
Bell System Technical Journal, v44: i3 March 1965

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
373-399New Concepts in Exchange Outside Plant EngineeringEdwards, H.S.; Hardaway, H.Z.
401-426Epoch Detection -- A Method for Resolving Overlapping SignalsYoung, Tzay Y.
427-437Computation of Lattice Sums: Generalization of the Ewald MethodGrant, W.J.C.
439-453On the Boundedness of Solutions of Nonlinear Integral EquationsSandberg, I.W.
455-494Imaging of Optical Modes -- Resonators with Internal LensesKogelnik, Herwig
495-507Geometrical Optics of Magnetoelastic Wave Propagation in a Nonuniform Magnetic FieldAuld, B.A.
509-525Properties of Random Traffic in Nonblocking Telephone Connecting NetworksBenes, V.E.
527-537Gain of Electromagnetic HornsChu, T.S.; Semplak, R.A.
539-541Contributors to this Issue 
543-546B.S.T.J. Briefs: Modulation of Laser Beams by Atmospheric TurbulenceSubramanian, M.; Collinson, J.A.
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