MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL FIELD INFORMATION BULLETIN SERVICE GROUP(S): MINI MFG: BASIC FOUR NACS TYPE(S): 4102 MFG. MODEL(S): 1320,1321,1322,1323, 1350,4102 CATEGORY: CPU DESC: BBIII/BBIV REM. DISK *** TABLE OF CONTENTS AS OF 01/29/93 *** FIB 00001.General Information.........................................10/14/86 FIB 00002.ERROR 05s & 124s............................................07/31/79 FIB 00003.Won't ALTLOAD - message 'PLEASE RELOAD' occurs immediately..10/22/79 FIB 00004.system won't load after replacing lightning CPU board.......03/20/80 FIB 00005.System hangs/halts/won't load - defective CPU cables........03/20/80 FIB 00006.ERROR 05s on serial printers - Accessory PCBA below LARL....03/20/80 FIB 00007.Halts using Data Products printer and dropped print lines...03/20/80 FIB 00008.32K - 128K artwork memory boards - incorrect switch settings03/20/80 FIB 00009.ERROR 124s - Accessory PCBA below LARL......................03/20/80 FIB 00010.1300/1320/1340 CPU PCBA - 600/800 nanosecond jumper.........05/12/80 FIB 00011.IMLC board placement........................................08/25/80 FIB 00012.Third & fourth 8-way controllers............................10/15/80 FIB 00013.System will not load........................................02/26/81 FIB 00014.Logic I (T80) and Formatter Radial PCBA compatibility.......06/08/81 FIB 00015.Radial cable retaining clip.................................06/17/81 FIB 00016.Parallel printer controller address strapping...............08/14/81 FIB 00017.Addressing 32K artwork 32K memory PCBs above 128K...........09/18/81 FIB 00018.Installation instructions for IMLC to TELCO.................10/09/81 FIB 00019.Apparent terminal hangup after power on/power failure.......02/25/82 FIB 00020.IMLC error status definitions...............................04/01/82 FIB 00021.ERROR 5s during communications using IMLC/SIMLC.............05/11/82 FIB 00022.ERROR 04s and loss of run light on front panel..............06/23/82 FIB 00023.8-way controller addressing on BOSS 4.3 and later levels....07/13/82 FIB 00024.ERRORS 3,4,7,11,12,30 caused by Formatter PCBAs below LARL..07/30/82 FIB 00025.8 drive expansion upgrade instructions......................07/30/82 FIB 00026.System halts while opening files on Release 4.3B............08/12/82 FIB 00027.Hung tasks, system hangs, red light halts running *MTC - Rel08/24/82 FIB 00028.1600 BPI MTR Controller - old and new styles (MTR/MTS)......08/15/83 FIB 00029.System halts during initialization on Release 4.5A..........09/23/83 FIB 00030.ERROR 05 and ERROR 00 on remote terminals and printers......10/20/83 FIB 00031.Trident formatter status information........................10/20/83 FIB 00032.8-way controller identification/compatibility...............11/22/83 FIB 00033.System won't load, UPTIME shows Drive 0 read failed.........03/25/84 FIB 00034.System hangs - OS Levels 4.5A and 4.5S......................05/11/84 FIB 00035.CPU halts, CPU hangs or task hangs after "DELETE" is entered05/23/84 FIB 00036.CPU halts, CPU hangs, or tasks hung on any release prior to 06/04/84 FIB 00037.Starting with Rel 4.4B defective ports cause port shifting..12/07/84 FIB gives different results than 2000/3000 or MPx 02/20/85 FIB 00039.Installation information on MCS controller..................06/17/85 FIB 00040.64K IMLC installation instructions..........................07/02/85 FIB 00041.Machine level software may not run correctly if 't0' VDT is 10/14/85 FIB 00042.Chassis air filter maintenance information..................10/14/85 FIB 00043.Intermittant line drop on IMLC operation....................11/27/85 FIB 00044.System slowdowns/hangs won't load - caused by unterminated c01/13/87 FIB 00045.P-600 Generates Static, Causes System & Drives to Drop Ready02/15/88 FIB 00046.System time reverting to 00:00:00...........................11/01/89 FIB 00047.System date changes to 01/01/83 [ WPSF 599 ]................03/23/90 FIB 00048.Battery wiring information..................................01/11/93 CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------Table Of Contents Pg01 of 01 FIB 00001 10/14/86 *** General Information *** This FIB group includes both the 132x (slow speed) and 135x (lightning) CPUs used in the 510, 610, 700 & 730 systems. Hardware information pertaining to any component located within the CPU cabinet will be located in this FIB group, for software or I/O information consult the appropriate FIB group. *** NACS MACHINE TYPES AND FEATURE NUMBERS *** 4102 *** AVAILABLE DOCUMENTATION *** 700.System Physical Installation Planning Guide.......................S-HDBK-248 Uptime 1300 CPU Diagnostic Reference Card.............................S-HDBK-243 Uptime Onsite Diagnostic for Basic Four Lightning CPUs................S-HDBK-298 610/730 Service Manual (order from Basic Four)........................M8001 Sorbus Environmental Handbook.........................................S-HDBK-027 There are no CPU manuals in the library for the T-80 disk based system, however the 1600 Computer System Manual S-HDBK-B57 & B58 (2 vol set) includes theory and logics for everything except the formatter & P/S. *** AVAILABLE TRAINING *** Formal courses available at both education centers. *** SPECIAL TOOLS *** None required. *** SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDURES *** None required. ORIGINATOR: N. JONES CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB001 Pg001 FIB 00002 07/31/79 *** ERROR 05s & 124s *** SYMPTOM: Intermittant error 05s & 124s. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Check the internal AC power cord routing. FIX: If the AC cord is laced to the backplane noise can be induced into the backplane, reroute the cord away from the backplane and DC cabling. ORIGINATOR: S. SCHWARTZ CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB002 Pg001 FIB 00003 10/22/79 *** Won't ALTLOAD - message 'PLEASE RELOAD' occurs immediately *** SYMPTOM: When an attempt is made to altload the system an immediate responce 'please reload' occurs. This may be a solid or intermittant failure. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Check for any serial printers on the system, if turned on, turn them off. FIX: Turn off any serial printers connected to the system before attempting an altload. NOTE: Any noise entering the system through the serial I/O cables can cause this problem (from unterminated cables, unshielded cables, modems, etc.) if a serial printer is not the cause pull the cables one at a time until the noise source is found. ORIGINATOR: N. JONES CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB003 Pg001 FIB 00004 03/20/80 *** system won't load after replacing lightning CPU board *** SYMPTOM: System won't load after replacing lightning CPU board. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Check for jumper E1 to E2 on the HS CPU board (located at 7B) FIX: If the jumper is missing install one in its place. The jumpers attached to the trident disk card cage work well. ORIGINATOR: D. GOEHRISCH CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB004 Pg001 FIB 00005 03/20/80 *** System hangs/halts/won't load - defective CPU cables *** Intermittant system hangs, halts, failures to load have been caused by weak contact tension in the CPU-accessory board jumper cable. If the cable has little insertion force it should be replaced. P/N MM081007/901940 - cable, CPU board to accessory board ORIGINATOR: J. VANDERHEYDEN CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB005 Pg001 FIB 00006 03/20/80 *** ERROR 05s on serial printers - Accessory PCBA below LARL *** Error 05s may occur on serial interface printers if the accssory board (low speed CPU) is below LARL. LARL Accessory board MM831061/903149-002 CX2 Accessory board MM831060/903046-001 AX9 ORIGINATOR: TIC CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB006 Pg001 FIB 00007 03/20/80 *** Halts using Data Products printer and dropped print lines *** SYMPTOM: 1. Halts & system hangs while using a Data Products drum printer and the printer has an error condition or is powered on/off. 2. Dropped lines of print if there are two parallel printers in use. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Check for an IC at location 207 on the printer controller PCB. FIX: If there is no IC at 207 replace the controller. ORIGINATOR: D. GOEHRISCH CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB007 Pg001 FIB 00008 03/20/80 *** 32K - 128K artwork memory boards - incorrect switch settings *** The 128K artwork memory boards with 32K, 64K, and 128K of memory have incorrect addressing charts silk-screened on them. The affected boards are MM861030 (32K), MM861040 (64K), and MM861050 (128K). The listed switch settings for C1 are incorrect above 128K. Switch C1 is active only on 32K boards. It is a DON'T CARE on 64K and 128K boards. The following chart shows the correct switch settings: ADDRESS C1 C2 C3 C4 ADDRESS C1 C2 C3 C4 0-32K 1 1 1 1 256-288K 1 1 1 0 32-64K 0 1 1 1 288-320K 0 1 1 0 64-96K 1 0 1 1 320-352K 1 0 1 0 96-128K 0 0 1 1 352-384K 0 0 1 0 128-160K 1 1 0 1 384-416K 1 1 0 0 160-192K 0 1 0 1 416-448K 0 1 0 0 192-224K 1 0 0 1 448-480K 1 0 0 0 224-256K 0 0 0 1 480-512K 0 0 0 0 ORIGINATOR: TIC CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB008 Pg001 FIB 00009 03/20/80 *** ERROR 124s - Accessory PCBA below LARL *** SYMPTOM: Error 124s using 128K artwork memory PCBAs MM861050, MM861040, MM861030 with a non-lightning CPU. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Check revision level of accessory board. Description LARL 1320 accessory PCBA MM820040 B8 1325 accessory PCBA MM820041 CX2 1340 accessory PCBA MM831060 AX9 1345 accessory PCBA MM831061 CX2 FIX: Replace accessory PCBA if below LARL. ORIGINATOR: D. GOEHRISCH CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB009 Pg001 FIB 00010 05/12/80 *** 1300/1320/1340 CPU PCBA - 600/800 nanosecond jumper *** PARTS ALERT BFC #903044 (MM #820091) CPU PCB may be substituted on orders for: BFC #901425 (MM #081003) 1300 CPU PCB BFC #902140 (MM #820090) 1325/1345 CPU PCB When using the PCB as a 1300, a jumper must be installed from Pins 1 to 4 of the socket located between IC's, 2F and 2H. This socket is marked 800 NSEC. When using this PCB as a 1325/1345, the jumper is not needed but socket is marked 600 NSEC. ORIGINATOR: G. JOHNSON CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB010 Pg001 FIB 00011 08/25/80 *** IMLC board placement *** The purpose of this bulletin is to detail chassis slot location installation of the Model 8140, Intelligent Multi-Line Controller. Some confusion in the field has resulted because the installation instructions in the 7561 Service Manual currently are written only for system 410 installations. To install DataWord II on 610 systesms or 730 systems, the IMLC should utililze slot J9. However, if the system has a Cartridge Tape Controller already resident in slot J9, slot J10 should be utilized. If the IMLC is to be installed with a Reel Tape Controller, slot J9 should house the IMLC and slot J10 the Reel Tape Controller. ORIGINATOR: H. MONTIJO CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB011 Pg001 FIB 00012 10/15/80 *** Third & fourth 8-way controllers *** PARTS ALERT The new controller MM #821020/ P/N 903242-001 contains a 14 pin socket in location 5A for addressing the third and fourth 8-way controller. The jumpers are installed as shown below. The model number for the third 8-way controller is #7945 and the fourth 8-way controller is #7946. When the Model #7945 option is installed, you will install a new I/O panel with instructions. Model #7945 includes the new I/O panel. DEVICE SELECTION FOR 903242 The following table shows Jumper Connections: A 14 pin empty socket is soldered at location 5A, and 1 through 7 are soldered to Signal Ground. *JUMPER POSITIONS ADDRESS-SEL SA-10 SA-12 SA-14 1C GND GND OPEN 4th 8-Way 1D OPEN GND OPEN 3rd 8-Way *GND = Jumper - #302000-001 Installed OPEN = No Jumper NOTE: 903242-001 can only be used as a 3rd or 4th 8-way controller. ORIGINATOR: J. HOWARD CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB012 Pg001 FIB 00013 02/26/81 *** System will not load *** SYMPTOM: System will not load but the run light comes on. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Run uptime, if output goes to parallel printer but does not display on VDTs, check -16.75V. FIX: -16.75V missing, replace power supply. NOTE: Only the 4/8 ways & radial board use the -16.75V. ORIGINATOR: M. NUNAN CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB013 Pg001 FIB 00014 06/08/81 *** Logic I (T80) and Formatter Radial PCBA compatibility *** OLD SYSTEMS NEW SYSTEMS System 730 System 730 Model 2580 Disc Drive/s Model 2580 Disc Drive/s Radial Formatter PCBA 901930,MM820010 Radial Formatter PCBA,901930,MM820010 2950 Disc Pack (75MB) 2950 Disc Pack (75MB) Logic I - 12342-001, MM240030 Logic I - 12342-001, MM240030 System 610 System 610 Model 2530 Disc Drive/s Model 2530 Disc Drive/s Radial Formatter PCBA 901930,MM820010 Radial Formatter PCBA,903279,MM821010 2935 Disc Pack (35MB) 2950 Disc Pack (75MB) Logic I 903050, MM240460 Logic I - 12342-001, MM240030 System 510 System 510 Model 2520 Disc Drive/s Model 2520 Disc Drive/s Radial Formatter PCBA 901930,MM820010 Radial Formatter PCBA,903280,MM842010 2935 Pack Labeled 2920 2950 Disc Pack (75MB) Logic I - 903050, MM240460 Logic I - 12342-001, MM240030 To change the Logic I PCBA P/N 903050, MM #240460 to P/N 12342-001, MM #240030, remove the jumpers on I.C., Location 1C pins 04, 05, 07, 10 and 11. Add jumpers (where etches were cut at 1C) as shown below: From To 1C-04 2C-04 (CAR 064) 1C-05 2C-06 (CAR 128) 1C-11 5B-05 (CAR 512) ORIGINATOR: H. MONTIJO CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB014 Pg001 FIB 00015 06/17/81 *** Radial cable retaining clip *** The molded radial cable connectors may work loose from the formatter backplane PCB assembly. A special cable retaining clip (907034, MM#828030) has been made available to correct this condition. Install the clip with the bend up and insert the ends into the upper holes in the radial cable connector. This will allow the clip to snap into the indention on the top of the radial cable. Formatter Backplane PCB 902040 - MM #820080 Cable Retaining Clip 907034 - MM #828030 ORIGINATOR: J. O'BRIEN CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB015 Pg001 FIB 00016 08/14/81 *** Parallel printer controller address strapping *** PARTS ALERT Parallel printer controllers have been stocked under a separate part number assigned to each PCBA, dependent upon its device address strapping. The Controller PCBA's are now stocked by type only, with the addressing of the individual units to be performed in the field. Table 1 indicates the part number to be ordered and Table 2 indicates the address strapping required for proper device operation. TABLE 1 PRINTER: OLD PART NUMBER: TO BE ORDERED AS: Matrix/HS (LP) MM080662, 900763 MM080662, 900763 Matrix/HS (P1) MM080663, 900797 MM080662, 900763 Matrix/DP (LP) MM080682, 901416 MM080682, 901416 Matrix/DP (P1) MM080683, 901487 MM080682, 901416 Matrix/LNE MM060282, 900062 MM060282, 900062 (Either LP or P1) TABLE 2 DEVICE ADDRESS JUMPERS LP 0A E2 to E5 AND E17 to E12 P1 08 E2 to E8 AND E17 to E10 Jumper E2 can be located near the center of the board. Jumper E17 can be located near the top center edge of the board. ORIGINATOR: J. RIPPL CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB016 Pg001 FIB 00017 09/18/81 *** Addressing 32K artwork 32K memory PCBs above 128K *** All 32K artwork 32K memory PC boards can be used in systems with up to 256K total capacity. The switch settings shown on the PCB silk-screened table do not reflect addressing above 128K; however, turning switch C4 to the 0 position will allow the board to operate at addresses between 128K and 256K, dependent on the settings of C2 and C3. The settings of C2 and C3 will select the same relative location as they will in the lower 128K. For example, switch setting C2=1, C3=1, C4=0 will cause the 32K board to be selected at addresses from 128 to 160K. Switch C1 remains a "don't care". NOTE: The 16K PCBs which use the 32K PCB artwork with only half of the chips installed can also be used in this manner but are limited in application by the number of memory slots available. All fully populated 16K Basic Four built PCBs are usable in systems with 128K or less total memory. . Intel PCBs are slot addressed and as such are very limited in applications other than 1300 CPUs. ORIGINATOR: J. VANDERHEYDEN CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB017 Pg001 FIB 00018 10/09/81 *** Installation instructions for IMLC to TELCO *** This bulletin contains the necessary information to properly install the model 8140 IMLC Controller and associated cables used to interface the system to the telephone equipment. NOTE: BOSS Level 4.2B or above is required for IMLC XCOM communications. CONTROLLER INSTALLATION System 200/210/410: IMLC controller goes into slot 8. (Move all controllers left one slot to free slot 8 for the 8140 IMLC.) System 610/700/730 For backplane 903147-001: IMLC controller goes into slot 10 if a cartridge or reel tape controller is required. If no tape controller is used, the IMLC controller goes into slot 9 with a jumper board placed into slot 10. For backplane 901639-001: This backplane has only one (1) available DMA slot (slot 9). The IMLC controller will be placed into slot 9 and no tape controller may be used. SWITCH SETTINGS To determine the switch settings of the IMLC controller the specific customer configuration must be known to determine which channel of the controller is reserved for communications and which channel (if any) is reserved for DataWord. II. Run option 5, "SYSTEM" on the main menu and specify option 2, "DISPLAY CONFIGURATION" on the systems utility menu to determine the configuration of the system. CHANNEL A: Switch 4: ON for ICOM (DataWord II); OFF for XCOM (modem equipment). CHANNEL B: SWITCH 5: ON for ICOM (DataWord II); OFF for XCOM (modem equipment). All other switches should be in the OFF position. CABLES Channel A - This is the MIDDLE connector (P3). Channel B - This is the BOTTOM connector (P4). Auto Dial Port - This is the TOP connector (P2). ____________________________________________________________ I_I LED I I I I_ I I I AUTO DIAL CHANNEL I I I <=== CABLE 906534 TO ACU I I I I I_I I I IMLC CONTROLLER I I_ --------------- I I I CHANNEL A MM #870010 I I I <=== CABLE 906535 TO MODEM 903177-001 I I I I I_I I CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB018 Pg001 I I I_ I I I CHANNEL B I I I <=== CABLE 906535 TO MODEM I I I I I_I I I NOTE: All connectors are installed KEY end UP. I I ____ I I____________________________________________________________I FIGURE 1 CABLE CONNECTOR LOCATIONS Refer to page 3 for pinout of the communications cables and the signals associated with each pin. To the left of the pinout charts are the connectors which plug into the IMLC indicating wire position and color. Refer to page 4 for typical installation to communications equipment. NOTE: Connector view is from CABLE end of IMLC connector. Note that the pin numbers of the connector do NOT correspond to the pin numbers labeled on the IMLC PCBA. 30 15 _____ IMLC TO MODEM SIGNAL I_I_I KEY IxI_I 3 2 TX DATA (Transmit) I_I_I 4 3 RX DATA (Receive) I_I_I 5 4 RTS (Request to send) (W/BK) I_I_I 6 5 CTS (Clear to send) I_I_I (BLU) 7 6 DSR (Data set ready) (WHT) I_I_I (GRN) 8 7 SIG GND I_I_I (YEL) 9 8 DCD (Carrier detect) I_I_I (ORN) 18 15 TX CLOCK (Transmit) (GRY) I_I_I (RED) 20 17 RX CLOCK (Receive) I_I_I (BRN) 23 20 DTR (Terminal ready) (VIO) I_I_I (BLK) 25 22 RI (Ring indicator) I_I_I 29 KEY I_I_I 16 1 XCOM CABLE (906535) 30 15 _____ IMLC TO ACU SIGNAL I_I_I (BLU) KEY IXI_I 3 2 DPR (Digit present) I_I_I 4 3 ACR (Abandon & retry) I_I_I 5 4 CRQ (Call request) (W/BN) I_I_I 6 5 PND (Present digit) I_I_I 7 6 PWI (Power indicator) I_I_I (GRN) 8 7 SIG GND I_I_I (YEL) 14 13 DSS (Data set status) I_I_I (ORN) 17 14 DIGIT LSB (W/BK) I_I_I (RED) 18 15 DIGIT LSB+1 (WHT) I_I_I (BRN) 19 16 DIGIT LSB+2 (GRY) I_I_I (BLK) 20 17 DIGIT MSB (VIO) I_I_I 25 22 DLO (Line occupied) I_I_I 28 KEY 16 1 AUTO DIAL CABLE (906534) CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB018 Pg002 The following diagram indicates a typical installation of the IMLC to the telephone equipment for a system using both an automatic calling unit and a data communications modem. Example also assumes that a MDT is configured. AUTO CALL UNIT (ACU) _____________________________ I I ______________ I _____ _____ _______ I I I I I I I I I I IMLC _I I I DTE I I DCE I I TELCO I I CONTROLLER I I I__I_____I_I_____I_I_______I__I I I===>===I 906534 I I I TO I_I I==========>==========I I I==>PHONE I I LINE _I I I I I=========>==========I CH A I I===> TO MDT I I_I I I _____________________________ I _I I I I I I I _____ _______ I I CH B I I===>===I I I I I I I I I_I I I I DTE I I TELCO I I I I I I__I_____I_________I_______I__I I ______________I I 906535 I I I I==========>==========I I====<=====I For the above example the IMLC switch settings would be: SWITCH #4 = ON SWITCH #5 = OFF All other switches = OFF ORIGINATOR: J. RIPPL CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB018 Pg003 FIB 00019 02/25/82 *** Apparent terminal hangup after power on/power failure *** The following information is provided to clarify the terminal hang up situation encountered during system power up or power failure restart without reloading BOSS on systems using BOSS level 4.2 and higher. As a result of the power failure or power up, BOSS goes into a timing loop waiting for Drive 0 to become. ready. On removable disc systems 510/610/730 the terminal will take approximately 70 seconds to come ready. This time delay is designed within the disc formatter to allow the disc drives to power up individually in sequence without putting any . excessive load on the power distribution. On systems with fixed disc, 200/210/ 410 this delay depends on the time the drive takes to start up and reach its operating speed. For Priam disc drives this time is approximately 50 seconds. Systems with Memorex drives it takes approximately 16 seconds. ORIGINATOR: R. ANSARI CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB019 Pg001 FIB 00020 04/01/82 *** IMLC error status definitions *** This document defines the status codes for the Intelligent Multi-Line Communications controller used in the 13xx (IMLC) system. The Main Status byte contains the status of the hardware. The Auxiliary Status byte is software dependent and unique to the particular application program resident within the controller at the particular time the status is read. This document will be limited to a description of the Main Status byte only. MAIN AUXILIARY --------------- --------------- 7:6:5:4:3:2:1:0 7:6:5:4:3:2:1:0 STATUS BYTES The Main Status values differ between usage in "System Mode" and "Monitor Mode". "Monitor Mode" indicates that the IMLC is under PROM control. This is true before and during the time that the IMLC is being loaded. After the load is completed, the IMLC immediately enters "System Mode", and runs under IMLC 0S control. ********************** MONITOR MODE OF OPERATION ********************** SELF-TESTS To display the controller self-test status from Basic in console mode, enter the statement as follows: ENTER: OPEN(1,TRK=0)"I0" The above statement causes the controller to execute the Self-Test. In the event of a Self-Test failure, the status will be returned and displayed in hexadecimal as follows: ERROR 5 STS=FF C0. -- -- I I I *--> Auxiliary I *-----> Main The Self-Test Main Status codes are as follows: 80 - All self-tests completed successfully 82 - ROM checksum incorrect 84 - ROM's RAM is defective (BE7D-BFFF) 86 - Lower memory is defective (4000-7FFF) 88 - Upper memory is defective (8000-BFFF) 8C - CTC is defective 9C - PIO is defective 9E - ICOM channel control error A0 - ICOM channel data error A2 - XCOM channel control error A4 - XCOM channel data error D6 - DMA 1 block move error D8 - DMA 1 read error DA - DMA 1 write error E6 - DMA 2 block move error E8 - DMA 2 read error EA - DMA 2 write error CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB020 Pg001 F6 - DMA 3 block move error F8 - DMA 3 read error FA - DMA 3 write error Note that if the Main Status returned is hex 'FF', this indicates that interrupts are not being received from the controller. This indicates that the system sees the controller as totally non-functional. Also note that the Auxiliary Status byte has no meaning during self-test. The status bytes may also be displayed by the normal controller loading program "*LOAD" by making the following change to the existing program: 1) Enter: LOAD "*LOAD" 2) Enter: LIST 9120 (Should display [IF E9>0 THEN LET X9$="LOAD ...]) 3) Enter the following changes if not contained at end of STNO 9120: Enter: 9120:+" STATUS = "+HTA(BIN(TCB(3),2)) 4) Enter: SAVE The status will now be displayed any time an error occurs while the system is attempting to load the controller via *LOAD. ********************** SYSTEM MODE OF OPERATION *********************** Following the self-tests and loading by the CPU, the controller enters the System Mode of operation. The Main Status byte shown below is for reference only since it will not normally be returned to the operator. Rather, the software will convert the status into a Basic Error code for program handling and the appropriate error displayed to the operator will be the Basic error code. Refer to batch Emulator User's Guide, BFISD 5080, Appendix A, for a description of these error codes. 7:6:5:4:3:2:1:0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I *--> Abnormal condition - Error 99 in Basic, non-fatal I I I I I I *----> Illegal condition - note 1 I I I I I *------> Hardware busy - note 2 I I I I *--------> Overflow; command received while IMLC busy - note 1 I I I *----------> Not used I I *------------> Software busy - note 2 I *--------------> Attention (0) or DMA Completion (1) interrupt flag *----------------> Always 0 in System Mode (1 = Self-test/Monitor Mode) NOTES: 1) Fatal hardware or software error. 2) Error 0 in Basic returned if this bit is set for greater than 10 seconds; if error 0 is returned, the TCB(3) functions will not be valid. ORIGINATOR: J. RIPPL CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB020 Pg002 FIB 00021 05/11/82 *** ERROR 5s during communications using IMLC/SIMLC *** FMK 09-311 has been released for the 13xx and /S80 Intelligent Multi-Line Controllers, P/N 903177, MM870010 (IMLC) and P/N 903273, MM881060 (SIMLC). This FMK should be installed on systems operating with BOSS 4.3A (13xx) or 5.3A, (/S80) and above exhibiting any of the following symptoms: 1. Intermittent Error 5 (Typical Status = 8CC0). 2. Error 5 - During XCOM execution (Communications). 3. Error 5 - During Auto Dial Execution. 4. Error 5 - Conditions during IMLC/SIMLC loading requiring system reset (load) to clear. To determine if this FMK is required, check the self test EPROM at location 6F (IMLC) or 8E (SIMLC). If EPROM is not 165009-051, order FMK 09-311 as follows: MM NUMBER P/N DESCRIPTION MM990028 907199-001 Retrofit Kit, PROM Reference: ECN 7697 ORIGINATOR: J. RIPPL CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB021 Pg001 FIB 00022 06/23/82 *** ERROR 04s and loss of run light on front panel *** SYMPTOM: Disk drives drop ready and all lights on the CPU front panel extinguish with the exception of the reserve light. Power off/on from front panel and a reload are required to restore system operation. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: All CPU voltages appear ok and battery output checks ok. FIX: Defective battery pack. ORIGINATOR: B. GARDNER CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB022 Pg001 FIB 00023 07/13/82 *** 8-way controller addressing on BOSS 4.3 and later levels *** Beginning with BOSS level 4.3, 8 way controller P/N MM081020, detail 904296 only, must be addressed as shown in the following table when it is used as the second controller. That is pins 1 to 14 and pins 5 to 10 on IC location 5A must be jumpered. If this is not done VDT will give message that says T8 - TF not available (defective). This problem only occurs on level 4.3 and up. 4.2 levels work OK. Controller # I/O Ports Controller Address Jumpers in Location 5A ------------ --------- ------------------ ---------------------- 1 ST..........00-07......1B..................1 to 14 2ND...........08-15......1A..................1 to 14 & 5 to 10 3RD...........16-23......1D..................3 to 12 4TH...........24-31......1C..................3 to 12 & 5 to 10 ORIGINATOR: J. RIPPL CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB023 Pg001 FIB 00024 07/30/82 *** ERRORS 3,4,7,11,12,30 caused by Formatter PCBAs below LARL *** This document details the revision levels of circuit board assemblies involved in the correction of disc and file access related errors. Specific corrections. are indicated by assembly such that the field engineer is able to make specific checks as particular errors are encountered. For each circuit board listed, a Lowest Acceptable Revision Level (LARL) is given which contains the required changes to correct the listed problems. ADAPTER BUS (MM 820050, 901970) LARL = P All PCB details. o Correct errors 7, 8, 11, 12. o Prevent corruption of file data. o Correct compatibility with Uptime. o Correct error 4 during system load. o Correct error 30 on systems with reel tape (MTR) and Multi-tasking. FORMATTER BACKPLANE (MM 820080, 902040) PCB detail 902041 LARL = A4 PCB detail 904297 LARL = B o Correct random intermittent errors due to noise. FORMATTER BACKPLANE (MM 826000, 903284) LARL = A PCB detail 904297 o Correct random intermittent errors due to noise. FORMATTER BUS (MM 820030, 901920) LARL = F All PCB details. o Correct errors 7, 8, 11, 12. o Prevent corruption of file data. FORMATTER PROCESSOR (MM 820020, 901960) PCB detail 901961 LARL = A4 PCB detail 902201 LARL = B1 PCB detail 904056 LARL = B8 PCB detail 904290 LARL = C1 o Correct errors 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12. FORMATTER RADIAL (MM 820010, 901930) LARL = L (MM 821010, 903279) LARL = B (MM 842010, 903280) LARL = B (MM 826010, 903285) LARL = F (MM 826020, 903281) LARL = C All PCB details. o Correct error 7, 8, 11, 12. o Prevent corruption of file data. o Report status 43C0 on encountering noise or drive seek busy upon receipt of formatter command. HIGH SPEED DMA (MM 820060, 901980) PCB detail 904193 LARL = E All other PCB details LARL = D7 o Correct memory parity and reel tape (MTR) errors. Reference: ECN's 2040, 2339, 3310, 5006, 5426, 7126, 7595, 7682 ORIGINATOR: J. RIPPL CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB024 Pg001 FIB 00025 07/30/82 *** 8 drive expansion upgrade instructions *** This document details the steps required to upgrade a 510/610/730 system from a four (4) disk drive capacity to eight (8) disk drive capacity. Each upgrade kit consists of the following parts: ITEM DESCRIPTION P/N 1 PCBA Formatter Backplane (903284-001) 2 PCBA Formatter Radial (903285-001) 3 PCBA Formatter Radial Expansion (903281-001) 4 Identification plate (762130-001) 5 Rear panel assembly (Not included with all kits) 6 I/O panel assembly (Not included with all kits) UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Disconnect power from central cabinet assembly. . 2. Remove rear panel of central cabinet assembly. * Remove filter and grille and set rear panel aside for return to stock. 3. Label and disconnect all cabling to and from power supply and remove power supply from cabinet. * 4. Label and disconnect all cabling to and from existing I/O panel and remove panel from cabinet. Set I/O panel aside for return to stock. * 5. Relocate existing clipnuts (8) except lower right and left (2) by raising them 1.75 inches (3 holes). 6. Remove lower front panel. 7. Remove radial board from formatter chassis, and set aside for return to stock. 8. Pull remaining boards loose from formatter chassis to allow removal of formatter backplane. * Not applicable for kits supplied without replacement panels. 9. Remove formatter backplane and set aside for return to stock. 10. Install new formatter backplane, item 1. 11. Secure remaining boards into formatter chassis backplane. 12. Reposition and secure power supply into new location. *13. Install I/O panel, item 6, and reconnect internal cabling. 14. Clean and install filter and grille removed from existing rear panel onto new rear panel, item 5 and install rear panel assembly. 15. Install new radial board, item 2, in position J2 of formatter chassis. 16. Install radial expansion board, item 3 in position J1 of formatter chassis. 17. Reinstall front panel. 18. Mark ID plate, item 4, with required information and apply adjacent to existing ID plate. 19. Return all parts removed to: Sorbus West 2620 South Susan Street Santa Ana, CA 92704 ATTN: Returned Goods 20. Perform ":DT700" diagnostics, tests 2, 4 & 6 (min.), to verify proper disk operation. * Not applicable for kits supplied without replacement panels. ORIGINATOR: J. RIPPL CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB025 Pg001 FIB 00026 08/12/82 *** System halts while opening files on Release 4.3B *** SYMPTOM: Red light halt occurs when an attempt to open a file with a single character file name and the BLK= option is done on release 4.3B. Opening of a file without the BLK=option runs without any problems. The following line of code is an illustration of the problem: 0010 OPEN (1,BLK=1024)"A" FIX: No patch available. It is recommended that either single character file not be used or that the BLK= option not be used on single character named files. The problem will be fixed in a future release. ORIGINATOR: D. FRATER CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB026 Pg001 FIB 00027 08/24/82 *** Hung tasks, system hangs, red light halts running *MTC - Rel 3.7H *** SYMPTOM: Hung tasks, system hangs or red light halts during *MTC activity. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: This problem stems from a bank shuffling problem on release 3.7H. If *MTC is running and excessive shuffling of tasks (starts and releases) occurs, this problem may appear. FIX: If the task running the *MTC utility is started in a bank lower than bank 7 with 128 pages, the problems do not appear. ORIGINATOR: BASIC FOUR CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB027 Pg001 FIB 00028 08/15/83 *** 1600 BPI MTR Controller - old and new styles (MTR/MTS) *** The old MTR controller (MM620010/903183) has been obsoleted by a later version of the controller (MM620011/903310-001). Basic Four Model 6500 Magnetic Tape Drive Service Manuals BFC 8036 & 8036A are now incorrect (BFC 8036B is correct). Manual 8036A shows the correct switch settings for the on-line and off-line operation of the old controller and MTR (S1 closed, on-line; S1 open, diagnostic mode). On the new style controller the S1 switch position is exactly opposite. Controller and tape unit are on-line with S1 in the open position and are off-line with S1 closed. New style controllers at or above revision D are compatible with the magnetic tape streamer (MTS). S4 is used to designate that the attached device is a streamer. S4 is to be OPEN whenever an MTS drive is attached, whether on-line or off-line mode is selected. Be aware that when both the old and new style controllers are in on-line mode, the positions of switches S2,S3, and S5 through S8 are of no importance. However, these switches do become affected when the S1 switch of either controller is set for off-line mode. During off-line mode, these switches allow. certain off-line operations, depending on their settings as outlined below. MTR/MTS CONTROLLER SELF TEST The MTR/MTS controller board has a local self-test capability which verifies correct functionality of the tape interface. An eight-position DIP switch controls the self-test firmware, and its settings are listed below for the new style controller: _____________________________________________ I SW I CLOSED I OPEN I <--- All switches except 1 and I_____I__________________I__________________I 4 are for self-test only. I 1 I Self-test I On-line I I_____I__________________I__________________I I 2 I Unit 0 I Unit 1 I I_____I__________________I__________________I I 3 I Low speed I High speed I I I (25 IPS) I (75/100 IPS) I I_____I__________________I__________________I Switch 4 should always be I 4 I MTR I MTS I <--- set to device type, both I_____I__________________I__________________I on-line & off-line. I 5 I READ I WRITE I I_____I__________________I__________________I I 6 I FORWARD I REVERSE I <--- Affects only reads; writes I_____I__________________I__________________I in forward only. I 7 I $00$ DATA I $FF$ DATA I I_____I__________________I__________________I I 8 I 1024 byte record I 4096 byte record I I_____I__________________I__________________I To operate, - place switch 1 in OPEN position. Load or rewind tape to BOT. Reset controller. This can be done by momentarily pressing the LOAD button on the processor. The green test light should be ON, indicaing that self-test was OK CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB028 Pg001 and that firmware is looping in idle. Set all switches except switch 1 to write records out to EOT. At EOT, tape will begin to rewind. While rewinding, place switch 1 to OPEN. Now set switch 5 to READ. After stopping at BOT, reset the controller again. Start reading tape by placing switch 1 in CLOSED position. Test light should stay ON. If light goes out, it indicates either a data error or a byte count error. The light will stay out until EOT and a subsequent automatic rewind. Then the light will go ON and the test will start over. This test will recycle as long as desired. All tests begin from BOT after performing a reset. Data may be read in reverse, in which case the test still starts from BOT. Write is always in forard direction and switch 6 has no effect. Do not change switch positions after tape has started moving from BOT. During write, an error detected by read-after-write will generate a write gap and continue writing to proceed over defects in the tape. The test light will momentarily go OUT, indicating a write gap. All normal operations of the controller with the CPU require that switch 1 be OPEN, or it will not respond to commands. ORIGINATOR: B. GARDNER CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB028 Pg002 FIB 00029 09/23/83 *** System halts during initialization on Release 4.5A *** Certain configurations of BOSS release 4.5A have been found to halt during OS initialization. The problem appears to be releated to the DATAWORD I printer driver software, as the halt seems to occur only when a DW I printer is configured and then only when two or more 8-way controllers are installed. The halt occurs after the Proprietary Message is displayed and the reverse-video or lower case '8' appears on the VDT's. This is not a hardware problem. If this symptom occurs another BOSS release is required. ORIGINATOR: J. VANDERHEYDEN CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB029 Pg001 FIB 00030 10/20/83 *** ERROR 05 and ERROR 00 on remote terminals and printers *** The 13xx 8-way controllers use a common 750-ohm resistor to supply all attached modems the DATA TERMINAL READY (DTR) and REQUEST TO SEND (RS) signals at a logic high. When an 8-way has a large percentage of its ports attached to modems, the current supplied to those signals may be insufficient, causing modems to drop off line. Lost data or errors 05 and 00 can result. To correct this condition, an ECN has been released, which may be field installed. To do so, remove resistor R22 (750 ohm) and replace it with a 1/4 watt 5% 130 ohm carbon resistor locally purchased. ORIGINATOR: J. VANDERHEYDEN CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB030 Pg001 FIB 00031 10/20/83 *** Trident formatter status information *** During the course of a system command operation, the formatter develops two words of status information which give the user a detailed report of the results of the operation. One of the words presents a formatter oriented status report (FORMATTER STATUS), while the other word gives the user a more detailed report of a specific device (UNIT STATUS). Figure 1 shows the definition of the 16 bus bits representing a status word and is followed by detailed error bit definitions. Note that each time a new formatter status is requested, any error codes associated with the old formatter status will be displaced by error codes (including zero) associated with the new formatter status. BUS BINARY FORMATTER UNIT BINARY BIT WEIGHT STATUS STATUS WEIGHT --- ------ ----------------------- ---------------------- ------ MSB 15 8 ADAPTER BUSY ADAPTER BUSY 8 -------------------- 14 4 DEVICE BUSY Bits 8-14 form a 4 two-character hex 13 2 OPERATION IN ERROR code word. The error 2 condition codes are 12 1 ZERO listed following 1 this figure. If bit 11 8 ZERO 15 is on, the 8 remaining status may 10 4 LOGICAL ADDRESS (4) be invalid. 4 9 2 LOGICAL ADDRESS (2) 2 8 1 LOGICAL ADDRESS (1) 1 -------------------- 7 8 ATTENTION UNIT 7 READY 8 6 4 ATTENTION UNIT 6 ON-LINE 4 5 2 ATTENTION UNIT 5 END OF CYLINER 2 4 1 ATTENTION UNIT 4 OFFSET 1 3 8 ATTENTION UNIT 3 READ ONLY 8 2 4 ATTENTION UNIT 2 SEEK INCOMPLETE 4 1 2 ATTENTION UNIT 1 DEVICE CHECK 2 LSB 0 1 ATTENTION UNIT 0 ADDRESS MARK FOUND 1 LEGEND HEX X X X X (BOSS SHOWS THIS WAY) ---- ---- ---- ---- MSB xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx LSB BINARY (TABLE) Bit 15<---------------->0 Figure 1. Status Presentation CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB031 Pg001 The formatter status routine in the formatter microcode, can only be entered in one of two possible ways. The first way is at the completion of any formatter operation (whether it terminates normally or by error exit). The second way is when an attention bit is found to be set when the formatter is in its idle loop. The status word reported is always the formatter status word except when the unit status word is specifed in a unit select command. FORMATTER STATUS Bit 14 - This bit indicates that the selected device is seeking. Bit 13 - Operation in error. This bit is set if the code found in the unit status word is not zero. See unit status codes. Bits 12 & 11 - These bits are not used and will always be zero. Bits 10, 9, & 8 - These bits form the logical unit number. This number reflects the physical unit number of the device selected. Bits 7 through 0 - These are the attention bits of the various drives in the system. These bits are organized into logical unit number order. UNIT STATUS Bits 14 through 8 - These bits form an error code. The code reflects the condition that caused the error. See the unit status error codes. Bit 7 - Ready. When this bit is set, the selected device is on-line, the heads are at rest, and there is no seek incomplete error. Bit 6 - On-line. When this bit is set, the selected drive is powered up, and the heads are loaded on the disk pack. Bit 5 - End of cylinder. When this bit is set, the drive is indicating that it has received an illegal head number on a set head command. Bit 4 - Offset. When this bit is set, the heads are offset from the nominal center position of the selected track. This is a result of the offset command to the drive. When this bit is set, it is illegal to write or seek. To clear this bit requires an offset head command with zero offset. Bit 3 - Read only. This bit is set whenever the read only switch on the selected drive is set. The drive will not allow writes when this bit is set. Bit 2 - Seek incomplete. This bit is set when the selected drive has not been able to complete a seek within 700 milliseconds of a seek command. To clear this bit requires a rezero command. This bit will also set device check. Bit 1 - Device check. This bit is set when the selected drive has detected a condition that could destroy data accidentally. All operation with the disk is inhibited. To clear this bit requires a clear device check command, except when generated by seek incomplete or illegal seek. The exceptions require a rezero command. Bit 0 - Address mark found. This bit monitors the address mark found flag from the selected drive. This bit will only be set when the flag was found to be true when it was not expected. This is always an error condition when reported. ERROR CONDITION CODES CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB031 Pg002 00 - Clear status. This indicates there were no errors. 01 - Load table count error. After the word count is exhausted in a load table command, a word was found in the input buffer. This can only ocur if more data was presented than the word count indicated. The word count is either implied or embedded in the command depending on the mode used. 02 - Read strobe command error. Both the early and late command bits were found to be on in the set strobe offset command. 03 - No logical device found. During a device select command, the formatter was unable to locate a number that matches the required select number in the device word 7 of any device. This can happen if the logical device numbers are reassigned from the initial configuration, and not all of the numbers from 0 to 7 are assigned. 04 - Buffer error. During a format command, the formatter internal two-word data buffer to the disk contained data when not expected, or the buffer was empty when data should have been present. 05 - Command decode error. The latest command was not in the legal command set. 06 - Format index error. During the format operation, the index was found before the operation was complete. This can occur only if the format specifications will overflow the track. 07 - Format gap error. During the format operation, there was insufficient gap after the end of the last record. 08 - Write protect error. An attempt was made to write into a record in which the write protect flag was set. The write was not performed. 09 - Cylinder miscompare. During an ID search, the cylinder address contained in the ID words of a record did not compare with the address stored in the device configuration table. This may be the result of a seek error. 0A - Head miscompare. During an ID search, the head address in the ID words of a record did not compare with the head address stored in the device configuration table. 11 - Index error. Duuring a write or read data transfer, the index was found before the end of the record. This can only occur if the number of words per record is incorrect in the device configuration table, or there is a formatter malfunction. 12 - Reorientation error. After an ECC correction of an ID field, the correct address mark was not found within two revolutions of the disk. This can occur if the ECC correction did not completely correct the ID words. 13 - No record found. During an ID search, the correct record number was not found. This can also occur if the address mark for the correct record was not found. 14 - Speed buffer error. During a read operation, data was not taken in time to prevent data loss. This indicates buffer overflow. During write, data was not presented soon enough to prevent data loss. This indicates speed buffer underflow. 15 - Write ID/data count error. During the write ID/data command, the user word count in the device configuration table was larger than the number of words per record. Only one record may be handled under the write ID/data command. CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB031 Pg003 16 - Defective track. During an ID search, the defective track flag was set. This indicates that the specified alternate head/cylinder should be used. 17 - Alternate track. During a multiple track operation, the alternate track flag was found in one of the record ID areas. This is protection against multiple track operations writing or reading across tracks that are defined as alternates for other tracks. 21 - ID ECC error. During a verify ID operation, an ID ECC error has occurred. 22 - Read data error. During a read or verify data operation, an ECC error has occurred. The error may be either correctable or uncorrectable. The current record number may be found at device table address 60 (hex). The format of the record number word will be identical to word 1 of the device configuration table. Only location 60 of the device table will contain the current record number. Word 1 of the device table will only contain the starting number of the transfer. 23 - Uncorrectable ECC error in ID field. While attempting to correct an ECC error in an ID field, the error was found to be uncorrectable. This error aborts the current operation. The current record number will be found at location 60 (hex) of the device table. 24 - Uncorrectable ECC error in data field. While attempting the output ECC operation, the ECC error was found to be uncorrectable. 25 - ECC error in data field ECC bits. While attempting to determine the correctable or uncorrectable ECC in the output ECC operation, the error was found to be in the check bits. This requires no corrective action on the data. 3D - Alternate track has an alternate track. Software generated unit status indicating that an alternate track has an alternate track. This should never occur. 3E - Timeout on read or write. Software generated unit status indicating a timeout on either a read or write. This probably indicates a formatter hangup. 3F - Timeout on seek, rezero, or offset. Software generated unit status indicating a timeout on a seek, rezero, or offset command. This probably indicates a formatter hangup. All of the following error codes include the occurrence of an unexpected device status error. 41 - Device status error. A device check or seek incomplete was detected during the initial device status check. 42 - Device offline. During the initial status check, the device was found to be offline. This implies that the heads are not loaded. 43 - Device busy. During the initial status check of the device, the device was found to be on-line but not ready. This implies that the heads are loaded and moving. All of the remaining error codes are the same as the error codes where bit 14 is not set. The fact that bit 14 is also set implies that in addition to the indicated error, a device status error was also detected. ORIGINATOR: J. VANDERHEYDEN CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB031 Pg004 FIB 00032 11/22/83 *** 8-way controller identification/compatibility *** Referring to the following information may help you avoid confusion when using and ordering 8-way controllers. 1. The original 13xx 8-way controller (MM081020/901420) can function as either first or second 8-way. Addressing for this PCBA is controlled by jumpers soldered into the circuit board as follows: I/O Ports Controller INPUT OUTPUT Address --------- ---------- -------- -------- 0-7 1B 3S to 2S 3E to 1E 3T to 2T 3F to 1F 3R to 2R --------- ---------- -------- -------- 8-15 1A 3S to 1S 3E to 2E 3T to 2T 3F to 1F 3R to 2R THIS CONTROLLER, P/N MM081020, IS NOT TO BE ORDERED AS A REPLACEMENT FOR THIRD OR FOUTH 8-WAYS. However, some PCBAs erroneously labeled MM081020 are actually BFISD P/N 903242-001 and have the IC at 4A and the jumper socket at 5A. If any such PCBAs are found, they should be reidentified as MM821020. A description of this part (MM821020/903242-001) is given in paragraph 3 below. NOTE: District administrative staff must make an adjustment in the local inventory in order to retain the visibility and dollar value of the reidentified part. 2. A separate Sorbus internal control number (ICN) was created for second 8-ways. MM700050/901607 is only guaranteed to work as a first or second 8-way. THIS CONTROLLER, P/N MM081020, IS NOT TO BE ORDERED AS A REPLACEMENT FOR THIRD OR FOUTH 8-WAYS. There are various BFISD parts numbered MM700050; therefore, the statement in paragraph 1 above applies here as well. 3. The PCBAs marked 903242-001 on the BFISD yellow tag are Sorbus ICN MM821020. These PCBAs can be used in any of the four positions. THIS IS THE ONLY PART NUMBER (MM821020) WHICH CAN BE SAFELY ORDERED AS A REPLACEMENT FOR THIRD OR FOURTH 8-WAYS. Please avoid using this part in the first and second positions except in emergencies, and when one is found in the first or second position, replace it with MM081020/901420. Place the 903242-001 PCBA in stock as MM821020. The following chart shows correct addressing for all 8-way controllers with a jumper socket in location 5A: Controller # I/O Ports Controller Address Jumpers in Location 5A ------------ --------- ------------------ ---------------------- CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB032 Pg001 1ST...........00-07......1B..................1 to 14 2ND...........08-15......1A..................1 to 14 & 5 to 10 3RD...........16-23......1D..................3 to 12 4TH...........24-31......1C..................3 to 12 & 5 to 10 ORIGINATOR: J. VANDERHEYDEN CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB032 Pg002 FIB 00033 03/25/84 *** System won't load, UPTIME shows Drive 0 read failed *** SYMPTOM: System won't load, uptime canned routines show drive 0 read failed. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Eliminate all DMA boards using a jumper board or by moving controller positions. DMA boards are - IMLC,MTR/MTS,MTC,MCS,HS/DMA controllers FIX: Any DMA controller can cause the DMA channel to fail and cause UPTIME to give incorrect failure information. Replace defective DMA board. ORIGINATOR: D. GOEHRISCH CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB033 Pg001 FIB 00034 05/11/84 *** System hangs - OS Levels 4.5A and 4.5S *** SYMPTOM: The system hangs when either a Dataroyal or Tritel serial printer is powered off or on. A reload is required. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: If the system is operating on either level 4.5A or 4.5S the problem is in the OS. FIX: Upgrade the customer to 4.5B or have the customer power the printer on before loading and leave it on. ORIGINATOR: SPENCER SCHWARTZ CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB034 Pg001 FIB 00035 05/23/84 *** CPU halts, CPU hangs or task hangs after "DELETE" is entered *** A potential halt/hang problem exists on any level 4 system running programs that have been translated from BBI or BBII systems. The problem is rather rare, but can cause system halts, syatem hangs or hung terminals. It is due to a difference between the compiled code of programs compiled under BBII and programs compiled under level 3 or 4, and is apparently limited to programs containing a DEF$ function. If such a program is LOADed into memory and the a console DELETE is executed, a halt or hang can occur. This problem can be corrected by recompilation of the suspect program. Another symptom of the problem is that the system utility for renumbering programs fails on the com- piled code. A method for recompiling BASIC programs is as follows: First define a SERIAL work file for 1000 records and 132 bytes pre record. Name the file "SER001". (1) START a terminal with suficient memory pages to accomodate the program to be re-compiled. (2) LOAD the program. (3) In console mode, execute the following: OPEN(1)"SER001" (4) In console mode, execute the following: LOCK(1) (5) In console mode, LIST the program o "SER001" by typing: LIST(1) (the list make take several seconds - wait for the > ) (6) Close "SER001" by typing: CLOSE(1) (7) Re-START the terminal with the same number of pages used in step (1). (8) OPEN "SER001" again by typing: OPEN "SER001" (9) LOCK "SER001" by typing: LOCK(1) (10) Merge "SER001" into memory by typing: MERGE(1) (the merge may take several seconds and may end with an ERROR 21) (11) Close "SER001" by typing: CLOSE(1) (12) SAVE the program now in memory to it's original name. Repeat the above process for each program that has been translated from a BBI or BBII system AND that contains a DEF$ function. Once recompiled, the newly compiled code will not have the halt/hang potential. ORIGINATOR: D. FRATER CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB035 Pg001 FIB 00036 06/04/84 *** CPU halts, CPU hangs, or tasks hung on any release prior to 4.5B *** There exists a problem with level 4 BOSS which causes the above symptoms. It occurs when binary information is passed to a called program via a call list. An example of the type of data that can cause the problem is the FID of a file, which is largely composed of binary data. A simple call, like the example below, that sends the FID of a disk file to a called program can result in a system halt: OPEN (1)"AFILE" CALL "PROG01",FID(1) To avoid encountering this problem, it is recommended that binary data be converted into decimal format before passing the data to the called program. ORIGINATOR: D. FRATER CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB036 Pg001 FIB 00037 12/07/84 *** Starting with Rel 4.4B defective ports cause port shifting *** Beginning with BOSS release 4.4B, any defective 8-way port causes the OS to shift the port configuration to the next available port during the load. EXAMPLE - System configured for 5 serial ports; 4 terminals and 1 printer: T0 = VDT T1 = VDT T2 = VDT T3 = VDT T4 = PRINTER If T2 on the 8-way becomes defective and the system is loaded - T0 = VDT T1 = VDT T2 = T3 = VDT T4 = VDT T5 = PRINTER The result of this condition is that the VDT's connected to ports 2 and 3 now have FID's of T3 and T4, respectively. Also it is quite likely that the printer if accessed will produce error 5's because of incorrect baud rate and, of course the VDT attached to physical port 2 will not work. ORIGINATOR: S. SCHWARTZ CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB037 Pg001 FIB 00038 02/20/85 *** Math software gives different results than 2000/3000 or MPx CPUs *** The BASIC language on the MPX series and 2000 series CPUs will round all floating point numbers. This is not the case with 13XX systems. On the 13XX, numbers are sometimes rounded and sometimes not. Only certain expressions are rounded. The following are examples: : 13XX : 2000 : 8000 MATH EXPRESSION : RESULT : RESULT : RESULT -------------------:--------------------:--------------------:------------------ 1/N : .083333333333 : .083333333333 : .083333333333 : : : 12/C : 2.0 : 2.0 : 2.0 : : : (1/N)*(12/C) : .166666666666 : .166666666667 : .166666666667 : : : 1/((1/N)*(12/C)) : 6.000000000024 : 5.999999999999 : 5.999999999999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These slight differences can cause large deviations on the same expressions used on both systems. Programs on the 13XX that have expressions that take into account this innaccuracy may not work the same on the 2000 or MPX series. The expression has to be re-written to account for the automatic rounding off by the 2000 and MPX series. ORIGINATOR: BASIC FOUR CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB038 Pg001 FIB 00039 06/17/85 *** Installation information on MCS controller *** MCS.Tape Drives are an 'OFF-LINE' device only. MTC and MTR/MTS may be 'ON-LINE' or "OFF-LINE'. Configuration may include a mix of these devices. However, due to hardware constraints at this time, a MCS Controller (MM540040) and a MTR/MTS Controller (MM620011) may not be installed in a System at the same time. The system will fail to load (halt) if both are physically present. The Silver Diagnostics may not function properly with the MCS Controller in the System (may report MTR present). Diagnostic ":MCS" is available for testing the MCS. Settings for SW1 switch on the MCS controller: All 8 positions "off" for normal operation. The MCS controller must be inserted into one of the first two slots to the left of the CPU set. ORIGINATOR: J. RIPPL CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB039 Pg001 FIB 00040 07/02/85 *** 64K IMLC installation instructions *** New 13xx shipments and IMLC upgrades will include the new style 64K IMLC PCBA (MM831080, 903355-001). This PCBA is NOT interchangeable with the older 32K IMLC. Refer to the specific system configuration to verify proper usage ("*CONF", item #3). Refer to Tech Talk 7-19 for motherboard slot information which applies to both the 32K and 64K IMLC PCBAs. Jumper and switch setting options for the 64K IMLC are as follows: JUMPER OPTION SETTINGS: PINS I XCOM I ICOM I X.21 _______I______I______I_____ 1 - 2 I OUT I IN I OUT Block A (9J) = Channel A Configuration 3 - 4 I IN I OUT I OUT Block B (9N) = Channel B Configuration 5 - 6 I OUT I IN I OUT 7 - 8 I OUT I IN I OUT NOTE: Jumper ICN is YY009330 9 - 10 I OUT I IN I OUT 11 - 12 I OUT I IN I OUT SWITCH OPTION SETTINGS: SWITCH I ON I OFF _______I____________________I__________________ 1 I Parity Error I * Parity Error I Disabled I Enabled * = Normal Position 2 I** Channel A - ICOM I** Channel A XCOM ** = Configuration dependent, 3 I Not Used I * Not Used See above Table 4 I Not Used I * Not Used 5 I Not Used I * Not Used 6 I** Channel B - ICOM I** Channel B XCOM . 7 I Self-Test Escape I * Halt on Self-Test I For Manual Test I Failure ORIGINATOR: J. RIPPL CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB040 Pg001 FIB 00041 10/14/85 *** Machine level software may not run correctly if 't0' VDT is non-B/4 *** Problem : 13xx machine level programs may not run properly without a Basic Four terminal as the command console (T0). Problems may be encountered running SILVER, formatter programs as well as CPU diagnostics. Solution : To be considered maintainable, 13xx systems must have a Basic Four 7250 or later terminal as the command console. (7220 and 7230 terminals may cause hangs in the same manner as do 'foreign' device terminals.) ORIGINATOR: N. JONES CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB041 Pg001 FIB 00042 10/14/85 *** Chassis air filter maintenance information *** Problem: Removable 13xx systems over-heat causing intermittent system problems and component stress. Solution: Dust, paper and other debris can collect on the screen under the fans located under the lower card chassis of newer systems. As part of the normal PM, make sure not only that the filter itself is cleaned, but also that the fixed mesh screen is cleaned to ensure proper air flow thru the system cabinet. ORIGINATOR: J. RIPPL CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB042 Pg001 FIB 00043 11/27/85 *** Intermittant line drop on IMLC operation *** PROBLEM: The cable from the IMLC to the modem can become partially un-seated due to the weight of the cable. SOLUTION: Secure the cable connector to the PCB connector using a tie wrap. ORIGINATOR: J. RIPPL CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB043 Pg001 FIB 00044 01/13/87 *** System slowdowns/hangs won't load - caused by unterminated cables *** SYMPTOM: System slowdowns/hangs, failure to load, some diagnostics run slow. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Check for any RS-232 cables connected to the CPU which are not connected to a serial device. FIX: If at all possible disconnect all unterminated cables. See F.I.B. in the Basic Four Cables section titled "RS-232 PERIPHERAL CABLE TERMINATOR" for details on proper cable termination. ORIGINATOR: N. JONES CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB044 Pg001 FIB 00045 02/15/88 *** P-600 Generates Static, Causes System & Drives to Drop Ready *** SYMPTOM/TEXT: 610/730 system with with two printronix printers (P-150, P-600). All front panel indicators go out except reserve lite, both disk drives drop ready. Must turn front panel power switch off then back on and reload boss, to get system back to a run state, the failure was intermittent (every two - three days). The problem seemed to occur only when printing too P-600 printer. We were able to get failure to occur regularly by printing a job that the customer noticed problems with most frequently. Opening the lid of the P-600 and feeding paper out the front of the printer eliminated the problem. FIX: Added an extra paper rack to back of printer in order to keep paper from running across back of the printer. The increased speed of the P-600 causes the paper to build up more static than the P-150/300. This may cause other unknown problems. Keep in mind the frequency of failure and ability to force failures is dependant on weather conditions and humidity levels. NOTE: This failure only occured with 1-part paper in printer. ORIGINATOR: Barry Matthews/Chuck Herndon CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB045 Pg001 FIB 00046 11/01/89 *** System time reverting to 00:00:00 *** Resetting the system time in SPX, MPX or BBIII systems can be accomplished by using the BASIC command SETTIME. To set the system time to 00:00:00 you would use the statement 0100 SETTIME0. It changes the value of the TIM system variable to 00:00:00. Two accounts (one SPX and one MPX) were experiencing problems with their system times reverting to 00:00:00. Hardware did not fix the problem. A global search was done on the applications programs for the SETTIME command but none were found. However when a global search was done on the entire system a match was found in a GAMES program, the Word Unscramble Game. It used to come standard on BBIII systems. Both of these accounts had previously upgraded from BBIII systems and kept their GAMES programs on the system. Apparently some employees had found out about the GAMES programs on the system and every time they used Word Unscramble it would cause the system time to revert to 00:00:00. This caused serious problems with applications programs that needed the correct system time. Statement 2010 in program .GAMES.%3!12 was the culprit. You can change the statement to a REM statement but the best solution is to just delete the program. ORIGINATOR: Kim Yaworsky CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB046 Pg001 FIB 00047 03/23/90 *** System date changes to 01/01/83 [ WPSF 599 ] *** PROBLEM: *BCOM will change the system date to '01/01/83' if the current date is after 1989. Program ",BBF" has to be changed. FIX: Change line 8050 from: 8050 IF M9<1 OR M9>12 OR D9<1 OR Y9<79 OR Y9>89 THEN GOTO 8050:8080 ^^ ^ The line should be: 8050 IF M9<1 OR M9>12 OR D9<1 OR Y9<79 OR Y9>99 THEN GOTO 8050:8080 ^^ ^ ORIGINATOR: D. Ateritano CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB047 Pg001 FIB 00048 MAI COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 01/11/93 *** Battery wiring information *** Following is a wiring schematic for the battery harness. The batteries provide 8V & 16V for battery backup on the 610/700/730 CPUs. o BLK (RTN) o RED (8V) o WHT (16V) | (TO P/S) | (TO P/S) | (TO P/S) | *--*-------* | *---* | | | | | |______________| | |________________| | |- | 8V BAT +| | |- | 8V BAT +| | |__|_____________| | |__|_______________| | | | *--*------------------------* *---* | *---* | | |______________| | |________________| | |- | 8V BAT +| | |- | 8V BAT +| | |__|_____________| | |__|_______________| | | | | *-------------------------* ORIGINATOR: Allan Mollyhorn CPU-BASIC FOUR-1320,1321,1322,1323,1350,4102--------FIB048 Pg001