
Bell System Technical Journal, v62: i7 September 1983

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
1923-1936Stabilized Biasing of Semiconductor LasersSwartz, R.G.; Wooley, B.A.
1937-1954Empirical Evaluation of Profile Variations in an MCVD Optical Waveguide Fiber Using Modal Structure AnalysisCarnevale, A.; Paek, U.C.
1955-1975A Comparison of Line Difference Predictions for Time-Frequency Multiplexing of Television SignalsSchmidt, R.L.
1977-2000On the Recognition of Isolated Digits From a Large Telephone Customer PopulationWilpon, J.G.; Rabiner, L.R.
2001-2009Comparing Batch Delays and Customer DelaysWhitt, W.
2011-2015Batch Delays Versus Customer DelaysHalfin, S.
2017-2036Combined Source and Channel Coding for Variable-Bit-Rate Speech TransmissionGoodman, D.J.; Sundberg, C.E.
2037-2065Alternative Cell Configurations for Digital Mobile Radio SystemsSundberg, C.E.
2067-2089On Continuous Phase Modulation in Cellular Digital Mobile Radio SystemsSundberg, C.E.
2091-2111A Compatible High-Definition Television SystemRzeszewski, T.S.
2113-2114Letter to the Editor 
2115-2118Papers by Bell Laboratories Authors 
2123-2125Total Network Data System: IntroductionSchenker, L.
2127-2146Total Network Data System: Environment and ObjectivesBarrese, A.L.; Parker, D.E.; Robbins, T.E.; Steele, L.M.
2147-2182Total Network Data System: System PlanHall, M.S. Jr.; Kohut, J.A.; Riesz, G.W.; Steifle, J.W.
2183-2207Total Network Data System: Theoretical and Engineering FoundationsHayward, W.S.; Moreland, J.P.
2209-2237Total Network Data System: Data Acquisition and Near-Real-Time Surveillance by EADASByrne, C.J.; Gagne, D.J.; Grandle, J.A. Jr.; Wedemeyer, G.H.
2239-2260Total Network Data System: Network ManagementEbner, G.C.; Haenschke, D.G.
2261-2280Total Network Data System: National Network ManagementBartz, W.S.; Patterson, R.W.
2281-2343Total Network Data System: Equipment SystemsFulton, N.D.; Galiardi, J.J.; Pasternak, E.J.; Schulman, S.A.; Voigt, H.E.
2345-2364Total Network Data System: Trunking SystemBezdek, P.V.; Collins, J.P.
2365-2395Total Network Data System: Central Office Equipment Reports for Stored Program Control SystemsGrantges, R.F.; Fahrmann, V.L.; Gibson, T.A.; Brown, L.M.
2397-2431Total Network Data System: Small Office Network Data SystemBarnes, D.H.; O'Connor, J.J.
2433-2458Total Network Data System: Performance Measurement/Trouble LocationAnderson, D.R.; Evans, M.J.
2459-2471Total Network Data System: Operating Company PerspectivePfeiffer, J. Jr.
2473-2478Acronyms and Abbreviations 
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