
Bell System Technical Journal, v58: i3 March 1979

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
557-576Approximations to Stochastic Service Systems, with an Application to a Retrial ModelFredericks, A.A.; Reisner, G.A.
577-600Variable Rate Coding of SpeechDubnowski, J.J.; Crochiere, R.E.
601-629Objective and Subjective Performance of Tandem Connections of Waveform Coders with an LPC VocoderGoodman, D.J.; Scagliola, C.; Cochiere, R.E.; Rabiner, L.R.; Goodman, J.
631-670Motion-Compensated Television Coding: Part 1Netravali, A.N.; Robbins, J.D.
671-698Multiqueue Systems with Nonexhaustive Cyclic ServiceKuehn, P.J.
699-712A Comparison of the Performance of Four Low-Bit-Rate Speech Waveform CodersTribolet, J.M.; Noll, P.; McDermott, B.J.; Crochiere, R.E.
713-720LED Array Package for Optical Data LinksAlbanese, A.; Holden, W.S.
721-728DPCM With Forced Updating and Partial Correction of Transmission ErrorsSteele, R.; Goodman, D.J.; McGonegal, C.A.
729-769Equivalent Circuits for the Analysis and Synthesis of Switched Capacitor NetworksLaker, K.R.
771-797Determination of the Basic Device Parameters of a GaAs MESFETFukui, H.
799-803Contributors to this Issue 
805-807Papers by Bell Laboratories Authors 
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