
Bell System Technical Journal, v60: i10 December 1981

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
2281-2292Source Coding for Multiple Descriptions II: A Binary SourceWitsenhausen, H.S.; Wyner, A.D.
2293-2306Microprocessor Firmware Update Inventory ModelBrecher, S.M.
2307-2343On the Performance of Phase-Shift-Keying SystemsPrabhu, V.K.; Salz, J.
2345-2358On the Rapid Initial Convergence of Least-Squares Equalizer Adjustment AlgorithmsMueller, M.S.
2359-2371Criteria for the Response of Nonlinear Systems to be L-Asymptotically PeriodicSandberg, I.W.
2373-2395Study of a Time-Compression Technique for TV Transmission Using a Chirp Filter and Envelope DetectionEng, K.Y.; Haskell, B.G.
2397-2420Conformal Mapping and Complex Coordinates on Cassegrainian and Gregorian Reflector AntennasDragone, C.
2421-2423Contributors to this Issue 
2425-2426Papers by Bell Laboratories Authors 
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