
Bell System Technical Journal, v58: i7 September 1979

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
1557-1578The EL2 Electret Transmitter: Analytical Modeling, Optimization, and DesignBaumhauer, J.C.; Brzezinski, A.M.
1579-1591Comparison of Single Heterostructure and Double Heterostructure GaAs - GaAIAs LEDs for Optical Data LinksChin, A.K.; Berkstresser, G.W.; Keramidas, V.G.
1593-1616Adaptive Echo Cancellation/AGC Structures for Two-Wire, Full-Duplex Data TransmissionFalconer, D.D.; Mueller, K.H.
1617-1629Laser Transmitters for 70-MHz Entrance LinksChen, F.S.; Karr, M.A.; Shumate, P.W.
1631-1645Adaptive Aperture Coding for Speech Waveforms-IJayant, N.S.; Christensen, S.W.
1647-1657Statistical Block Protection Coding for DPCM-Encoded SpeechSteele, R.; Jayant, N.S.; Schmidt, C.E.
1659-1671An ADPCM Approach to Reduce the Bit Rate of u-Law Encoded SpeechAdelmann, H.W.; Ching, Y.C.; Gotz, B.
1673-1702Transform Domain Motion EstimationStuller, J.A.; Netravali, A.N.
1703-1718Motion-Compensated Transform CodingNetravali, A.N.; Stuller, J.A.
1719-1723Contributors to this Issue 
1725-1733Papers by Bell Laboratories Authors 
1735-1741B.S.T.J. Briefs: Optically Powered Speech Communication Over a Fiber LightguideMiller, R.C.; Lawry, R.B.
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