 Service Manual...........................12/12/88 FIB 00060.New 1/2" Streamer Tape Controller (STC) [ WPSF 487R ]......05/12/89 FIB 00061.Dump Report Form [ WPSF 496C ].............................01/25/95 FIB 00062.Configuring the 2ND & 3RD Parallel Ports on a 4000 [ WPSF 505/12/89 FIB 00063.CAUTION... Possible Superblock Corruption while updating Dia06/09/89 FIB 00064.Controller Stack Support Bracket is now available for older 07/21/89 FIB 00065.SPx Systems 'Help' Key......................................08/01/89 FIB 00066.CMB board - problems during replacement/installation........08/08/89 FIB 00067.Power Supply Modification on 2000 to 2500 Upgrades..........10/12/89 FIB 00068.Problems adding Maxtor 380mb SCSI disk drive................02/01/90 FIB 00069.WDC.must have LARL of "P" to support greater than 8 MB of me10/25/89 FIB 00070.System time reverting to 00:00:00...........................11/01/89 FIB 00071.CMB Board appears to be DOA.................................04/04/94 FIB 00072.Improper format on Maxtor 380 MB SCSI disk using FAVI.......02/01/90 FIB 00073.SCSI Disk Installation Instructions [ WPSF 567 & A1/2 ]....01/25/95 FIB 00074.Workaround for terminal hangs on OS release 7.5B............01/29/90 FIB 00075.SCSI Device Termination.....................................12/06/91 FIB 00076.EIA SWITCH SETTING CAUSES GARBAGE ON TERMINALS..............12/10/91 FIB 00077.Securing NVRAM ICs to CMB PCBAs.............................07/13/92 FIB 00078.REMOVING DIAGNOSTICS FROM SPX SYSTEMS.......................11/09/92 FIB 00079.Diagnostic errors on SCSI 760MB disk drive..................10/25/93 FIB 00080.Cable, Pinout for 4/8-way to modem cable with port set for t01/12/96 CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------Table Of Contents Pg02 of 02 FIB 00001 08/09/89 *** 2500/3000/4000 General Information ...(See FIB #52 for MAI 2500) *** !!!!!!!!!! 2500 General Information - See FIB # 52 !!!!!!!!!! ****** 3000 and 4000 General Information ******* This F.I.B. group contains information regarding all hardware in the CPU enclosure EXCEPT I/O devices (i.e. floppy disk drive, 1/4" streamer tape, fixed disk drive). For information on an I/O device, consult the F.I.B. group for that device. Software information will be located in the Software section in the F.I.B. group "BOSS/IX,BBVI". If a software problem produces symptoms that appear to be a.hardware problem, that software problem will be covered in a F.I.B. in the CPU group. Microprocessor Unit.........Motorola 68020 (32 bit) with co-processor. Hard Disk Drives............Up to three Winchester drives of 44MB, 71MB or 120MB all contained within the CPU cabinet. (4000 system may have up to 7 disk drives). Serial I/O channels.........2 to 34 asynchronous, bidirectional EIA RS-232 ports (one port may be synchronous). Two serial ports are located on the CMB. All others are on 4-ways or 8-ways with a maximum of 4 serial controllers. (4000 system may have up to nine 8-ways.) Parallel I/O channels.......One 8-bit output channel for connection to any plug- compatible printer with Centronics interface. (4000 systems have two additional parallel ports on the EIA interface board) Tape.I/O channels...........One MCS (standard) or one MTS (optional). The MCS is contained within the CPU cabinet. Main Memory.................1 to 6 MB, in 1MB increments; 256 X 1 dynamic RAM; Word length: 32 bits; access time: 150 ms (4000 System may have up to 16 MB) ***** 4000 GENERAL INFORMATION ***** The MAI 4000 system is designed as an expansion of the MAI 3000. The addition of an Expansion Chassis allows the MAI 4000 to add more terminals and hard disks. Most of the device controllers and peripherals are compatible between the MAI 2000, 3000 and the 4000. All application software available on the MAI 2000/3000 will run unchanged on the MAI 4000. The MAI 4000 system is available as a complete new system with dual cabinets as well as an upgrade from the MAI 3000 (with the addition of the expansion cabinet). The 3000 to 4000 Upgrade Kit main components are the Expansion Cabinet, the Expansion Interface EIA board, and the Expansion Interface EIB board. After the upgrade kit is installed, the system will consists of two cabinets side by side, mechanically attached to each other with a hinge at the rear of CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB001 Pg001 the cabinets. The MAI 4000 requires a new style CMB board (Artwork #3). Artwork # 2 shipped with the 3000 systems before October 1987 will not work. A CMB Upgrade Kit is available from MBF Marketing for systems with serial numbers 3000-82599 or lower. The 4MB Memory board is a new board released to allow the 4000 memory to increment from 8MB (minimum) to 16MB (maximum). The new 4MB memory board may be used with existing 1MB boards. Base Expansion Cabinet Cabinet 4000 New Boards and Assemblies: x CMB board Artwork # 3 x 4MB Memory Boards. x Expansion Interface Board EIA with 2 parallel ports. x Expansion Interface Board EIB Base Expansion Cabinet Cabinet 4000 Existing Boards and Assemblies: x x Power Supply x x Single Board Hard Disk Controller x x 8-way and 4-way terminal controllers. x 1/4" streamer cartridge controller. x 1/2" tape drive adapter. x Lan Controller. ***** 3000 AND 4000 NACS MACHINE TYPES AND FEATURE NUMBERS ***** NACS MBF DESCRIPTION ---- ---- ------------------ 4116 4014 MAI 3000 System, single cabinet. 4449 4014 MAI 4000 System, dual cabinets. MAI 4000 MARKET CODES: Market Description Code: ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- AV001AA MAI 4000, 8MB RAM, 2-160MB drives, 34 Serial ports, 3 parallel ports. BE003AA 3000 to 4000 Upgrade Kit, w/MCS Front Panel BE004AA 3000 to 4000 Upgrade Kit, w/Blank Front Panel GB047AA 4MB RAM Board AN004AA CMB Upgrade (required if 3000 ss# is 82,599 or below) ***** 3000 and 4000 SOFTWARE INFORMATION ***** The MAI 4000 system requires BOSS/IX release 7.4A or higher. The MAI 3000 system uses BOSS/IX releases 7.3A and 7.4A or higher. A configuration record is required during Operating System installation, and an SSN tape is required to write the system serial number in the CMB. CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB001 Pg002 *** AVAILABLE DOCUMENTATION *** DESCRIPTION B/4 NUMBER NACS NUMBER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorbus Environmental Handbook ................................S-HDBK-027 MAI 3000 Service Manual............M8108......................S-HDBK-??? MAI 4000 Service Manual............M8205A.....................S-HDBK-??? MAI 3000 Diabnostics and Error Log Manual....M6204............S-HDBK-??? *** AVAILABLE TRAINING *** See the current Education Guide for class schedules. *** SPECIAL TOOLS *** DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER --------------------------------------------------------------------- MAI 3000 SSN installation tape cartridge.....................MM538185 MAI 3000 SSN installation tape reel..........................MM538186 MAI 3000 SSN PAL chip........................................MM538181 Loopback plug, 1 port, 4-way.......B/4 907529-001............MM538040 Loopback cable, 2 port, 4-way......B/4 907530-001............MM538050 Loopback plug, parallel prtr port..B/4 907588-001............MM538060 NOTE: The above SSN tapes will work only on system at or below OS release 7.2. See other FIBs for procurement of the SSN tapes required for OS releases 7.3A and above. *** SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES *** For lock and key authorization phone numbers and hours of coverage reference FIB 00005 in the General, Basic Four, Administrative Procedures FIB group. ***NOTE*** IF UPGRADING A 2000 TO A 3000 A PRE-SITE SURVEY MUST BE DONE! THE PRE-SITE SURVEY FORM CAN BE FOUND IN THE WPS SOFTWARE BULLETIN NUMBER 145. THE HARDWARE SWITCH SETTINGS, JUMPER SETTINGS AND CABLE DIAGRAMS ARE CONTAINED IN THE SAME BULLETIN. ALSO, BE AWARE THAT THE LARLs SPECIFIED IN THE WPS BULLETIN 145 MAY BE OUT DATED! USE THE LATEST PUBLISHED LARL LIST FOR THE 4116. ***** 3000 and 4000 SPARE PARTS INFORMATION ***** See FIB # 52 for SPx Spare Parts Lists. ORIGINATOR: JAVIER VAN OORDT CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB001 Pg003 FIB 00002 08/05/87 *** Log on problems on ports configured as "vdt7270" - Rel 7.2 * 18 *** SYMPTOM: On serial ports configured as vdt7270 difficulty in logging on or can not log on in multi-user mode. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Press CR/RETURN or CTL C. If cursor moves to the lower left of the screen and the terminal locks up - or - a part of the log-on screen prints but doesn't complete. Either of these things can occur on ports that are. configured as vdt7270. FIX: Perform a normal boot of the system. At the ADMIN> prompt enter the following: ved /etc/ttymntbl/vdt7270.mntbl (CR) The file will be displayed with the cursor over the first character of the first line which is a "d" (delay). Use CTL F to move the cursor to the 0 in 01 on this line. Now, using the CTL D key and 0 key change the 1 to a 0 so the line reads 00 instead of 01. Now press CTL C, answer Y to save the change. RE-BOOT At the ADMIN> prompt enter the following: makettymntbl /etc/ttymntbl/vdt7270 (CR) RE-BOOT and test the previously failing ports for proper operation. ORIGINATOR: H. MITCHELL CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB002 Pg001 FIB 00003 01/25/95 *** System serial number change information *** The media containing the 'ssn' software has the following part numbers: MM538185 1/4" cartridge tape (MCS) MM538186 1/2" reel tape (MTS) *** NOTE *** The ssn tapes shown above will work ONLY on systems running OS releases below 7.3. They WILL NOT work on OS release 7.3 and up. SSN tapes for 7.3 & later releases can be obtained for formally trained personnel from Software Distribution To install an SSN on the MAI 3000, first power down the system and install the security PAL (P/N MM538181, MBF P/N 911005-082) in location 20F. Next, power on the system. At the BOOT MENU, enter option 2, ALT LOAD. The system will display: Boot device: At this point load the media that contains the 'ssn' program in the appropriate device and type in the device name (e.g. 'cs' for MCS tape or 'ts' for MTS tape). The next input the system will request is: System file: Type in lower case 'ssn' The system will then boot from the selected tape. If the load fails, the following message will be displayed: Error during load of The BOOT MENU will then be re-displayed. If the load is successul, a Boot Complete message is displayed followed by: NVRAM System Serial Number Update Program Rev A2 Current Serial Number : 3xxx-xxxxx (read from the NVRAM) New Serial Number : 3 Enter a properly formatted serial number (only numeric values with a dash '-', in the fourth position are accepted), terminated by a . The system will now display: Lock value : xxxxxxxx Enter key : At this point call Basic Four for the authorization key. Refer to FIB 5 in the General, Administrative Procedures, Basic Four FIB group for phone numbers and hours of coverage. The only people that MAI Basic Four will issue an authorization key to are those who have signed and returned the Non-Disclosure forms. MAI Basic Four is CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB003 Pg001 maintaining a list of these people and will not issue a key to anyone not on the list. Enter the correct 8 alpha numeric characters, received from an authorization center, terminated with a . If the key is incorrect, the following message is displayed: FAILURE TO ENTER THE CORRECT KEY Then the BOOT MENU is displayed. If the key is correct, the following is displayed: NVRAM Serial Number update complete Then the BOOT MENU is displayed. NOTE: At this time the system should be powered down and the security PAL removed and replaced with the PAL that was removed from location 20F. ORIGINATOR: W. MOORE CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB003 Pg002 FIB 00004 02/19/87 *** ERROR -32 during 'osinstall cs' after upgrade from 2000 to 3000 *** SYMPTOM: An ERROR -32 can occur during the installation of the o.s. after a field upgrade of a 2000 system to a 3000 system, using the 2000 system's original disk drives. The error message says the SUPERBLOCK Has a problem. FIX: Check the revision of the winchester disk controller. The LARL for this board on the 3000 is revision 'R'. If the controller is below revision 'R' you must install a disk controller at or above revision 'R' and re-format the hard disk(s). ORIGINATOR: H. MITCHELL CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB004 Pg001 FIB 00005 02/27/87 *** System hangs during power up *** A problem with systems hanging or freezing at power up has been found loading the MAI 3000 System with 2 MB of memory and two system disk. If you encounter this problem ensure that your disk controller P/N 903496-001/002 is at least a revision level (R) or above. ORIGINATOR: C. FIGUEROA CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB005 Pg001 FIB 00006 02/27/87 *** ERROR 17 or ERROR -262 on OPEN to a slave printer *** When a slave printer is configured on the 3000 with Level 7.2C spooling set to 'yes' in the '/etc/defaults' file. This will cause a BASIC error code 17 when the printer is OPENed. The command level error will be -262. To correct this change spooling to 'no' in the entry for the printer in the '/etc/defaults' file. This can be done by going to the 'pparams' utility and modifing the default file for 'ln', where 'n' equals the printer number. ORIGINATOR: W. MOORE CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB006 Pg001 FIB 00007 03/25/87 *** How to run "dutil" on the 3rd and 4th Winchester disks *** At the time the system gives you the "dutil" prompt enter the following: wdc 1 This will select the 2nd controller, drives 0 and 1 for diagnostic activity. ORIGINATOR: W. LUSSMIER CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB007 Pg001 FIB 00008 09/30/93 *** 1488 and 1489 Socket Locations For I/O Ports On CMB & 8-Way PCBA'S *** Refer to SPX HANDBOOK FIB 9 (8-WAY controller FIB) for driver/receiver IC locations. ORIGINATOR: Norm Jones CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB008 Pg001 FIB 00009 04/22/87 *** Power supply test points, TP 3 and TP 4 are labeled wrong *** The test points on the power supply of the MAI 3000 system (TP 3) and (TP 4) have the wrong reading. This is due to an error on the Silk Screen. TP 3 is labeled as +12 v, but is the +5 v and TP 4 is labeled as +5 v, but is the +12 v. This problem is only seen on the first and second artwork of the control module PCBA 903558 of the power supply. On these (2) artworks the part number of the PCB'S are: 1. 904963-001 Rev. X 1 2. 904963-001 Rev. X 2 The third artwork PCB 905257-xxx corrects this problem. ORIGINATOR: C. FIGUEROA CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB009 Pg001 FIB 00010 09/03/87 *** Adding a fan is required for the Tandberg MCS drive *** A second fan is mandatory for all MAI 3000 systems because of the new MT 4406. This change is to prevent the tape drive from over-heating. This change should be made at the next service call. Attached is a copy of the ECN # 11916 which explains installation and the parts required. The MAI Basic Four part number for the kit is C916123-001. The Sorbus part number for the kit is MM535046. DRAWING INFORMATION: See Worldwide Product Support Field Bulletin 318 hardcopy for the ECN # 11916 details. ORIGINATOR: C. FIGUEROA CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB010 Pg001 FIB 00011 11/25/87 *** New firmware for MTCS controller required for Tandberg MCS drive *** A new firmware for the MTCS controller is now available. This new firmware is needed to support the new MT 4406 tape drive. The rework on the board is done as follows: o Remove prom MBF part number 165047-044 location 4-N. o Replace with prom MBF part number 165047-086 (MM531071). o Change part number on the controller to: 903406-002. RESTRICTIONS: o DO NOT USE THE NEW FIRMWARE ON CONTROLLER 903406-002 IF USING O.S. LEVEL 7.2 C. o NEW FIRMWARE AND CONTROLLER 903406-002 WILL WORK WITH THE; MT 4403 & MT 4406. ORIGINATOR: C. FIGUEROA CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB011 Pg001 FIB 00012 04/27/87 *** New shipping material on MMB must be removed during installation *** Manufacturing currently applies a strip of antistatic masking tape across the body of the MMB and CMB. They will be discontinuing this operation and will begin to secure the MMB onto the CMB using ty-wraps and cardboard squares. This is only required during product shipment and MUST be removed during installation to prevent damage to the MMB. The MMB is located on the component side of the CMB at the top near the middle. ORIGINATOR: W. MOORE CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB012 Pg001 FIB 00013 07/10/87 *** The TOPAZ UPS used on the 2000 is not to be used on the 3000 *** The TOPAZ Uninterruptable Power Supply (MM533070) used on the 2000 system is rated at 400 VA capacity. This is not adequate to sustain operation on the 3000 system which requires an UPS with a 1000 VA capacity. Order part number MM535075 when UPS replacement is required. ORIGINATOR: N. JONES CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB013 Pg001 FIB 00014 05/20/87 *** Switch settings for 8-way and 4-way controllers *** The following should be followed when addressing 8-Ways with 4-Ways on a 3000 system. It is recommended that the 8-Way be in the slot next to the CMB followed by the 4-Ways. The 8-Way controller counts only as (1) PCBA. This chart will demonstrate the proper locations for the controllers. / 4 th --------- 8-WAY or 4-WAY PCBA BOARD ADDRESS ___ / 3 rd --------- 8-WAY or 4-WAY PCBA \ 2 nd --------- 8-WAY or 4-WAY PCBA \ 1 st --------- 8-WAY CMB PCBA o 8-Way Controller PCBA Switch Settings (SW-1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOARD # | S1-1 | S1-2 | S1-3 | S1-4 | S1-5 | S1-6 | S1-7 | S1-8 | S1-9 | S1-10 --------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------- 1 | ON | OFF | ON | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | ON | ON | ON --------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------- 2 | OFF | OFF | ON | OFF | OFF | OFF | ON | ON | ON | ON --------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------- 3 | ON | ON | OFF | OFF | OFF | ON | OFF | ON | ON | ON --------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------- 4 | OFF | ON | OFF | OFF | OFF | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o 4-Way Controller PCBA Switch Settings (SW-1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOARD # | S1-1 | S1-2 | S1-3 | S1-4 | S1-5 | S1-6 | S1-7 | S1-8 | S1-9 | S1-10 --------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------- 1 | ON | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | ON | OFF | ON --------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------- 2 | ON | OFF | OFF | ON | OFF | OFF | OFF | ON | OFF | OFF --------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------- 3 | ON | OFF | OFF | ON | ON | OFF | OFF | OFF | ON | ON --------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------- 4 | ON | OFF | OFF | ON | ON | ON | OFF | OFF | ON | OFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIGINATOR: C. FIGUEROA CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB014 Pg001 FIB 00015 02/03/89 *** 8-way "QUADPUS" cable - port identification information *** The following will help to identify which 8-way port is connected to which "pigtail" connector on the 8-way "QUADPUS" cable: 8-way 8-way QUADPUS Port Connector Cable End ------------------------------- 0 J4 (LOWER) PB 1 J4 (LOWER) PC 2 J4 (LOWER) PD 3 J4 (LOWER) PE 4 J3 (UPPER) PB 5 J3 (UPPER) PC 6 J3 (UPPER) PD 7 J3 (UPPER) PE ORIGINATOR: H. MITCHELL CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB015 Pg001 FIB 00016 09/01/88 *** CMB Board Switch and Jumper Settings *** JUMPER AND SWITCH SETTINGS FOR: 3000 CMB BOARD A/W 2, P/N MM535025/903593-001 3000/4000 CMB BOARD A/W 3, P/N MM537025/903631-001 This F.I.B. contains information to set jumpers and switches on the two types of CMB boards available in the 3000 systems. It supplements the MAI 3000 Service Manual (M8108A) which contains errors on pages 2-10 and 2-13 in the jumper settings of the CMB II board. ***** JUMPERS TO CONTROL THE SERIAL PORTS ***** Serial Ports on boards 903593-001 and 903631-001 are set exactly the same. Jumpers 29A, 28C, 26B, and 29B are zero-ohm-packs where the orientation of the zero-ohm-packs determine the configuration of the serial ports A and B. Jumpers 29A, 26B and 29B are inserted in standard dip sockets with standard numbering system. Jumper 28C is inserted in special socket 28C that occupies two locations, 28C and 29C, and will be referred to as 28/29C. Socket 28/29C has a unique 3-row configuration, see diagram below: Socket 28/29C viewed from the rear: 17 24 o o o o o o o o Row 28 9 16 o o o o o o o o Row 29 1 8 o o o o o o o o Column C NOTE: Row of pins 17 to 24 is not used at the present time. The serial ports jumpers should be set as follows: SERIAL PORT A: Modem Terminal/Printer Pin 1 of the zero-ohm-pack is Pin 1 of the zero-ohm-pack is inserted in pin 1 of socket 29A. inserted in pin 9 of socket 29A. SERIAL PORT B - RS 232 CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB016 Pg001 Modem Terminal/Printer Pin 1 of the zero-ohm-pack is Pin 1 of the zero-ohm-pack is inserted in pin 1 of socket 28/29C inserted in pin 16 of socket 28/29C. Pin 1 of the zero-ohm-pack is Pin 1 of the zero-ohm-pack is inserted in pin 1 of socket 26B inserted in pin 1 of socket 26B Nothing in 29B Nothing in 29B SERIAL PORT B - RS-422 (X.21) Pin 1 of the zero-ohm-pack is inserted in pin 9 of socket 28/29C Pin 1 of the zero-ohm-pack is inserted in pin 1 of socket 29B Nothing in 26B ***** JUMPERS TO CONTROL MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS ***** Standard settings for both boards 903593-001 and 903631-001: JMP 1-2 JMP 24-25 (24-25 NMI-dumps, 25-26 reset) JMP 3-4 JMP 29-30 JMP 6-7 JMP 31-32 JMP 12-13 (may be Hard wired) JMP 33-34 JMP 14-15 (may be Hard wired) JMP 36-37 JMP 16-17 (may be Hard wired) JMP 39-40 JMP 18-19 (may be Hard wired) Jumper at location 12H: 4-11 For MMB (board) JMP 50-52 For PMMU (IC) JMP 50-51 For board 903631-001 only: JMP 47-48 NOTE: All jumper locations not listed above should be left open. ***** DIP SWITCH SETTINGS ***** DIP Switch at location 17H: Normal setting: position 9 to ON all others to OFF. Special settings: positions 1 to 8 are used for special functions and diagnostics, consult Service Manual, page 2-14. ORIGINATOR: JAVIER VAN OORDT CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB016 Pg002 FIB 00017 07/07/87 *** MMU PCBA has been replaced by the PMMU PCBA *** The MMB PCBA (Memory Management Board) on the MAI 3000 CMB PCBA has been replaced by the PMMU (Paged Memory Management Unit). The MMB and PMMU are interchangable. The MBF part number for the PMMU is: 162079-001. Please note the following when replacing the PMMU: A. Jumper on location S - 17 on the CMB PCBA should be set at points 50 and 51 when the PMMU is present. B. The PMMU diagnostics test (2) Write/Read/Compare Registers on 7.2C and 7.2D fails. (Ignore error) The 7.3A diagnostics does not fail this test. C. Pin (1) of the PMMU chip is located on the lower left corner whereas pin (1) of the CPU chip is located on the lower right corner. Example: CMB BOARD _________________________________________________________________ | | | _____________________ ______________________ | | | _________________ | | _________________ | | P | | | ________ | | | | ________ | | | o | | | | | | | | | | | | | | w | | | | PMMU | | | | | | MMB | | | | e | | | |______| | | | | |______| | | | r | | |___ | | | | ___| | | | | |1_|____________| | | |____________|_1| | | S | |___________________| |____________________| | u | | p | 68851 Processor 68020 Processor | p | | l | | y | |___ |_______________________________________________________________| | | | | Memory Boards | Controllers | | | | | | | |______________________________|________________________________| ORIGINATOR: C. Figueroa CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB017 Pg001 FIB 00018 07/29/87 *** System re-booting, incorrect start key operation, fails self-test *** The symptoms shown above can be caused on recently installed systems by a manufacturing problem: The vendor supplying the 1 meg memory PCBAs has released an undetermined number of PCBAs on which the leads were not clipped off of the components installed on the board. The leads are long enough to extend into and short against the connections at the top of the front panel cable connector which is plugged into the CMB at a point adjacent to the memory PCBAs. On recently and near-future installs, remove the memory PCBAs and check for the long leads condition. If you find this condition, do not replace the PCBAs, instead, clip the leads as close to the PCBA as possible and re-install. ORIGINATOR: H. Mitchell CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB018 Pg001 FIB 00019 07/29/87 *** MMU errors in error log, system won't run BASIC programs *** SYMPTOM: There have been several occaisions where systems will run all diagnostics error free and perform all functions properly - except the system wil intermittantly or solidly fail to run BASIC programs. At the time of failure, the task may post an ERROR -5 or simply drop from BASIC mode back to an 'admin' prompt. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: All details are not know at this time, but it presently appears that this problem is associated only with CMBs which have the new PMMU installed. Also, the error log will most likely show MMU and/or CMB errors. FIX: Replace disk drive WD0. Re-formatting will not fix this problem nor will re-installing the O.S. or EBS product. *** NOTE *** If you encounter this problem prior to 10/01/87, please contact: Harvey Mitchell (National Support) Phone No. (817) 451-9551 ORIGINATOR: H. Mitchell CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB019 Pg001 FIB 00020 10/16/87 *** Incorrect PCB thickness on some 8-ways *** There are a number of boards out in the field that have incorrect dimensions (thickness) on the 8-way controller (PCBA 903577-001). The recommended dimension is .064 inches. The incorrect dimension is .075 inches. It is more noticeable when the controller is inserted on any of the two slots closest to the CMB board. When installing or servicing check for these dimensions. If the dimension is incorrect, send the board back for replacement through your normal procedures. These are the Date Codes on the 8-way controller to watch for: 1. 8644 2. 8648 3. 8706 NOTE: PCBs with date code 8706 and a scribed line below the original date code have been inspected and are the correct thickness. ORIGINATOR: C. Figueroa CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB020 Pg001 FIB 00021 08/11/87 *** Connector J1 on some power supplies are too large causing breakage *** There are about 50 units out in the field that have connector J1 on the power supply too large. Connector J1 is located on PCB part number 904951-001 of the power supply (P/N 907897-001/-002). Only PCB 904951-001 ASSY 903560-001/-002 has connector J1 wider than connector J6 on CMB PCBA 903593-001 or 903631-001. To prevent possible failure of the power supply or a cracked connector, it is necessary to measure the output PCBA connector J1 and file or grind as specified in the drawing in WPS bulletin 359. DRAWING INFORMATION: See Worldwide Product Support Bulletin #359 hardcopy for drawing detail ORIGINATOR: C. Figueroa CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB021 Pg001 FIB 00022 04/24/89 *** Second and third disk drive installation information *** **NOTE** NACS personel may find that SPx HAndbook FIB 27 more complete than this bulletin. I. HARDWARE SET-UP For cabling part number and connections for the 2nd/3rd disk drive see figure 4. To install the third drive, it will be necessary have a 903496-002 disk controller. Make sure that PAL at location 1J is a 911017-007 and that JUMPER A is set for 2-3 . The 3rd drive address switch should be set as unit 0 and must have a Terminator Resistor Pack. To access the third drive from DUTIL you must specify the controller number by typing wdc 01 . II. SOFTWARE SET-UP For the system to be able to recognize the third disk drive two device files must be created. o ADMIN> makedev /dev/wd2 B 14 64 o ADMIN> makedev /dev/rwd2 U 14 64 To enable the system to utilize the full capacity of the 2nd/3rd disk drive the superblock must be modified and a filesystem must be installed on the drive. To change the superblock on drive (X) to reflect two partitions, the following steps must be taken. Please refer to the Command Manual section of the User's Guide for full details on each command. Where (X)= Drive number o ADMIN> usb /dev/rwd(X) -get desc=drive(X) "drive(X)" is an arbitrary name we assigned to a file, in this example, to store the contents of the superblock of the third hard disk. o ved the file, /etc/diskdesc/drive(X). Find the line: **partition # : starting block : length in blocks Move the cursor down one line, do ^k's to erase any other lines and add the line: 1:0:-1 Save the file with the new edits. o ADMIN> usb /dev/rwd(X) -save -set type=drive(X) CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB022 Pg001 This command updates the superblock on drive(X) with the parameters described in /etc/diskdesc/drive(X). o ADMIN> makedev /dev/rdrive1 U 14 33 ------ DRIVE 1 ADMIN> makedev /dev/drive1 B 14 33 o ADMIN> makedev /dev/rdrive2 U 14 65 ------ DRIVE 2 ADMIN> makedev /dev/drive2 B 14 65 These two commands create the unbuffered raw device and the buffered device. The names of the devices used here are called drive1-2 and rdrive1-2 but can be defined using other names. To follow convention, the unbuffered device should begin with the letter "r" which stands for raw device. o ADMIN> makefs /dev/rdrive(X) Once the device has been defined, a filesystem is created using the makefs command. o Verify that the drive has been correctly partitioned by using the "space" command. The number of blocks returned should reflect the size of the hard disk installed. ADMIN> space /dev/rdrive(X) o To access the newly installed hard disk, the device must be mounted to a directory on drive 0. It is recommended that the /mnt directory not be used for this purpose. Create a new directory to be used as a mount point for the new drive. (e.g. /mntwd(X) ) ADMIN> makedir /mntwd(X) o So that the customer will have access to the new drive each time they load their system, ved the /etc/sinit file and add the following line at the end of the file: mount /dev/drive(X) /mntwd(X) Save the edited file. Each time the system is loaded the file is executed and drive(X) will be mounted to /mntwd(X). Again "drive(X)" and "mntwd(X) are arbitrary names: Where (X)=Drive Number. o When the customer wishes to use the new drive they need to prefix /mntwd(X) to their path name. NOTE: The devices /dev/drive(X) and /dev/rdrive(X) also need to be added to the boot partition. This is done by booting to the boot and using the makedev command as described earlier in this bulletin. ORIGINATOR: C. Figueroa CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB022 Pg002 FIB 00023 10/12/87 *** Command 'who' shows 'admin' logged onto unused terminal(s) *** A condition has been reported from the field, that just after system boot the 'who' command and 'ps' command shows 'admin' logged in at another terminal or terminals. These terminals are usually connected to a modem. This should not be viewed as a problem since system security has not been violated; to log on to the system will still require an Operator ID and Password (if required). The reason that 'admin' shows logged in is that when an or ^C is entered at the Escape prompt, admin is called to execute the '/bin/login' command. This is the command that prompts for the operator ID and password. In some cases, a modem will produce oneof these characters which in turn calls admin to run '/bin/login'. If this is a problem for your customer, the work around is to turn off the modem during system boot. ORIGINATOR: W. Moore CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB023 Pg001 FIB 00024 10/19/87 *** Firmware correction for 4-way & 8-way self test problems *** A new firmware is available to correct a specific problem on the 4-way and 8-way controllers. PROBLEM: At power on, as part of each controller self test, data output from Serial Communication Controller (SCC) ICs were internally looped back. The SCC data out-puts were disabled from going to the serial line by hardware. The disabling action was causing a NULL character inadvertently sent out to the line which, on DIABLO interface type printers would cause a garbage character (`?') printed. RESOLUTION: The new firmware resolve this problem by not performing SCC data loop back test as part of the self test. In addition, the 8-way controller fixes minor problems related to abnormal conditions. The ECN number for the 4-way controller is 12276. The ECN number for the 8-way controller is 12266. DRAW INFORMATION: See WPS hardware bulletin #374 for detail. ORIGINATOR: Carlos Figueroa CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB024 Pg001 FIB 00025 12/01/87 *** Instructions for intermixing 4-Way and 8-Way controllers *** SYMPTOM: When upgrading or adding 8-way controllers to a 3000 where they previously had 4-ways, you must print out the terminal configuration then delete each port except for the CMB ports, then "shutdown" and "reboot". Using the printout, add all of the original ports plus the new ones. If you don't follow this precedure and simply add new ports in the configuration file and new boards, the system will look at the 8-way as being a 4-way, and you will not be able to configure or use the last four ports. FIX: The order is this: 1. Printout terminal configuration file. 2. Delete all ports except CMB ports. 3. Shutdown system and replace 4-ways with 8-ways or add 8-ways. (Address 8-ways first, then 4 ways. Ref. FIB #14) 4. Reboot and enter original ports plus new ones. 5. Shutdown and reboot system. ORIGINATOR: Jim Dobson & John Tank CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB025 Pg001 FIB 00026 11/03/87 *** System with modem/mux attached hangs during boot *** New MDS PROMs, Level 2.7, have been released for the MAI 3000. These new PROMs correct a problem where the system will hang during the boot when a MODEM/MUX is attached to any 8-way PORT 0. The hang will occur before the system self-test. The implementation code for this release is 6A, that is, the PROMs should be replaced on the next service call. REWORK INSTRUCTIONS: ASSEMBLY BOARD DETAIL ---------------------------------------------------------------- 903593-001 32 BIT CMB 905213-001 903631-001 32 BIT CMB 905216-001 Remove I.C. Replace I.C. MBF Part Number Location MBF Part Number MM Number ---------------------------------------------------------------- 165057-013 9H 165057-017 MM535126 165057-014 7H 165057-018 MM535127 ORIGINATOR: W. Moore CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB026 Pg001 FIB 00027 10/30/87 *** ESCAPE key problem while in BASIC mode *** A condition has been found where the ESCAPE key on the MAI 2000/3000 is lost in BASIC. This condition is generated when an error occurs and the error handling logic causes a tight program loop. Since the loop is so tight, the ESCAPE is not seen and the condition gives the appearance that the terminal is locked. An example of this would be: 00100 READRECORD(1,KEY="ABC",ERR=00100)A$ Where the KEY is missing. Another example would be: 00100 SETERR 00100 200 X=I/B Where B=0 (which sets an invalid divide by 0 condition) Presently there is no work around for this condition. If your program gets in this condition use the 'ps -a' command to find the task executing and then use the 'kill' command to kill the BASIC task. This will bring your terminal back to the Log-on screen. It's recommended that you use a SETTRACE to troubleshoot terminal hang problems. This condition will be corrected in 7.4A. ORIGINATOR: W. Moore CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB027 Pg001 FIB 00028 11/11/87 *** 3000/4000 power-on self test failures *** SYMPTOM: System hangs on standoff, led segments show nothing or a "C". FIX: The chassis for the 3/4000 system has a metal standoff to support the back of the CMB, located about 1/2" from the P/S connector. This metal post cuts into the land pattern, grounding 1 or 2 lines. A temporary fix while B/4 modifies the standoffs: Remove the CMB and put 2 or 3 layers of electric tape on the back of the PCBA, between the end (pin 25) of the P/S connector and the letter M on the CMB. . -------- M ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! tape ! 25 (P/S connector) . !------! ORIGINATOR: Pat Salcedo CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB028 Pg001 FIB 00029 11/11/87 *** 3000/4000 self-test fails, LED segment shows blinking '03' *** SYMPTOM: A defective SSN PAL or standard PAL can cause the NVRAM test to fail.. FIX: Try a re-seating or replacement of the PAL before replacing the CMB. ORIGINATOR: Pat Salcedo CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB029 Pg001 FIB 00030 11/16/87 *** Cautions when changing CMB in BETA 4000 Systems *** The Basic Four part number for the CMB in the 4000 system is 903631-002. The only difference is that the -002 version has level 7.3 MDS PROMs at locations 7H and 9H. If replacement of the CMB in BETA 4000 systems becomes necessary, you may use the 903631-001 (MM537025), but you must transfer these two PROMs from the defective CMB to the new one. *** NOTE *** CMB P/N MM535025/903593-001 WILL NOT work in a 4000 system. ORIGINATOR: H. Mitchell CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB030 Pg001 FIB 00031 11/20/87 *** Exec won't accept "b4bus" password to install diags on disk *** SYMPTOM: On OS release 7.3C and 7.4A (BETA), when attempting to install the diagnostics on the hard disk, after the command "service" is entered and the password is requested, the system will not accept the "b4bus" password. FIX: The new password is "qwerty" ORIGINATOR: H. Mitchell CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB031 Pg001 FIB 00032 12/01/87 *** Parity Errors During Boot *** SYMPTOM: A problem has been encountered installing 3000 systems with 8-way controllers. At boot time, parity errors come up right after the proprietory message. A maximum of only three parity errors are displayed at this time and all three are on the same board and port number. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: This problem is due to unterminated cables plugged into that port on the quadpus adapter cable. FIX: Unplug that cable from quadpus and label the removed cable as being unterminated for future use. Once that port has been isolated, rebooting the system may indicate another unterminated port. Follow the same procedure until all unterminated cables are found. NOTE: 8-ways are addressed 0 to 2 Ports are numbered 0 to 7 Example: "Parity Error Board #1 Port #6" (Actual location is second 8-way, seventh port) ORIGINATOR: John Dobson & John Tank CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB032 Pg001 FIB 00033 03/16/90 *** UPS warning signal cable information *** The cable which connects from the SPx CCA to the UPS which is called the "warning signal cable" is used to notify the CPU that the UPS is supplying system power. This cable is shown in the 3000 and 4000 Maintenance manuals, but the part number shown in these manuals is incorrect. The correct information on this cable is: Cable, UPS Warning Signal - 916076-001 - MM535129 The Uninterruptible Power Source (UPS), warning signal cable (WSC) may have incorrect wiring. ECN #12473 contains the correct wiring schematic (see WPS Bulletin #404). Having the cable wired wrong did not affect the system, the problem was that the message never displayed on the terminal. The WSC gives a visual warning to the user on TERMINAL 0 (console), and instructs the user to do a proper shutdown. In order for this to work, the following should be done: o The conf file has to be in verbose. NOTE: Only T0 will display the WARNING message. This will only affect Revision A and B of the 916076-001 cable assembly. DRAWING INFORMATION: See WPS Bulletin #404 for schematic wiring detail. ORIGINATOR: Harvey Mitchell CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB033 Pg001 FIB 00034 12/29/87 *** Terminal hang when opening R0 and LP [ WPS 407 ] *** When RO and LP are opened in this order in a basic program it will cause the terminal to hang. The workaround is to reverse the order that the devices are opened. Examples: OPEN (1) "RO" --- will cause a terminal hang OPEN (2) "LP" OPEN (2) "LP" --- will NOT cause a terminal hang OPEN (1) "RO" ORIGINATOR: Pamla Thatcher CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB034 Pg001 FIB 00035 12/29/87 *** Configuring unused ports on the MAI 3000/4000 [ WPS 412 ] *** When installing a new MAI 3000, we recommend that only those ports which have devices connected be configured. Loose Cables connected to configured ports that are not being used, could possibly cause system performance problems such as system running slow, excessive parity errors, and terminal hangs. ORIGINATOR: Carlos Figueroa CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB035 Pg001 FIB 00036 09/26/88 *** Rear Panel Upgrade Kit for 3000 CCA, improves ESD and serviceability *** The Rear Panel has been redesigned to enhance ESD immunity and to improve serviceability. The new style panel is being shipped on new 3000/4000 systems at this time. ESD immunity is enhanced by providing better grounding between the controllers and the CCA frame. This is accomplished by adding a mesh to the rear panel cover to provide better contact between the I/O connector bracket of the controllers and the rear panel. Serviceability is improved by providing better access to the controller stack. The new Rear Panel has a removable cover over the I/O connectors of the controller stack. Removing the cover provides a bigger opening for the I/O connector brackets facilitating the installation of the controllers on the stack. This will help to resolve the problem of bending connector pins when the boards are inserted on the controller stack. The following kit of parts is available to upgrade early 3000 systems in the field: Rear Panel Upgrade Kit, MM535047, P/N 916203-001 This is not a mandatory change. However it is recommended that the kit be installed on all early systems in order to prevent ESD problems and damage to the PCBA connectors. ORIGINATOR: JAVIER VAN OORDT CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB036 Pg001 FIB 00037 02/16/88 *** New installation procedures for 2000/3000 [ WPS 422 ] *** MAI Basic Four is now configuring and formatting all MAI 2000 systems to the sales order, which is the method by which the MAI 3000 has always been shipped. The packaging has been modified to ensure that the PCBA's will not come lose during shipment. This action should result in minimizing field failures caused by exposing the PCBA's to excessive handling and ESD related damage. The following is the recommended procedure for installation of the MAI 2000/3000 at a customer site: o Unpackage the CCA cabinet from shipping cartons. o Open CCA cabinet and remove the packing material from inside the cabinet. (Follow instructions inside CCA cabinet) o Make sure that all PCBA's are seated correctly. (DO NOT change the switch settings on any of the controllers) o Close CCA cabinet. o Plug the unit into dedicated line receptacle. o Power-on the system and perform a standard load. o Do an alt.load and run the SIT diagnostics. o Install diagnostics into hard disk. (Optional) If the system does not power up correctly then perform the normal troubleshooting procedures. Verify that all diagnostics run successfully before you continue with your normal installation procedures. ORIGINATOR: Carlos Fiqueroa CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB037 Pg001 FIB 00038 03/18/88 *** New firmware CMBs 903631-001 & 903593-001 [ WPS 423 ] *** There is a new firmware available for the 2nd and 3rd artwork CMB on the MAI 3000 system. 903631-001 ---- 3rd Artwork CMB ---- MM537025 On the 3rd artwork CMB all systems with serial #82600 should be reworked at next service call. Implementation code for ECN #12614 is 6A. When the new firmware is installed on a 3rd artwork CMB, it allows the CMB to be used on a MAI 4000 system. It also improves diagnostic capabilities for Depot and Repair Centers. 903593-001 ---- 2nd Artwork CMB ---- MM535025 On the 2nd artwork CMB all PCB's with detail 905213-001 should be reworked when returned for repairs at the Depot or Repair Centers. Implementation code for ECN #12648 is 5. The new firmware when installed, improves diagnostic capabilities for Depot and Repair Centers. Rework Instructions Remove I.C. Location Replace I.C. ----------- -------- --------------------- 165057-017 9 H 165057-021 MM537027 165057-018 7 H 165057-022 MM537028 ADDITIONAL PROM INFORMATION: Vendor No. Location NACS ICN ---------- -------- -------- 165057-017 9 H MM535126 165057-018 7 H MM535127 165057-004 9 H MM535123 165057-005 7 H MM535124 ORIGINATOR: Carlos Fiqueroa CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB038 Pg001 FIB 00039 02/23/88 *** Paradyne Modem Configuration *** Paradyne modems connected to the MAI 2/3000 systems at 7.3 or higher must be set up under the" host modem configuration" called out in Hardware Announcement number 16 section Failure to do this will result in buffer overruns, or terminal hangs, or terminal unable to transmit to the cpu. See FIB #30 under Communications Basic Four. ORIGINATOR: J WHALEN CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB039 Pg001 FIB 00040 03/07/88 *** Error 65 *** SYMPTOM: System is getting ERR 65. The system is running out of file descriptor's. FIX: Have the software vendor check the vconf file. The fd's, process=, and lu's need to be increased. The new OS (i.e. 7.3) paramters are more critical and the customizing of each system will be different depending on the packages (i.e. ORIGIN, GRAPH). Follow the chart in the OS release for the formula. ORIGINATOR: Bob Berard CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB040 Pg001 FIB 00041 03/18/88 *** Diagnostics installation on hard disk. *** SYMPTOM/TEXT: During diagnostics installation, after several files have been copied, the systems asks "Do you want to erase XXXX ?".K FIX: The new Diagnostic Tape works on 2000, 3000 and 4000, so it has two versions of some diagnostics in it. The first version is for 3/4000, the second version is for 2000. So, for installation on a 3000 you should answer 'n', on a 2000 answer 'y'. ORIGINATOR: Pat Salcedo CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB041 Pg001 FIB 00042 03/18/88 *** Replacing 3rd artwork CMB with a 2nd artwork CMB *** SYMPTOM: We had a 3000 with a 3rd artwork CMB (903631-001) which had low REV PROMS. We received a 2nd artwork CMB (903593-001) with the correct level PROMS (165057-021 & -022) but could not install it because the cable (916025-002 MM535051 cntrl panel-to-CMB) in the system was too short. It plugs into a different location. On the 3rd artwork CMB it plugs into J4 at location R-1 at the top near the battery. On the 2nd artwork CMB it plugs into J4 at location E-1 behind the memory PCBAs. FIX: The cable, cntrl panel-to-CMB must be replaced if you replace a 3rd artwork CMB with a 2nd artwork cmb. ORIGINATOR: Bob Berard CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB042 Pg001 FIB 00043 03/23/88 *** Replacable battery on CMB *** SYMPTOM: Low battery error message. FIX:.Repace Lithium battery on CMB 903631 with YY019263 (183007-001). ORIGINATOR: John Tank CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB043 Pg001 FIB 00044 03/23/88 *** Disk drive cable problems *** SYMPTOM: The following symptoms may occur after working inside system: 1. Cannot boot from disk drive. 2. When system is in self test, it displays error "5A" when testing wdc PCBA. 3. DUTIL under 7.3 Diagnostics cannot read superblock and reports drives as "unknow". FIX: Check cabling to drive. Due to the sharp bends in the ribbon cables from the controllers to the drives it is very possible that a break may occur or a connector has not been replaced properly. ORIGINATOR: John Tank CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB044 Pg001 FIB 00045 10/17/88 *** MAI 4000 Hardware Announcement [ WPSH 18A ] *** MAI Basic Four is pleased to announce the addition of a new system to the BOSS/IX~ family, the MAI 4000~. The MAI 4000 is idealy suited for new customers with initial requirements of 15 to 30 users. An upgrade kit is also available for the users who have outgrown their MAI 3000~ system and desire to add more memory, disk and/or serial ports. The MAI 4000 system highlights include: o Up to 16MB RAM and 1,120MB of formatted disk capacity o Support of 74 serial devices and 3 parallel ports o 4MB memory boards o All the peripherals and controllers (3rd ART WORK CMB ONLY) used on the MAI 3000 can be used on the MAI 4000 o Improved O/S performance ************************************** * * * NOTE: Not all of these capacities * * can be configured on a * * single system at the same * * time. They represent * * maximum capacities for each * * resource * * * ************************************** Copyright 1988 MAI Basic Four, Inc. All rights reserved TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 NEW HARDWARE 3.0 EXPANSION SUBSYSTEM 4.0 4MB MEMORY CARD 5.0 PARALLEL PRINTER CONTROLLER 6.0 RESTRICTIONS 6.1 EXPANSION UNIT 6.2 CMB 6.3 WDC CONTROLLER 6.4 LAN, MTS, MTC, AND 4-WAYS 7.0 POWER ISSUES 7.1 POWER LOSS 7.2 POWER ON/STARTUP 8.0 SERIAL PORT ADDRESSING CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB045 Pg001 9.0 PARALLEL PRINTER/CMB ADDRESSING 10.0 MEMORY ADDRESS 10.1 4MB VERSION 10.2 1MB VERSION 11.0 EXPANSION INTERFACE A (EIA) 11.1 JUMPER SETTING 11.2 SWITCH SETTINGS 12.0 EXPANSION INTERFACE B (EIB) 12.1 JUMPER SETTING 12.2 SWITCH SETTINGS 13.0 DISK PARTITIONS 14.0 UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY (UPS) 15.0 RECOMMENDED DISK CONFIGURATION 16.0 RELATED DOCUMENTATION 1.0 INTRODUCTION The MAI 4000 system is a multi-user, multi-tasking microcomputer system whose operating system, BOSS/IX, combines the features of MAI Basic Four Business BASIC and the UNOS operating system, which is similar to the industry standard UNIX operating system. The O/S is functionally compatible with BOSS/IX used on the MAI 2000/3000 systems. 2.0 NEW HARDWARE The MAI 4000 contains the following new hardware: 1. Expansion Unit (EU) cabinet 2. Expansion Interface A (EIA) o Includes two additional parallel printer ports 3. Expansion Interface B (EIB) o Includes six additional peripheral controller slots 4. 4MB Memory Board 3.0 EXPANSION SUBSYSTEM The Expansion Subsystem consists of an Expansion Unit (EU) cabinet, two bus extender cards (EIA and EIB) one in the Base Unit and one in the Expansion Unit, and a set of cables to interconnect the two. The mechanical outline for the Expansion Unit is the same as the Base Unit cabinet (i.e., MAI 3000 cabinet). The EIA resides in the Base Unit on top of the I/O controller stack and logically buffers the EBUS signals prior to extending CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB045 Pg002 them to the EIB in the Expansion Unit. 4.0 4MB MEMORY CARD The functionalities offered by the 4MB memory card are similar to those of the 1MB memory card. Up to six 1MB and 4MB memory cards can be intermixed, provided that the memory capacity does not exceed the maxiumum of 16MB. The 4MB uses the same address as the 1MB, the only difference being that the 4MB has to be addressed before the 1MB cards. 5.0 PARALLEL PRINTER CONTROLLER The parallel printer controller is located on the EIA controller. It allows the attachment of two more parallel printers (in addition to the parallel port on the CMB) for a total of three parallel printers. 6.0 RESTRICTIONS 6.1 EXPANSION UNIT The Expansion Unit will support a maximum of six additional controllers with the following limits: 1. 8-Ways --------------- (Up to 6 Controllers Max.) 2. WDC Controller ------- (Up to 2 Controllers Max.) 6.2 CMB Requires a 3rd Art-Work CMB with Rev. level N or higher, to access more than 8MB of memory and support the Expansion Unit. 6.3 WDC Controller Drive 0 or WDC 0 has to be in the Base Unit. If installed in the Expansion Unit the system will not load. 6.4 LAN, MTS, MCS, AND 4-WAYS Supported in the Base Unit only. 7.0 POWER ISSUES 7.1 POWER LOSS The MAI 4000 system with both a Base and Expansion Unit are to be treated as a single unit, with respect to power loss. In other words, if power to either unit is lost, the system will cycle down. 7.2 POWER ON/STARTUP If the Base Unit is powered on and the Expansion Unit is not correctly cabled or does not have power, the Base Unit can operate as a single box. If power is restored to the Expansion Unit subsequent to system startup, the Expansion Unit and all its component will be ignored. The system will have to be shutdown and re-booted to enable recognition of the powered on Expansion Unit. CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB045 Pg003 8.0 SERIAL PORT ADDRESSING NOTE: 0 = ON N/A = NOT AVAILABLE 1 = OFF N/S = NOT SUPPORTED 4-Way 8-Way Minor #s BOARD LOC. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4-Way 8-Way 0 BU 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0-3 0-7 1 BU 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 8-11 8-15 2 BU 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 16-19 16-23 3 BU 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 24-27 24-31 4 BU N/A 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 N/A 32-39 5 BU N/A 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 N/A 40-47 6 EU N/S 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 N/S 48-55 7 EU N/S 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 N/S 56-63 8 EU N/S 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 N/S 64-71 9 EU N/S 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 N/S 72-79 10 EU N/S 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 N/S 80-87 11 EU N/S 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 N/S 88-95 9.0 PARALLEL PRINTER/CMB ADDRESSING Major Minor CMB Parallel port 1 8 0 EIA Parallel port 1 8 100 EIA Parallel port 2 8 101 CMB Port A 9 0 CMB Port B 9 1 NOTE: The RAW parallel printer major, minor numbers are: CMB: 5, 0 EIA 1: 5, 1 EIA 2: 5, 2 10.0 MEMORY ADDRESS 10.1 4MB VERSION Address Range S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 0MB - 4MB ON ON ON ON ON ON 4MB - 8MB ON ON ON ON ON OFF 8MB - 12MB ON ON ON ON OFF ON 12MB - 16MB ON ON ON ON OFF OFF o NOTE: Address 4MB boards before addressing the 1MB. 10.2 1MB VERSION Address Range S8 S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 0MB - 1MB ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 1MB - 2MB ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF 2MB - 3MB ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF ON 3MB - 4MB ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF 4MB - 5MB ON ON ON ON ON OFF ON ON 5MB - 6MB ON ON ON ON ON OFF ON OFF CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB045 Pg004 6MB - 7MB ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF ON 7MB - 8MB ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF 8MB - 9MB ON ON ON ON OFF ON ON ON 9MB - 10MB ON ON ON ON OFF ON ON OFF 10MB - 11MB ON ON ON ON OFF ON OFF ON 11MB - 12MB ON ON ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF 12MB - 13MB ON ON ON ON OFF OFF ON ON 13MB - 14MB ON ON ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF 14MB - 15MB ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON 15MB - 16MB ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF 11.0 EXPANSION INTERFACE A (EIA) 11.1 JUMPER SETTING The jumper JMP1 detrmines the Base Address of the EIA board. JMP1 From - To Base Address * 1 - 2 4C00XXX 2 - 3 4C01XXX * = Default setting X = Don't care 11.2 SWITCH SETTINGS Switch SW1 determines the Bus Arbitration level of the EIA and the Interrupt Acknowledge Arbitration Sub-Level. SW1 (4 position) 1 2 3 4 OFF ON ON ON 12.0 EXPANSION INTERFACE B (EIB) 12.1 JUMPER SETTING The jumper JMP1 determines whether the Base Unit is reset when the Expansion Unit is powered on. JMP1 From - To Reset Base Unit * NONE NO 1 - 2 YES * = Default setting 12.1 (Cont.) The jumper JMP2 determines whether the Host CPU is interrupted when the Expansion Unit is powered on. JMP2 From - To Interrupt Host CPU * 1 - 2 YES 2 - 3 NO * = Default setting 12.2 SWITCH SETTINGS CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB045 Pg005 The Expansion Interface B (EIB) Power On Interrupt is at level 6 and Sub-level determined by the switch SW1. SW1 (4 position) 1 2 3 4 OFF ON OFF ON 13.0 DISK PARTITIONS Each BOSS/IX disk supports up to 32 partitions. Partitions are as follows: DRIVE PARTITIONS 0 0-31 1 32-63 2 64-95 4 128-159 5 160-191 6 192-223 14.0 UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY A large MAI 4000 configuration will require a second (1,000 watts) UPS. An example of the configurations which require the second UPS are described in the following table. Total No. of Internal Drives Total No. Of Controllers _(Disk & Tape)_ _ Including EIA Board _ 4 10 or more 5 7 or more 6 or more 5 or more If an MAI 4000 system contains the same number or more of drives and controllers as indicated in the table, then a second UPS is required. 15.0 RECOMMENDED DISK CONFIGURATION ----------- ----------- \ Frt Pnl \ \ \ \ 2 \ \ 7 6 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 0 \ \ 5 4 \ \ \ \ \ ----------- ----------- BASE UNIT EXPANSION UNIT There is no Drive 3 as the tape drive goes in that position. To find the Minor number for the drives use the formula: DRIVE # * 32 = DRIVE MINOR NUMBER For example Drive 6 would have minor 192; 6*32=192 14.0 RELATED DOCUMENTATION o MAI 4000 Service Manual #M8205A P/N 008205-001 CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB045 Pg006 ORIGINATOR: Carlos Figueroa/Harvey Mitchell CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB045 Pg007 FIB 00046 06/01/88 *** CMB shorting out on chassis standoffs [ WPSF 429A ] *** There is a problem reported with the 3rd artwork CMB shorting out at the chassis stand-offs. This problem is only seen at installation time. All rework for ECN 12613 (implementation code 5) should be done at DEPOT and REPAIR CENTERS when returned for repairs. Rework all CMB's with PCB detail 905296-001 as follows: Apply adhesive backed insulating labels to the solderside of PCBA approximately where the attached drawing shows. These insulators cover the top of the chassis stand-offs which may possibly short PCB etch. The MBF part number for the insulator label is 762617-001, MM002409. NOTE: Advance revision level to M. _____________________________________________________________________<-- | | | | :: | | | :: | | | :: ::::::: | 5.7" | :: :: :: | | | :::::::*** | | | *** |<-- | :: :::::::*** | | :: :: :: | | :: ::::::: | | :: *** *** | | :: ***::::::::::::::::::*** | | *** *** | | :: .. | | :: .. | | :: .. | | :: .. | | :: | |___________________________________________________________________| NOTE: *** = location to apply adhesive insulating labels on solder side of PCB. ORIGINATOR: Carlos Figueroa CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB046 Pg001 FIB 00047 03/28/88 *** Terminal/System Hang on Release 7.2 O.S. [ WPSF 435 ] *** Problem: A terminal(s) appears to be hung or if no other terminals are logged on, the system appears to be hung. You will most likely find this problem when you log off then cannot log back on again. The terminals which are active will continue working until a logoff takes place at which point the terminal will 'hang'. Cause: The process id 1 is suspended on a 3000 or missing on a 2000. There is a small 'window' in the process handling in which this process suspends. Usually, the suspend is a result of a port that is logged-off flooding the system with escapes. To verify: On an active terminal, do a 'ps -a'. Look for PID 1. On a 2000, it will not exist. On a 3000, the status will be SSPD. Workaround: Upgrade to 7.3 or 7.4. ORIGINATOR: Pamala Thatcher CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB047 Pg001 FIB 00048 03/28/88 *** Crash Code 21 on Release 7.3 [ WPSF 436 ] *** Problem: The system crashes with a crash code 21 or bus error. The first entry in the dump error log is a 0:16 or a 0:0 which can be found using the dmplog command. Usually this will occur just after a print job has finished printing and, to date, on systems that (1) have a maximum configuration with more than one printer or (2) are over configured with one printer for the amount of memory in the system. Here are some examples of configurations on systems that have reported this problem: 3000 -- 2MB Memory, 9 users/terminals, 2 printers 2000 -- 1MB Memory, 7 users/terminals, 1 printer Cause: The memory is corrupted. The system goes to 'free memory' which has already been accidentally freed. Also during memory compaction the system detects 2 adjacent free sections because one of the free sections had already been freed. The bus error is caused by 2 processes accidentally sharing the same memory. Workaround: Upgrade to 7.4 Do NOT configure more user/terminals than the system has the memory to support. (This might only cut down the chances of the crash, but the crash could still occur.) ORIGINATOR: Pamla Thatcher CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB048 Pg001 FIB 00049 04/18/88 *** Slow running due to incorrect PMMU jumpering [ WPSF 442 ] *** PROBLEM: Some CMB boards with PMMU processors have gone out to the field from Manufacturing, Depots and Repair Centers missing jumpers 16 to 17, and 18 to 19. SOLUTION: Jumpers 16 to 17 and 18 to 19 must be installed if the PMMU is present. REASON: Jumper 16 to 17 establishes the state of a Fast Table Search in the PMMU. If this jumper is not installed, one additional clock cycle might be introduced to the total time during a Table Search. Jumper 18 to 19 controls the Early Processing Startup for exception processing in the PMMU. If this jumper is not installed, all PMMU initiated operations are extended by 6 clock cycles. Since the PMMU does not arbitrate for the logical bus in the CMB design, the jumper must be installed to prevent the additional delay in all PMMU access and improve performance. ORIGINATOR: Carlos Fiqueroa CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB049 Pg001 FIB 00050 11/02/88 *** 4000 System Hangs with >12 Meg - EIA change/SW Change [ WPS 461 ] *** PROBLEM: A problem has been found with 'SYSTEM HANGS' when more than 12MB of memory is configured and an attempt is made to access any controller or 'cache parity' errors on the Expansion Unit of the MAI 4000 system. SOLUTION: ECN #12922 contains the rework instructions for the Expansion Interface A (EIA) board P/N 903645-001. This ECN has an implementation code of 6A. All systems must be reworked on the next service call or replace the EIA PCB with one at REV B or higher. NOTE: The switch settings for SW1 are also changed with this REV level. SW1 -4 -3 -2 -1 C C C O - correct setting for PCBAs at or above REV B C = Closed/On O = Open/Off REWORK INSTRUCTIONS Rework all assemblies built on detail 905320-001 1) Pad isolation table cut # From To Remarks ----------------------------------------- 1 RP4-5 RP1-5 COMPONENT SIDE 2 RP1-5 6G-15 COMPONENT SIDE 3 RP4-5 J3-7 SOLDER SIDE 2) Jumper wire table JMP# From To Remarks -------------------------------------- 1 6G-15 RP4-5 SOLDER SIDE 3) Reset DIP Switch SW! as follows: SW1-1 = off SW1-2 = on SW1-3 = on SW1-4 = on 4) Remove IC at location 4L, replace with MBF P/N 911037-003 5) Remove IC at .ocation 3F, replace with MBF P/N 911034-013 6) Update REV to B ORIGINATOR: C. Figueroa N. Jones CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB050 Pg001 FIB 00051 06/23/88 *** 3000 System won't Run BASIC Programs *** SYMPTOM/TEXT: After replacing the CMB PCBA with new style CMB (PMMU), the system would not run basic programs, tried replacing disk as suggested in FIB #19, did not correct the problem. System worked fine when original CMB was reinstalled. FIX: Upgraded system to level 7.4 operating system. ORIGINATOR: B. Matthews/Ken Conners CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB051 Pg001 FIB 00052 01/25/95 *** MAI 2500 General Information *** The MAI 2500 is a replacement for the MAI 2000 based on the MAI 3000 hardware. It uses the same cabinet as the MAI 3000 but with a different control panel. The MAI 2500 utilizes all MAI 3000 hardware except: o 2000 Power supply modified with ECN # 12939 (sheet metal cut-out to allow . correct insertion to CMB) o 3000 CMB board modified with ECN # 13031 (New Proms and power supply connector spacer) o 3000 Card Cage modified to limit the maximum number of boards to 4. o New Control Panel ***** NACS MACHINE TYPES AND FEATURE NUMBERS ***** NACS MBF DESCRIPTION ---- ---- ------------------- 4125 4125 MAI 2500 System CCA ***** SOFTWARE INFORMATION ***** BOSS/IX 7.4B is the required Operating System. Level 7.4B supports the limited configuration of the MAI 2500. A new 2000/2500/3000/4000 SSN tape will be released to support the MAI 2500 . Previous SSN tapes will not work. A new diagnostics tape will be released with 7.4B Operating System. ***** AVAILABLE DOCUMENTATION ***** MAI 2500/3000 Service Manual, M8108B ***** AVAILABLE TRAINING ***** SPx training classes have been expanded to cover the MAI 2500. ***** SPECIAL TOOLS ***** 2000/2500/3000/4000 SSN Tape cartridge 1/4"....................Special Request 2000/2500/3000/4000 SSN Tape reel 1/2".........................Special Request To obtain a copy of the SSN tape contact Software Distribution. ***** SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ***** Same as for the MAI 3000/4000 ***** SPARE PARTS INFORMATION ***** CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB052 Pg001 NACS TYPE 4125, MBF 2500 SYSTEM WHERE USED --------------------- MBF NO. ICN NO. DESCRIPTION 2000 3000 4000 2500 916275-001 MM532500 CABLE ADAPTER, DC POWER 0 0 0 1 907612-002 MM532510 CABLE, "Y" DC POWER TO HD 0 0 0 1 916112-002 MM537080 CABLE, 100 COND 24" 0 0 1 0 907968-001 MM535061 CABLE, 8-WAY ADAPTER 0 1 1 1 916021-001 MM535054 CABLE, BUS, DR. 0 & 1 0 1 1 1 916021-002 MM535058 CABLE, BUS, DR. 2 & 3 0 1 1 0 916001-002 MM535056 CABLE, DR.-POWER SUPP. 0 1 1 0 916024-001 MM535052 CABLE, MCS TO CONTLR 0 1 1 1 916022-001 MM535055 CABLE, RADIAL, DR. 0 0 1 1 1 916023-001 MM535057 CABLE, RADIAL, DR. 1 0 1 1 1 916022-002 MM535059 CABLE, RADIAL, DR. 2 0 1 1 0 916023-002 MM535060 CABLE, RADIAL, DR. 3 0 1 1 0 907756-001 MM532090 CBL ADAPTER, 4WAY CBL-CMB 1 1 1 1 907755-001 MM535062 CBL ADAPTER, CMB CBL-4WAY 1 1 1 1 916025-002 MM535053 CBL, CTRL PNL-CMB, 18" 0 1 1 0 916025-001 MM535051 CBL, CTRL PNL-CMB, 29" 0 1 1 0 344016-004 MM877120 CORD, AC POWER, 115V U.S. 1 1 1 1 344026-001 MM532515 CORD, AC POWER, INTL 1 1 1 1 400575-003 MM534030 DISK DR,5.25 105MB-MAX 1 1 0 0 400549-001 MM534020 DISK DR,5.25 43MB-MICR 1 1 0 0 400413-004 MM534060 DISK DR,5.25 53MB-RODI 1 1 0 1 400575-007 MM534070 DISK, MAXTOR XT1085 1 1 0 0 400575-005 MM534040 DISK, MAXTOR XT1140 1 1 0 0 400575-009 MM503040 DISK,MAXT XT1085 <70 DEF 1 1 1 1 400575-010 MM503050 DISK,MAXT XT1140 <70 DEF 1 1 1 1 400575-008 MM534080 DISK,MAXT XT2190 <120 DEF 0 1 1 1 916123-001 MM537040 FAN & CABLE ASM, CABINET 0 1 1 1 907935-001 MM535045 FAN, POWER SUPPLY 3000 0 1 1 0 911017-001 MM535065 IC PAL, 1ST DISK CNTRL 1 1 1 1 911017-007 MM535070 IC PAL, 2ND DISK CNTRL 0 1 1 0 911005-082 MM538181 IC PAL, SSN, 3000 CMB 0 1 1 1 911005-083 MM538191 IC PAL,STANDRD 3000CMB 0 1 1 1 165057-029 MM532521 (1)IC PROM, 2500 CMB 9H 0 1 1 1 165057-030 MM532522 (1)IC PROM, 2500 CMB 7H 0 1 1 1 165057-014 REF.ONLY IC PROM, 3000 CMB 7H 0 1 1 0 165057-013 REF.ONLY IC PROM, 3000 CMB 9H 0 1 1 0 903639-001 MM535063 PCBA, 1/2 TAPE CONTROLLER 1 1 1 1 903528-001 MM532010 PCBA, 1/2" MTS BUS ADAPTER 1 1 1 0 400591-001 MM532020 PCBA, 1/2" MTS FORMATTER 1 1 1 0 903406-002 MM531070 PCBA, 1/4" MCS CNTRLR 1 1 1 1 903533-001 MM535030 PCBA, 1MB MEMORY 0 1 1 1 903390-001 MM531040 PCBA, 4-WAY CONTROLLER 1 1 1 1 903575-001 MM537030 PCBA, 4MB MEMORY 4000 0 1 1 0 903577-001 MM535040 PCBA, 8-WAY CONTROLLER 0 1 1 1 903631-003 MM532520 PCBA, CMB 2500 0 1 1 1 903593-001 MM535025 PCBA, CMB 3000, A/W 2 0 1 0 0 903631-001 MM537025 PCBA, CMB 4000, A/W 3 0 0 1 0 903631-003 MM532520 PCBA, CMB 2500/3000/4000 0 1 1 1 903631-004 MM532550 PCBA, CMB 2500/3000/4000 0 1 1 1 903667-001 MM535080 PCBA, DUAL SCSI DISK CONTR 0 1 1 0 903645-001 MM537055 PCBA, EXPANSION INT A 0 0 1 0 903643-001 MM537050 PCBA, EXPANSION INT B 0 0 1 0 903405-001 MM531060 PCBA, LAN CONTROLLER 1 1 1 1 903496-001 MM531150 PCBA, WD CONTRL,SNGL BD 1 1 1 1 907529-001 MM538040 PLUG, LOOPBACK, 1 PORT 1 1 0 1 907530-001 MM538050 PLUG, LOOPBACK,2 PORTS 1 1 0 1 CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB052 Pg002 907472-003 MM532525 POWER SUP.ASM, 115V, 2500 1 0 0 1 907472-004 MM532530 POWER SUP.ASM, 240V, 2500 1 0 0 1 907897-001 MM535010 POWER SUPPLY ASM, 3000 0 1 1 0 916286-001 REF.ONLY SPACER, CMB PWR SUP CONN 0 0 0 1 916276-001 MM532535 SWITCH & HARNESS ASM, NMI 0 0 0 1 916027-001 MM535050 SWITCH ASM, LOCK 0 1 1 0 916026-001 MM535000 SWITCH,MEMBRANE CTRL P 0 1 1 0 400412-001 MM540010 TAPE DR, 1/4" CIPHER 43MB 1 1 0 1 400683-001 MM650001 TAPE DR, 1/4" TANDB 120MB 1 1 1 1 400683-002 MM650002 TAPE DR, 1/4" TANDB 60MB 1 1 1 1 (1) These proms are required for 2500 systems, but they are also designed for 3000/4000 systems. ORIGINATOR: JAVIER VAN OORDT CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB052 Pg003 FIB 00053 08/06/88 *** System Hangs during Boot/Port Hangs due to Modem Configuration *** SYMPTOM/TEXT: System hangs on boot. Can't get back into system after hang up of remote terminal. FIX: Make sure CMD. char echo is off, if Paradyne modem, SW 2-4 (if other type check book with modem) on the modem at the C.P.U. Also make sure that ARQ-PARADYNE SW 3 - 2 & 3 are off, unless both modems are the same. ORIGINATOR: Pete Dobrow CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB053 Pg001 FIB 00054 11/22/89 *** 2000/3000/4000 LARL History [ WPSF 475R2 ] *** The following controllers should be checked for the LARL (Lowest Acceptable Revision Level). A brief comment on the ECN history is also included to avoid unnecessary board replacement. NOTE: The revisions that are skipped means that there were no functionality changes, only cosmetic and documentation changes. (*) = LARL (**) = ECN Implementation Code 6A Controller Part # Rev. Comment ------------ ------ -------------- -------------------------- WDC 903496 Y 10/10/88 Improve ESD immunity R ** 2/19/86 Multiple Errors, Incorrect Power- Up Sequence P >8MB addressing range. N Firmware change- Data corruption fix, Drive unit fix. ............................................................................. CMB 2nd Artwork 903593 Y 10/18/88 Improve ESD immunity V 01/18/88 EPROM Diagnostic update U ** 10/5/87 New MDS Firmware Bug fix, Sys. hang at BOOT when MODEM/MUX attached to 8-Way port 0. T MDS Firmware Change. N Timing problem causing system to fail MEM Test at boot. ............................................................................. CMB 3rd Artwork 903631 AE 6/12/89 Parts changed because of possible cache parity errors. Note: SCSI disk drives require a Update firmware to add 903631-004 on the 3/4000 and SCSI to 2500. 903631-005 on the 2500. (903631-005) AB * 5/17/89 Add SCSI firmware for 7.5B. (903631-004) AA 2/7/89 Change PAL firmware to support 7.5B func. Remove 32 IC sockets from PCBA. W 1/31/89 Remove resistor at R46. CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB054 Pg001 Controller Part # Rev. Comment ------------ ------ -------------- -------------------------- CMB 3rd Artwork 90363 V 8/14/88 Use common CPU and (continued) Boot PROM for 2500/ and 3000/4000. U 8/24/88 Eliminate occasional ERROR message "BAD INTERRUPT THROUGH VECTOR XX" one IC vendor change. T 8/18/88 LED component change. S 7/27/88 Improve ESD Immunity. R 5/19/88 Release Boot PROM for the 2500. L * New MDS Firmware to support the MAI 4000 system. K ** 10/05/87 MDS Firmware change- Bug Fix, Sys.hang at BOOT when MODEM/MUX attached to 8-way port 0. H MDS Firmware change- Bug fixes. ............................................................................. 8-Way 903577 L * 3/28/89 Component reliability improvement. K 9/14/88 Remove sockets. J 8/18/88 LED component change. H 7/27/88 Improve ESD immunity. G 6/6/88 Added new firmware for 7.4E. F ** 8/10/87 Update Firmware & Hardware for Bug fix & avoid bad character output to printer. C SCC Timing problem. ............................................................................. 4-Way 903390 Y 10/10/88 Improve ESD immunity W ** 8/17/87 Firmware change; Bypass SCC loopback selftest. P Firmware change; Required for 7.1A. ............................................................................. MCS 903406-001 AE 10/10/88 Improve ESD immunity AD 03/14/88 Timing change Y * Data miscompare fix. T Pal & Firmware change to correct timing problem. ............................................................................. MCS 903406-002 AB * Firmware change to work with 60/120MB streamer tape drive. ............................................................................. 1 MB Memory 903533 D ** 8/3/87 Leads short on control panel connection pins. ............................................................................. CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB054 Pg002 Controller Part # Rev. Comment ------------ ------ -------------- -------------------------- 4 MB Memory 903575 D ** 8/3/87 Leads short on control panel connection pins. B Connect missing ground. ............................................................................. LAN 903405 M 10/10/88 Improve ESD immunity D ** 08/13/84 Add terminator with switch. C DMA timing/disable ............................................................................. 1/2" Tape Ctlr. 903639 F * 2/7/89 Firmware update to support STC CD05. E 10/24/88 Update firmware to support GCR. C 5/17/88 Improve System ESD immunity. A 2/5/88 Product release. ............................................................................. MTS 903528 A * Production release ............................................................................. 128/256K Memory 903368 H 6/26/87 PCB Catch. G 7/24/86 Improve release on PCBA Latch/Ejector catch. F 5/10/84 New artwork 905060. A 12/13/83 Production Release. ............................................................................. WDC Adapter Board 903439 B * Change spacers ............................................................................. Adaptec Board 907649 E * Firmware change-Data corruption fix. D Substitute Rev.A Adaptec firmware. ............................................................................. CMB 16 BIT 903441-001 AU * Boot Proms Rev.B3.1 ............................................................................. CMB 16 BIT 903441-002 BE * 1/2" Streamer tape boot ............................................................................. EIA 903645 E * 8/18/88 LED component change. C 4/5/88 System hangs if more than 12MB memory and external control config. A 9/14/87 Product release. ............................................................................. EIB 903643 C * 8/18/88 LED component change. A 9/14/87 Product release. ............................................................................. Dual SCSI Ctlr 903667 E * 3/9/89 Product release. DRAWING INFORMATION: See WPS Field Bulletin 475 Revision 2 for a complete ECN history. This FIB is an extraction of important ECNs. ORIGINATOR: Dan Arteritano/Norm Jones CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB054 Pg003 FIB 00055 08/30/88 *** Ports Lost when Removing 8/4 Ways and Rebooting the System *** SYMPTOM/TEXT: When an 8/way is removed from the system and the system is rebooted, those ports will be lost to the system. The terminal configuration menu shows these ports blank. This occured on a 4000 system with 7.4A O.S. FIX: Reenter the configuration parameter's for the ports (in single user mode). Save the new configuration and reboot the system. ORIGINATOR: Bob Berard CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB055 Pg001 FIB 00056 08/30/88 *** EIA Transmission Parity Errs During Boot - 4000 at 7.4A *** SYMPTOM: Crash code 0 - EIA Transmission Parity errors may occur during the boot of 4000 systems at level 7.4A due to a timing problem with 8-ways in the expansion chassis using level 7.4A. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: The problem may show up as either solid or intermittant and may be affected by board placement, number of 8-ways in the expansion chassis, etc. FIX: Upgrade to level 7.4B ORIGINATOR: Carlos Figueroa N. Jones CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB056 Pg001 FIB 00057 11/21/88 *** Phantom ERROR 3's *** SYMPTOM: Customer reports ERROR 3's, Errorlog shows no disk errors. DIAGNOSIS: During self test after power up, MDS fails: WDC failed ERR = 5A, STS = 0002 Also fails using scan test under dutil: ERR = 1C (bad format) Command 08. FIX: Replace BUSS cable for disk drive failing -- MM535040 ORIGINATOR: Gil Mc Gee CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB057 Pg001 FIB 00058 11/30/88 *** Crashes with codes 0, 30 & 45 and System Hangs *** SYMPTOM: System crashes with codes of 0, 30, 45 and system hangs, although any type of crash could occur with this failure. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: If a 4/8 way port receives a mixture of bad parity followed by a stream of good parity data, in a repetitive manner, memory may get corrupted and cause a wide variety of symptoms. FIX: Carefully observe the ERRORLOG for any ports logging errors, also quiz all operators for any unusual display problems that may have occurred prior to the system crash/hang. This problem can be caused by defective terminals, phone line/modem/mux problems, defective/unterminated data cables, turning terminals off/on repetitively, etc. Eliminate all possible causes of serial port data errors. It is also a good idea to have all serial devices left powered on all the time the system is operational. The problem was identified on a 4000 system at 7.4B, but could conceivably occur on any SPx system. It is hoped that this problem will be corrected in a future O.S. release. This problem appears to be worse on a heavily loaded system, and may not require many repititions of the bad/good data to cause a failure. Also the system may crash (or hang) several minutes after the data stream has stopped (could be a varying length of time before the corrupted area of memory is accessesd). ORIGINATOR: Norm Jones CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB058 Pg001 FIB 00059 12/12/88 *** Error in 2500/3000 Service Manual *** SYMPTOM/TEXT: In Manual #M8108 the section where it explains the jumper settings for the CMB board is incorrect for jumper 24,25 & 26. J24 to J25 force a dump J25 to J26 will do warm boot FIB #8 in the SPx Handbook is correct. NOTE: There are SEVERAL revision levels of the 2500, 3000, and 4000 Service Manuals, some of them are incorrect some are not. For correct jumper/SW. settings, consult the Handbook section of the FIBs, these are corrected as soon as an error is made known. ORIGINATOR: John Tank CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB059 Pg001 FIB 00060 05/12/89 *** New 1/2" Streamer Tape Controller (STC) [ WPSF 487R ] *** A new 1/2 inch Streamer Tape Controller (STC) is now available for all BOSS/IX systems. This new controller is a replacement for the current SCSI Bus Adapter and NCR ADP-52 controller subsystem. It supports 1/2 inch tape drives using the Pertec (1600 bpi) format. The STC can be used with the MAI 2000/2500/3000/4000 systems. o There are no O.S. restrictions for the STC controller. WARNING: For all diagnostic releases the "MTS LOGIC TEST" will fail on test #7; the error message will read "Bus Error While Bus Master". This error will prevent other tests from running. *** This will be fixed on a future diagnostic release *** MBF P/N NACS P/N DESCRIPTION 903639-001 MM002679 1/2 inch Mag Tape Streamer controller PCBA 907065-005 MM002680 25 Foot Cable (2 ea. required) or 907065-006 MM002681 10 Foot Cable (2 ea. required) Cable Connection _____________________________________________ | |---| | | | J | | | 1/2" Tape Controller | 4 |<---------------* | (top view) |---| | | | | | | |---| | | | | J | | | | | 3 |<-----------* | | |---| | | | | _________________ __________________ | | | | | J2 | | J1 | | | | | |_________________| |__________________| | | | |_____________________________________________| | | to CMB | | | | | | ______________________________________________ | | | | | | | Cipher Tape drive | | | | (rear view) | | | | | | | | ________ ________ _______ ________ | | | | | P1 | | P2 | | P1 | | P2 | | | | | |________| |________| |_______| |________| | | | |_____________________________^__________^_____| | | | | | | | *---------|---* *--------------------* CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB060 Pg001 NOTE: There are no switches to be set on the STC PCBA, but there are 10 jumpers which should be set as follows: JP 1 --- out JP 6 --- 2-3 JP 2 --- 1-2 JP 7 --- 1-2 JP 3 --- 1-2 JP 8 --- 1-2 JP 4 --- 1-2 JP 9 --- 1-2 JP 5 --- 1-2 JP 10 -- 1-2 ORIGINATOR: C. Figueroa/N. Jones CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB060 Pg002 FIB 00061 01/25/95 *** Dump Report Form [ WPSF 496C ] *** Refer to GENERAL-BASIC FOUR-ADMINISTRATIVE FIB 12 for the current dump report form. ORIGINATOR: Norm Jones CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB061 Pg001 FIB 00062 05/12/89 *** Configuring the 2ND & 3RD Parallel Ports on a 4000 [ WPSF 542 ] *** On the system 4000 there are 3 parallel printer ports, the first parallel port is always port 2, in the configure utility. However, the 2nd and 3rd parallel ports will always be the LAST two configur- able ports. EXAMPLE: If you have a 4000 with 3 8-ways, then you will have 29 ports (0 thru 28). Of course, port 2 is a parallel port and ports 27 and 28 are also parallel. If you add an 8-way, increasing your ports to 37, then ports 35 and 36 become the parallel ports. You will not have to change the configuration of ports 27 and 28 because it will move with the port assignment. You will never be able to configure the last 2 ports as terminals because they are reserved as parallel ports. The physical position never changes because these ports are located on the EIA board in the main chassis of the system. ORIGINATOR: D. Arteritano CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB062 Pg001 FIB 00063 06/09/89 *** CAUTION... Possible Superblock Corruption while updating Diags. *** SYMPTOM/TEXT: Use caution when updating the Diagnostic partition on all SPX systems. If the update is aborted either purposely by use of ^C or more commonly due to insufficient space within the Diagnostic partition, the Super- block on Drive 0 can become corrupted. FIX: Use the usb command from the prompt to see if the Diagnostic partition is large enough to accommodate the new Diagnostics (usb /dev/rwd0). When creating new Diagnostic partitions, set them up with a size of 2000 blocks. 7.3 Diags should fit in a partition of 1300 blocks, 7.4 may require slightly more. The new 7.5B will require more space, a size of 2000 blocks leaves room for future updates. As a rule, DO NOT attempt to install 7.5B diagnostics into a partition smaller than 2000 blocks. DO NOT abort this process for any reason... ORIGINATOR: Barry Matthews CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB063 Pg001 FIB 00064 07/21/89 *** Controller Stack Support Bracket is now available for older systems *** The bracket used to support the controller boards on present production 2500/3000/4000 CCAs is now available to the field to upgrade older systems without the bracket. The wedge shapped bracket holds in place all the controller boards plugged in the CMB board. The bracket is very effective in supporting the controllers during shipment and during normal system operation. To upgrade older systems without the bracket, order the following: MM533022/916362-001 BRACKET ASM, PCBA SUPPORT IMPLEMENTATION: This is not a mandatory change. Install as required. Reference: ECN 13336 ORIGINATOR: JAVIER VAN OORDT CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB064 Pg001 FIB 00065 08/01/89 *** SPx Systems 'Help' Key *** SYMPTOM/TEXT: On the SPx systems you are sometimes instructed to use the 'HELP' key. On the 4312 & 4313 VDT's this key does not exist. FIX:.Hold down the 'Crtl' key and depress the 'Z' key. ORIGINATOR: Myron Kern CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB065 Pg001 FIB 00066 08/08/89 *** CMB board - problems during replacement/installation *** This FIB covers two problems that may be encountered during the replacement of CMB boards in the 2500/3000/4000 CCAs. o Mechanical Interference between the CMB board connector plate and the CCA rear panel. o Location of four nylon washers on the screws used to attach the CMB to the CCA standoffs. 1. Mechanical Interference. This problem may occur when using CMBs P/N 903631-003/MM532520 and P/N 903631-004/MM532550 to replace a defective system board. Late production CMBs have a wider connector plate that interferes with the rear panel. The extra width prevents the CMB from seating properly on the CMB standoffs. ECN 13886 has been released to correct this problem in future production boards. To get around this problem in the field, loosen/remove the CCA rear panel before aligning the CMB to the standoffs. After the CMB screws are tighten, reinstall the rear panel, do not tighten the screw on the lower right corner if the interference is greater than 1/8 inch. 2. Location of nylon washers. The four plastic washers used to mount the CMB to CCA standoffs should be installed between the CMB and the head of the screw to prevent edge shorts. o Install washers in screws at locations: 1F, 1H, 1L, and 1P/R. Systems manufactured before 4/4/88 were assembled incorrectly with the washers between the CMB and the standoffs. Remove the washers and reinstall them as indicated above. Spare washers may be obtained by ordering the following P/N: o YY009499/210008-024 NYLON WASHER NO. 6 ORIGINATOR: JAVIER VAN OORDT CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB066 Pg001 FIB 00067 10/12/89 *** Power Supply Modification on 2000 to 2500 Upgrades *** The 2000 power supply is the same power supply used with the 2500 system. On a 2000 to 2500 upgrade (Marketing code BE011AA) the supply is removed from the 2000 system and placed into the 2500 box. It is necessary to make one minor modification to the power supply so it will fit on the 2500 CMB. The CMB connector to the power supply extends 1/4" beyond the supply on the side where the supply screws into the CMB. Thus an approximately 1/2" section of sheet metal on the corner of the supply must be removed to allow proper insertion of the supply on the CMB. This section can be cut or folded back diagonally. Supplies (MM532525) for the 2500 already have this ECN (12939) done. ORIGINATOR: Kim Yaworsky CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB067 Pg001 FIB 00068 02/01/90 *** Problems adding Maxtor 380mb SCSI disk drive *** SYMPTOM/TEXT: After adding a new SCSI disk drive to an 3/4000, got errors on the usb command. The system could not read the superblock. Reformating the drive using.FAVI did not change the symptom, even though it formatted fine. FIX: These drives can also be used on the MPX systems. We got two drives that were formatted for MPX (1024 bytes per sector), using the capacity command in FAVI will show this. The DSC diag will also fail the superblock test. If the standard format is used in FAVI it will read how it was formatted and re-do the drive using 1024/sec. It must be formatted using the non-standard option, changing.the bytes per sector to 200 (hex) and blocks per track to 36 (hex). NOTE: Some older models of the 380MB drive must be formatted using 35 hex blocks per track. Use 36 hex and try to format. If this fails then try 35 hex. ORIGINATOR: Doug Hampson CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB068 Pg001 FIB 00069 10/25/89 *** WDC must have LARL of "P" to support greater than 8 MB of memory *** A 3000 or 4000 system MUST have the WDC controller (MM531150) at a LARL of "P" for the system to recognize over 8MB of memory. Pay particular attention to this on memory upgrades of older systems. ORIGINATOR: Kim Yaworsky CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB069 Pg001 FIB 00070 11/01/89 *** System time reverting to 00:00:00 *** Resetting the system time in SPX, MPX or BBIII systems can be accomplished by using the BASIC command SETTIME. To set the system time to 00:00:00 you would use the statement 0100 SETTIME0. It changes the value of the TIM system variable to 00:00:00. Two accounts (one SPX and one MPX) were experiencing problems with their system times reverting to 00:00:00. Hardware did not fix the problem. A global search was done on the applications programs for the SETTIME command but none were found. However when a global search was done on the entire system a match was found in a GAMES program, the Word Unscramble Game. It used to come standard on BBIII systems. Both of these accounts had previously upgraded from BBIII systems and kept their GAMES programs on the system. Apparently some employees had found out about the GAMES programs on the system and every time they used Word Unscramble it would cause the system time to revert to 00:00:00. This caused serious problems with applications programs that needed the correct system time. Statement 2010 in program .GAMES.%3!12 was the culprit. You can change the statement to a REM statement but the best solution is to just delete the program. ORIGINATOR: Kim Yaworsky CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB070 Pg001 FIB 00071 04/04/94 *** CMB Board appears to be DOA *** PROBLEM 1: CMB PCBA 903631-004/005 boards must have jumper 46 to 47 (boot PROM size) which gives it the ability to support SCSI drives. CMB boards -001 & -003 use jumper 47 to 48 (refer to SPX HANDBOOK FIB 8). PROBLEM 2: CMB PCBA does not communicate with console terminal. FIX 2: While installing the plastic PCBA bracket on the CMB PCBA ,it is very easy to dislodge jumper 1-2 in location 16F (master oscillator). It is difficult to see this jumper after the PCBA bracket is installed. Be sure the jumper is in place. ORIGINATOR: John Tank CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB071 Pg001 FIB 00072 02/01/90 *** Improper format on Maxtor 380 MB SCSI disk using FAVI *** SYMPTOM: FAVI finds, formats and tests the drive, but when trying to set up the drive for use, a message is displayed "error updating superblock - drive off line" or "cannot update os drive off line" with an error -89. TROUBLE DESCRIPTION: The drive is formatted in the MPx format of 1024 bytes per sector. Using FAVI, formatting using the STANDARD format will not correct the problem because the format parameters are stored on the SCSI drive. FIX: Using FAVI, select NON-STANDARD format and change parameters to match SPx system. The parameters (mode sense information) must be set as follows: Formatting Parameters (all data is hexadecimal) --------------------- Tracks per zone : 8 Alt. Sectors per zone : 5 Alt. tracks per zone : 0 Alt. tracks per volume : 10 Sectors per track : 36 (If formated for MPx this will be 1C) Bytes per sector : 200 (If formated for MPx this will be 400) Interleave factor : 1 Track skew factor : 0 Cylinder skew factor : 8 Sectoring flag : 40 Sense data length : 1F Medium type : 00 Write protect : [ disabled ] Disk Drive Geometry ------------------- Cylinders : 660 Heads : 8 Precomp cyl : 0 Read/write current : 0 Step rate : 0 Landing zone : 0 As with a standard format you still may not interrupt the format process or the drive will not function and need to be sent back to maxtor to be re-thumb printed for MAI Basic Four. Once this procedure has been completed, a standard format may be selected. Because FAVI uses the parameters from the previous format when a standard format is selected, this procedure should only need to be performed once to correct the table of format parameters. This should only affect add on disks to existing systems and not new systems. NOTE: Some older models of the 380MB drive must be formatted using 35 hex blocks per track. Use 36 hex and try to format. If this fails then try 35 hex. ORIGINATOR: Gordon C. Cox/H. Mitchell CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB072 Pg001 FIB 00073 01/25/95 *** SCSI Disk Installation Instructions [ WPSF 567 & A1/2 ] *** HARDWARE SETUP These are the hardware and software requirements for installing the SCSI disk drive on SPx systems. o SW1 settings are the same for the 2500 and the 3000/4000. o The 2500 only supports 1 disk drive. o SCSI disks are not supported on the 2000. DUAL SCSI CONTROLLER (DSC) SW1 SWITCH SETTINGS DSC# SW1- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11| 12 1 off|off| ON | ON | ON |off | ON |off|off|off |off|off 2 off|off| ON |off | ON | ON |off |off|off| ON |off|off JUMPER SETTINGS ON 380 MB SCSI DISK FORMATTED TO 347 MB JUMPER MBF SETTING DESCRIPTION JP-10 JUMPER FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-11 JUMPER FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-14 JUMPER JUMPER FOR SPINUP WITH POWER JP-15 OPEN FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-16 OPEN FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-17 OPEN FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-18 OPEN JUMPER FOR WRITE PROTECT JP-26 OPEN FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-32 JUMPER FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-33 JUMPER FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-34 OPEN JUMPER FOR EXTERNAL TERMINATOR POWER JP-35 JUMPER SCSI ID=5 The SCSI id must be 5 as the JP-36 OPEN SCSI ID=5 first or second drive on the JP-37 JUMPER SCSI ID=5 DSC. JP-38 OPEN JUMPER FOR START COMMAND JP-39 JUMPER FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-40 JUMPER JUMPER FOR PARITY ENABLE JP-41 JUMPER JUMPER FOR INTERNAL TERMINATOR POWER DSC INFORMATION The part number for the DSC is 903667-001. The DSC will support 2 drives; drive 1 on J3, drive 2 on J4. Each drive should have an id of 5. Each drive MUST have a terminator. Each drive has a single SCSI cable, # 916237-002 PA of the SCSI cable is attached to J3 or J4 of the DSC and PB is attached to the SCSI disk. CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB073 Pg001 JUMPER SETTINGS ON 280 MB SCSI DISK FORMATTED TO 245 MB JUMPER MBF DESCRIPTION 280 MB * SETTING 1 2 JP-21 JP-1 JUMPER FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-41 JP-3 JUMPER FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-42 JP-7 OPEN JUMPER FOR WRITE PROTECT JP-43 JP-2 JUMPER FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-44 JP-8 JUMPER JUMPER FOR SPINUP WITH POWER JP-81 JP-10 JUMPER INTERNAL TERMINATOR POWER JP-82 JP-9 OPEN EXTERNAL TERMINATOR POWER JP-83 JP-12 JUMPER SCSI ID=5 The SCSI id must be 5 as the JP-84 JP-13 OPEN SCSI ID=5 first or second drive on the JP-85 JP-14 JUMPER SCSI ID=5 DSC. JP-86 JP-15 JUMPER JUMPER FOR PARITY ENABLE JP-87 JP-16 JUMPER JUMPER FOR POWER SPIN DELAY** JP-91 JP-4 JUMPER FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-92 JP-5 JUMPER FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-93 JP-6 JUMPER FACTORY TEST ONLY JP-94 JP-11 JUMPER FACTORY TEST ONLY * Column 1 is for PWB 1012539, Column 2 is for 1014382. ** JP-44 or JP-8 overrides this jumper. The following configurations of Winchester Disk Controllers (WDC) and Dual SCSI Controllers (DSC) are allowed per chassis. An easy rule to follow, no matter what kind of disk controller you are adding, if you are putting a SECOND disk controller in a chassis, address the controller the way you would address the SECOND controller of that type. A. All WDC's, no DSC's. First WDC addressed as WDC #1 Second WDC addressed as WDC #2 (if present) B. Combination of WDC's And DSC's. 1) WDC as primary WDC addressed as WDC #1 DSC addressed as DSC #2 2) DSC as primary DSC addressed as DSC #1 WDC addressed as WDC #2 C. All DSC's, no WDC's. First DSC addressed as DSC #1 Second DSC addressed as DSC #2 (if present) SOFTWARE SET-UP SCSI disk drives are formatted using F.A.V.I., counterpart to 'dutil' for the other winchester drives. Make sure that the sectors/track are hex 36 for the 380 MB and 1A for 280 MB. bytes/sector should be hex 200, for the 380 MB and 280 MB disk drives. CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB073 Pg002 NOTE: Some older models of the 380MB drive must be formatted using 35 hex blocks per track. Use 36 hex and try to format. If this fails then try 35 hex. Each drive must have 2 device files created for the system to re- cognize it. The /dev files for wd1 should already exist. ADMIN> makedev /dev/wd2 B 14 64 NOTE: ALWAYS use uppercase U ADMIN> makedev /dev/rwd2 U 14 64 and B when doing a makedev. In the steps that follow, it will be necessary to use the makedev command again. The devices made will be for the filesystem names on the wd's. OTHER DRIVES ARE: wd dev # filesystem # wd1 32 33 wd2 64 65 wd3 tape drive position wd4 128 129 wd5 160 161 wd6 192 193 wd7 224 225 The superblock must be accessed and changed to create the file- system on the disk drive. ADMIN> usb /dev/rwd(x) -get desc=drive(x) (x) is the drive number The above command creates a string file which must be changed to set-up the partition for the drive. ved the file, ADMIN> ved /etc/diskdesc/drive(x) Press to move the cursor to the last line. Change the last line to be: 1:0:-1 Press to delete any characters. Press to end and Press to save the edits. Now save the partition definition on the disk. ADMIN> usb /dev/rwd(x) -save -set type=drive(x) After the parameters have been saved on the disk, the buffered and unbuffered devices must be created for the filesystem. When the devices are created the unbuffered device should begin with "r" which is for 'raw device'. Enter the following: ADMIN> makedev /dev/rdrive(x) U 14 (y) (x) is the drive number (y) is the filesystem ADMIN> makedev /dev/drive(x) B 14 (y) from the previous page. The devices have been defined, now the filesystem can be created. ADMIN>makefs /dev/rdrive(x) CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB073 Pg003 To verify that the filesystem has been correctly partitioned, use the space command. ADMIN>space /dev/rdrive(x) The filesystem must be mounted for the system to access it. Create a directory to mount the filesystem on. Do NOT create any sub-directories because data or programs in them will not be accessible once a filesystem is mounted on them. ADMIN>makedir /mntwd(x) Most systems mount the filesystem automatically when the system is booted. The filesystem can be mounted by adding a line to the file '/etc/sinit'. ved the file and add the following line: mount /dev/drive(x) /mntwd(x) Press , then press to save the edits. The system now recognizes the drive. The prefix /mntwd(x) must be added to the working prefix in the customer's application software. PREREQUISITES: 1. The system MUST have 7.5B operating system. 2. The system MUST have a 903631-005 CMB. A. You must have the ETR of the SCSI drive and the system serial number to order. B. There will be no charge for the CMB. C. Verify the CMB PROM size jumpers on the -005 CMB, jumper 46 must be connected to 47. If this is not correct, the amber light on the CMB turns on and there is no message displayed on the screen. 3. The drive must have an id of 5. Jumpers JP12, JP13 and JP14 on the bottom of the drive assign the id. JP12 and JP14 should be jumpered and JP13 should be left open. 4. If upgrading to 7.5B from another OS level, a configuration record is necessary. PROBLEM: Error -89 when trying to install the operating system from tape. WORKAROUND: Format the drive using a non-standard format procedure, changing bytes per sector to hex 200 and sectors per track to hex 35. PROBLEM: Cache DMA test hangs intermittently. WORKAROUND: None. Do not run the Cache DMA test. ORIGINATOR: Dan Arteritano CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB073 Pg004 FIB 00074 01/29/90 *** Workaround for terminal hangs on OS release 7.5B *** Below is a BASIC program and the different ways to run it as a temporary workaround to free terminals which become locked at the BOSS/IX screen. The command given in a previous message may not have worked in all cases because it did not clear the 8-way buffer. OTHER TIPS: o Turn off the key-repeat on terminals. o Make sure that the cable shield is grounded to pin 1 on the terminal end. WAYS TO RUN THE PROGRAM: The program can be run in 4 different ways. 1. Run the program when terminals are locked. 2. Run the program continuously on a terminal which is normally not used. 3. Run the program as a ghost. 4. Run the program in background mode. This is preferred to running as a ghost. HOW.TO RUN "TRMFRE" o To run the program when terminals are locked enter: RUN "TRMFRE" The freed terminals will be displayed then hit ESCAPE to stop the program. o The program could be run on a terminal which is used infrequently and will display on the screen continuously; enter: RUN "TRMFRE" The advantage of running the program in this is manner is that if a terminal receives a large amount of data, it will be displayed on the screen and can be viewed. o To run the program as a ghost enter the following: START 64,"/fix/TRMFRE","G0" Make sure that there is a ghost configured in the vconf. There will be no display. o To run the program in background, a command can be created to start the program. Enter the following: . ved /fix/TRMFRE exec -d /bin/basic s=64 -nr pgm=/fix/TRMFRE.pgm CTRL-C and Y filemodes +x +x /fix/TRMFRE (This will make the file executible) After the system has booted, the operator can go into CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB074 Pg001 admin and enter /fix/TRMFRE and the program will run in . background. PROGRAM.LISTING: 5 REM" TRMFRE - Unlocks terminals on BOSS/IX 7.5B 10 BEGIN 20 CLEAR 30 SETESC 700 40 LET STATE=0 50 DIM A$(1),B$(512) 60 LET TTYINFO$=DEVINFO 70 LET I=1 80 LET TTY$=TTYINFO$(I*10+1,5) 90 IF TTY$(1,1)<>"T" THEN GOTO 20 100 LET P=POS(" "=TTY$) 110 OPEN(1,ERR=320)TTY$(1,P-1) . 120 LET COUNT=0 130 PRINT TTY$(1,P-1),":",DAY,":",STR(TIM:"00.00"),":" 140 FOR J=1 TO 512 150 PRINT (1)'BI', 160 INPUT RECORD(1,SIZ=1,TIM=2,ERR=210)A$ 170 LET COUNT=COUNT+1 180 LET B$(COUNT,1)=A$(1,1) 190 PRINT (1)'EI' 200 NEXT J 300 PRINT (1,ERR=310)'EI', 310 CLOSE(1) 320 WAIT 2 330 LET I=I+1 340 IF STATE=0 THEN GOTO 080 350 END 700 REM" ESCAPE PROCESSING 710 LET STATE=1 720 GOTO 300 730 END ORIGINATOR: Harvey Mitchell CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB074 Pg002 FIB 00075 12/06/91 *** SCSI Device Termination *** There have been many errors in various documents regarding SCSI device terminator orientation, this FIB is intended to give an explanation of how the termination is accomplished and how to check for proper termination on any internal (single-ended) SCSI bus. This FIB does NOT apply to differential SCSI busses such as the external SCSI bus used on the external tape drives connected to the GPx systems. The SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) bus must be terminated at both ends of the bus. The SCSI controller has built in termination, however the other end of the bus MUST BE TERMINATED at the last device and ONLY THE LAST DEVICE on the bus. Terminator packs must be removed from any other SCSI devices on the bus. NOTE: The dual SCSI Disk Controller used in the SPx systems has two independent SCSI buses with a single disk attached to each bus, in this case both disk drives MUST be terminated since the buses are independendent and each is on a seperate cable. The terminators used are either SIP (Single Inline Packs) or DIP (Dual Inline Packs) which contain 220/330 ohm networks with the 220 ohm resistor tied to +5V and the 330 ohm resistor tied to ground and where each signal on the bus is connected into an individual network. +5V | 2 2 0 signal ------* +3V inactive state 3 3 0 | ----- --- - The signals are negative (ground) active and when properly terminated each inactive signal should be approximately +3V. To check for proper termination, disconnect the SCSI bus cable, power up all SCSI devices and measure the voltage at each SCSI device between pin 1 (ground) and pin 2 (Data bit 0). The signal voltage on terminating devices should measure approximately +3V and the voltage at non-terminating devices should measure approximately ground. Measurements at a device with the terminator packs reversed will read approximately +2V. Measurements can be made with a DVM or an oscilloscope. It may be easier to connect the SCSI bus cable to the device being checked and measure the voltage on an open bus connector, however you must be sure only one SCSI device is connected to the cable at a time. Use the following SCSI cable signal table to verify that all signals are properly terminated. CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB075 Pg001 SCSI Bus Signals Ground Pins: ALL ODD NUMBERED PINS Signal Pins: 2 - DB0 SCSI BUS bit 0 4 - DB1 SCSI BUS bit 1 6 - DB2 SCSI BUS bit 2 8 - DB3 SCSI BUS bit 3 10 - DB4 SCSI BUS bit 4 12 - DB5 SCSI BUS bit 5 14 - DB6 SCSI BUS bit 6 16 - DB7 SCSI BUS bit 7 18 - DBP SCSI BUS Parity 20 - OPEN 22 - OPEN 24 - OPEN 26 - +5V Terminator Power (from controller only) 28 - OPEN 30 - OPEN 32 - ATN Attention 34 - OPEN 36 - BSY Busy 38 - ACK Acknowledge 40 - RST Reset 42 - MSG Message 44 - SEL Select 46 - C/D Control/Data 48 - REQ Request 50 - I/O Input/Output ORIGINATOR: Norm Jones CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB075 Pg002 FIB 00076 12/10/91 *** EIA SWITCH SETTING CAUSES GARBAGE ON TERMINALS *** BE AWARE .... The correct switch setting for the EIA board switch 1 2 ,3 ,4 are on for Rev B boards or higher . If this is not set correctly it has been known to cause garbage to be seen on all terminals that are signed on, when accessing the 2nd drive on a scsi controller. ORIGINATOR: J WHALEN CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB076 Pg001 FIB 00077 MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 07/13/92 *** Securing NVRAM ICs to CMB PCBAs *** THE PROPER METHOD TO ATTACH NVRAM ICS TO THE CMB PCBA IS AS FOLLOWS: PARTS AFFECTED: PCBA PART NUMBER LOCATION ---------------- -------- MM531010 4L MM531011 4L MM535025 19D MM537025 19D MM532550 19D MM532551 19D MATERIAL TO USE: LOCTITE BLACK MAX #380 (AVAILABLE IN 1 OZ. BOTTLES AS #38050) SHOULD BE REFRIGERATED TO EXTEND SHELF LIFE WHEN NOT ACTIVELY IN USE. METHOD: REFERRING TO THE APPROPRIATE BOARD I.C. LOCATION, FIND THE NVRAM I.C. ON THE CMB. YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO THIS WITHOUT REMOVING THE CMB FROM THE SYSTEM. USE A NON-STATIC GENERATING BRUSH AND SOME "CANNED-AIR" TO DUST OFF THE AREA, THEN CLEAN IT WITH SOME ALCOHOL TO REMOVE ANY CONTAMINATION. THEN. REMOVE THE CAP FROM THE NOZZLE OF THE BLACK MAX BOTTLE, AND SQUEEZE OUT A GOOD AMOUNT AS YOU RUN THE BOTTLE ALONG EACH SIDE OF THE I.C. WHERE THE LEGS ARE SOLDERED INTO THE BOARD. THE BLACK MAX SHOULD FLOW AROUND THE LEGS AND WICK-UP UNDER THE NVRAM ITSELF TO BOND IT TO THE PCBA. BLACK MAX IS A CYANO-ACRILATE BASED MATERIAL, IS NON-CONDUCTIVE (ACTUALLY IS AN INSULATOR), AND TAKES ABOUT 8 HOURS TO FEEL DRY TO THE TOUCH, ABOUT 24 - 48 HOURS TO DEVELOP MAXIMUM BOND STRENGTH. ORIGINATOR: Denny Bourgeois CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB077 Pg001 FIB 00078 MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 11/09/92 *** REMOVING DIAGNOSTICS FROM SPX SYSTEMS *** To remove diagnostics from an SPX System Alt Load diagnostics from disk. service At prompt enter b4bus l (cr) displays directory dinit To delete all diagnostics answer y to destroy enter new name: (cr) l (cr) To verify files are gone. shut (cr) ORIGINATOR: J WHALEN CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB078 Pg001 FIB 00079 MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 10/25/93 *** Diagnostic errors on SCSI 760MB disk drive *** Errors will occur under FAVI and DSC on the 760MB disk drive. Under FAVI the disk will format correctly. An error will occur when the 'senddiagnostic' command is issued. This error can be ignored because FAVI does not allow enough time for the command to complete. Under DSC, the SCSI disk controller diagnostic, test 24 of the disk logic test will fail because it issues the same command. Even though these errors may occur, the operating system will load normally. BASS tests all passed without errors. NOTE: The SCSI ID should ALWAYS be 5 for the 760MB disk drive, as for all SCSI disk drives on the SPx systems. To set the SCSI ID to 5 set the following jumpers: JP37 JP36 JP35 Installed Removed Installed Refer to FIB 11 of the Maxtor for the other jumpers. ORIGINATOR: Dan Arteritano CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB079 Pg001 FIB 00080 MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 01/12/96 *** Cable, Pinout for 4/8-way to modem cable with port set for terminal *** This is the pinout for a fully pinned SPx 4/8-way to modem cable to be used on a port which is jumpered for TERMINAL/PRINTER: DB9 DB25 PA PB --- ---- /\ /\ TxD 1-||--------||---3 TxD RxD 2-||--------||---2 RxD RTS 3-||--------||---5 CTS CTS 4-||--------||---4 RTS DSR 5-||--------||---20 DTR GND 6-||--------||---7 GND DCD 7-||--------||---8 DCD DTR 9-||--------||---6 DSR \/--------\/ 1--+ | | | shell shell shell ORIGINATOR: John George/Norm Jones CPU-BASIC FOUR-2500,3000,4000,4114------------------FIB080 Pg001