MACHINES: 3B2 RELEASES: 2.1 through 3.2.1 (and beta 3.2.2). SYMPTOMS: 5/10/89 On a 1K or 2K file system large enough for fsck to require a scratch file, fsck can under certain, fairly rare, circumstances claim a clean file system has damage, usually by reporting duplicate blocks. When fsck attempts to repair the false (or any real) damage, it causes additional real damage to the file system. This is sometimes referred to as "getting the creeping crud in the file system". Every time you run fsck to clean it up, it just gets worse. DESCRIPTION OF FIX: You have been sent the fixed fsck program(s). The files include: FILE sum -r ---------- ------- fsck1K 19453 fsck2K 08828 fsck512 57954 README.fsck.txt - The patch is based on UNIX 3.2.1 fsck, though it is being sent out for use on earlier 3B2 paging UNIX systems, and possibly for 3.2.2 if it is not incorporated before the end of beta test for that product. Note that UNIX earlier than 3.2.1 will not have an fsck2K. The fix will be present in UNIX 4.0. INSTRUCTIONS: To install: mv /etc/fsck /etc/Ofsck mv /etc/fsck1K /etc/Ofsck1K mv /etc/fsck2K /etc/Ofsck2K mv /etc/fsck512 /etc/Ofsck512 To preserve the original fsck system. Then: cd /usr/spool/uucppublic/receive/root/cuuxb # (Or to whatever directory you received the fixes in) cp fsck1K fsck2K fsck512 /etc chmod 555 fsck1K fsck2K fsck512 chgrp root fsck1K fsck2K fsck512 chown root fsck1K fsck2K fsck512 (or whatever wild card equivalents you trust). Then: ln /etc/fsck1K /etc/fsck fsck first reads the superblock to determine the type of file system and then exec's the appropriate "real" fsck to do the work. IDENTIFIERS: FILE sum -r what | grep UCS ---------- ------ --------------------------- fsck 19453 fsck:fsck.c 1.33 UCS rbc 5/4/89 fsck1K 19453 fsck:fsck.c 1.33 UCS rbc 5/4/89 fsck2K 08828 fsck:fsck.c 1.33 UCS rbc 5/4/89 fsck512 57954 fsck:fsck.c 1.33 UCS rbc 5/4/89