From the November 1986 issue of Compute! magazine --- American People/Link It's been almost two years now since American People/Link went online with its combination of news, entertainment, conversation, electronic mail, CB simulation, and games. Among its variety of online clubs, the Commodore Club continues to be one of the most popular areas of use. People/Link users are called Plinkers, and the emphasis is on interaction among members, ease of use, and low cost. Users receive regular printed information updates called LinkLetters. There is a Help system for beginners, as well as Advanced Mode, which lets more experienced members move around more quickly. American Home Network, 3215 N. Frontage Rd., Suite 1505, Arlington Heights, IL 60004; 800-524-0100 (Illinois residents call 312-870-5200); non-prime time access rate is $4.25 per hour at 300 baud and $4.95 an hour at 1200 baud; prime time fees are $11.95 for 300 baud and $12.65 for 1200 baud. (Illinois residents pay $4.25 at all times.) ---