
Bell System Technical Journal, v43: i5 September 1964

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
1831-1844No: 1 ESS System Organization and ObjectivesKeister, W.; Ketchledge, R.W.; Vaughan, H.E.
1845-1922Organization of No. 1 ESS Central ProcessorHarr, J.A.; Taylor, F.F.; Ulrich, W.
1923-1959Organization of No. 1 ESS Stored ProgramHarr, J.A.; Hoover, Mrs.E.S.; Smith, R.B.
1961-2019No. 1 ESS Maintenance PlanDowning, R.W.; Nowak, J.S.; Tuomenoksa, L.S.
2021-2054No. 1 ESS Bus SystemConnell, J.B.; Hussey, L.W.; Ketchledge, R.W.
2055-2095No. 1 ESS Logic Circuits and Their Application to the Design of the Central ControlCagle, W.B.; Menne, R.S.; Skinner, R.S.; Staehler, R.E.; Underwood, M.D.
2097-2146No. 1 ESS Program StoreAult, C.F.; Gallaher, L.E.; Greenwood, T.S.; Koehler, D.C.
2147-2191No. 1 ESS Call Store - A 0.2-Megabit Ferrite Sheet MemoryGenke, R.M.; Harding, P.A.; Staehler, R.E.
2193-2220No.1 ESS Switching Network PlanFeiner, A.; Hayward, W.S.
2221-2253No.1 ESS Switching Network Framers and CircuitsDanielsen, D.; Dunlap, K.S.; Hofmann, H.R.
2255-2282No. 1 ESS Scanner, Signal Distributor, and Central Pulse DistributorFreimanis, L.; Guercio, A.M.; May, H.F.
2283-2319No.1 ESS Master Control CenterDougherty, H.J.; Raag, H.; Ridinger, P.G.; Stockert, A.A.
2321-2353Line, Trunk, Junctor, and Service Circuits for No. 1 ESSBiddulph, R.; Budlong, A.H.; Casterline, R.C.; Funk, D.L.; Goeller, L.F. Jr.
2355-2439No. 1 ESS Apparatus and EquipmentFerguson, J.G.; Grutzner, W.E.; Koehler, D.C.; Skinner, R.S.; Skubiak, M.T.; Wetherell, D.H.
2441-2456No. 1 ESS Circuit Packs and ConnectorsChevalier, J.G.; Eisenhart, R.K.
2457-2481PROCESS III - A Compiler-Assembler for No. 1 ESSMartellotto, N.A.; Oehring, H.; Paull, M.C.
2483-2531No. 1 ESS Call ProcessingCarbaugh, D.H.; Drew, G.G.; Ghiron, H.; Hoover, Mrs. E.S.
2533-2573Translations in the No. 1 Electronic Switching SystemUrlich, W.; Vellenzer, Mrs. H.M.
2575-2592System Testing of the No.1 Electronic Switching SystemHaugk, G.; Tsiang, S.H.; Zimmerman, L.
2593-2605Contributors to This Issue 
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